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Does anyone care to clarify


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If you have a high tolerance for heresy and wish to help a couple of people then go to this blog and view the most recent blogs written (BLOP and God and all things relative). They are written by two different individuals whom need clarification (big time!) However, I will warn you they did use some harsh language in their writtings, so please know this before you go. Remeber to correct with kindness and love! God Bless!


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If I had a Blogger account I'd get on it. Maybe I'll figure out how to set one up later.

[quote name='MC Just' date='May 31 2005, 7:35 PM']they aint even worth it. [/quote]

So many people like this probably just have never heard the truth clearly explained. I can't blame them for being ignorant of it.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='MC Just' date='May 31 2005, 07:35 PM'] they aint even worth it. [/quote]
Are they worth this?


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[quote name='Raphael' date='May 31 2005, 08:06 PM'] Are they worth this?

[img]http://www.chasingthefrog.com/reelfaces/passion/cross.jpg[/img] [/quote]
He thought so.

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Well instead of setting up an account, just post your reply in this thread. I already have an account set up there and will post it under my name. (it is such a hastle when you have user names and passwords all over the place!) :blink: Also, I do believe they are worth the time spent. Every sould is precious. God Bless.

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[quote name='MC Just' date='May 31 2005, 06:35 PM'] they aint even worth it. [/quote]
I hear this on Catholic message boards and it saddens me. Will they bow down to our views right away. Not likely. They will likely rail against them just as the Apostle Paul likely did on the day that stephen was martyred. But the Lord had other plans for him.

We need to be about planting seeds. If those seeds fall on rocky ground that is not our concern. If they fall amongst the briars and thorns that is not our concern either. Plant them we must, for some will fall on good soil and produce thirty, sixty, or 100 fold. And it may just be on a hardened soul like Pauls that killed Christians for a living. Paul went in to the Aeropogus and most of them rejected him. Did that stop his preaching. Peter got the hell beat out of him by hardened souls and thrown in jail. Did he say, I will not preach to these again. The Thessalonians were less noble than the bereans in Acts 17, yet somehow a community of believers started up there.

We cannot know the outcome of our words on these message boards. I recall listening to Tim Staples conversion story and about how he went round and round with this Catholic guy in the marines. He evidently gave the guy no indication that he was bothered by his arguements. But eventually the seeds planted by that man (whom he never named) brought him to be a strong voice for the faith. The seeds we plant may not bear fruit until long after we plant them and it is pride for us to thing we need to reel them in. "I planted, Apollos watered, but the Lord made it grow" Paul says.

My dad had a field that one year came up in clover from end to end. Now he had never planted clover in this field such that there would be a reason for there to be clover seed there. The neighbors said that it had been 20 years since anyone had planted clover there. Well evidently the seed lay dormant all that time until the conditions were right. Don't have the attitude that your words are not effective. Men must wrestle with them in thier hearts and either perish by the truth or come to grips with it and produce fruit, thirty, sixty, or 100 fold. Explain the faith to them.

God bless

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='Qoheleth' date='May 31 2005, 07:11 PM']He thought so.


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If yall want to scourge me because of my attiitude id appreciate it if you would email me or private message me and raphael i dont need you to remind me about what christ did for everyone i'm catholic too.

I said they aint worth it because some people are just too ignorant, its like talking to a wall. I experience it all the time.

Edited by MC Just
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