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Is the 21st century Catholic Church cowardly?

Myles Domini

Is the contemporary Catholic Church cowardly?  

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[quote name='Damiano' date='04 February 2010 - 08:46 PM' timestamp='1265337987' post='2051437']
***Yeah...like the return of the Inquisition. That would certainly give the world something to "fear" wouldn't it.


Hi Stormstopper. I see you are back to your old tricks again. The Inquisition was several orders of magnitude less fearsome than what certain "Biblical Christians" such as Jimmy Swaggart like to think.

[url="http://www.catholic.com/library/Inquisition.asp"]The Inquisition[/url]

[url="http://www.catholic.com/thisrock/2007/0709tbt.asp"]An Inquisition Primer[/url]

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southern california guy

[quote name='Matty_boy' date='10 June 2005 - 07:55 AM' timestamp='1118415319' post='608649']
I think the American Catholic Church is cowardly with the exception of a couple of bishops that actively take part in calling out heretics. The rest just seems to try to avoid the heat. That and the fact that a bunch of the people that knew about the priests doing bad things to kids didn't take a stand to put a definite stop to it. If a Church leader can't protect the people from one of the ranks that are violent towards church members, then maybe he shouldn't be a Church leader.

It seems that there is no excommunication anymore. The American church continues to give communion -- and even support -- to openly pro-abortion politicians..

[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='10 June 2005 - 12:55 PM' timestamp='1118433305' post='608851']
I think like a lot of people throughout history, some of our leaders are afraid to take a stand because they perceive what they might lose. Whether that be the respect or tolerance of certain groups, the sense of ecumenism that pervades practically everything nowadays, or whatever...if everyone took a stand there would be no such thing as heroes. We'll remember those great people who stood up for the Faith and didn't compromise what can't be compromised. But...they will always be in the minority.

It seems to me that as our American society changes -- so does the American Catholic church.. It seems that there are many "cultural" Catholics here in the America's. They consider themselves Catholic -- but they live with their girlfriends/boyfriend, aren't really anti-abortion (Have had abortions themselves or know other Catholics who have), and have children with their girlfriends/boyfriends. The American Catholic church seems to have taken the position that they're the same as married Catholics. Of course I don't know how they should deal with this problem the best.

I think that there's a fear that these cultural Catholics would be shamed and embarrassed by strong sermons that emphasized traditional Catholic morality. So in an attempt to keep from alienating these Catholics the American Priests don't say much. And in some cases I've seen the Catholic church go to ridiculous lengths to make members feel comfortable within the church. The "Dignity" Masses that are held specifically for homosexual Catholics -- in places like Seattle Washington -- are an example.

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[quote name='guardsman' date='28 May 2005 - 03:01 PM' timestamp='1117254706' post='600326']
We all need to remain calm. The Holy Catholic Church is still leading the way. We're good here. Take a deep breath. :cool:

Well said! We have been through troubled times in our history before and may well do so again at a some point as our future history continues to unfold - and after we have negotiated any current difficulties or problems. "....the gates of Hell shall not prevail".


Edited by BarbaraTherese
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I would have that its not that the Church itself is no longer firmly speaking the truth, but that the lay-people are no longer speaking the truth firmly, or listening closely. I don't believe its the church; I believe we (myself included) have become lax in the manner in which we preach the Gospel, and the world around us has changed accordingly.

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