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My friend and I were having a debate, and he had me convinced, though I'm not exactly sure. I'd like to hear from some authorities on this. The topic was "what exactly is allowed for homosexuals" within the church.

My friend's statement was this, basically:
Everyone is called to chastity- sexual purity in actions and thoughts. Romantic, homosexual feelings are not wrong, but homosexual acts that are sexual are, because sexual acts are only allowed within marriage, and homosexual marriage does not exist. HE says this means that romantic kissing is allowed for homosexuals. He said that everyone is allowed (whether or not they choose to) to have a compainionship that is chaste, and kissing (as long as it is romantic and not sexually intentioned) does not violate that chastity.

I'm not exactly sure this is true, only becasue I've never heard that before. HOwever, he insists it's the Church's teaching and completely rational. I suppose I agree to some extent, though it's extremely difficult to keep a relationship chaste that ultimately leads up to nothing. I've always thought that dating should only occur if both people are looking for marriage, though he said that's not neccesarily correct. Some people, he says, don't want to have kids, but they're allowed to be in a supportive relationship that is chaste (outside of marriage).

I'm trying to be an open minded person, but it's hard for me to imagine two men or two women kissing eachother, even romantically, and it be chaste. Like I said, maybe that's because I'm a Southern girl raised in a strict, zealous, Catholic family, but it's just hard for me to imagine that ever being right. No offense, anyone! I'm ready for someone who knows what they're talking about to shape my opinions.

Naturally, I brought up question "does that mean that there could be homosexual kissing going on in monastaries?" and he said no, because the meaning of chastity changes. Just as sex is chaste within marriage, other situations call for different demands of people, so no, kissing would probably not be appropriate in the religious life.

Help! I want to know if he is right!

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Your right. Kissing and other "romantic" activity should not be practiced among homosexuals. Homosexuality is intrinsically disordered. Dating and romantic behavior, even if chaste, is a preparation for possible marriage.

There should be no homosexual "dating" among Christians. People with SSA should not do anything with members of the same sex that ordinary friends or buddies wouldn't do.

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[quote name='cyndy9w' date='Jul 6 2005, 01:15 PM']My friend's statement was this, basically:
Everyone is called to chastity- sexual purity in actions and thoughts. Romantic, homosexual feelings are not wrong, but homosexual acts that are sexual are, because sexual acts are only allowed within marriage, and homosexual marriage does not exist. HE says this means that romantic kissing is allowed for homosexuals. He said that everyone is allowed (whether or not they choose to) to have a compainionship that is chaste, and kissing (as long as it is romantic and not sexually intentioned) does not violate that chastity.
Your friend is in error, because the Magisterium of the Church teaches that the homosexual inclination itself, "is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil." [Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, [u]Homosexualitatis Problema[/u], no. 3] Consequently, the homosexual condition, although not in itself a sin, is not to be thought of as [i]benign[/i], [i]morally neutral[/i], or even worse, as [i]a good[/i]. Moreover, like all other disordered inclinations (concupiscence) it must be overcome by the power of God's grace, and this of necessity involves avoiding the near occasions of sin. In other words, a person who is afflicted with these evil desires, must shun them, and must not identify himself with these disordered tendencies.

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Guest Eremite

[quote]People with SSA should not do anything with members of the same sex that ordinary friends or buddies wouldn't do. [/quote]

Good way to put it.

I don't think it's appropriate for unmarried men and women to french kiss, let alone two men.

However, the root of homosexuality is a desire for friendship. It is commendable for homosexual persons to form strong friendships of support with one another. By doing so, and living a life of chastity and virtue, they will purify their desire for friendship from disordered sexual affections.

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dating is used to discern for marriage or prepare for marriage- its like sorta a premarriage sorta thing so homosexual dating is wrong simply because homosexual marriage is wrong

and making out is wrong- its not chaist

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Thanks everyone!

I agree that most often, French kissing is a sin, or is at least a serious occassion for it. I [i] mostly [/i] was talking about a romantic kiss.

I appreciate your responses.

God bless you, have a great day!

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