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God As Your Husband


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i was listening to the radio. and a girl was talking about how her husband died. the radio host said God is her husband and they said a prayer asking God to be her husband. where in the bible does it say this? what did it mean? does it apply only to women and does it apply to heaven?

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I don't know about the husband thing. I think a little more context of the conversation is needed.

I just wanted to post and say Hi! Glad to see you here. You and your family has been in my prayers. I pray that God is working in your lives and that all of you are letting Him help you. How have things been?

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up and down like always. i ditched all my partying friendz, so not too much of that scene for me. me and amber are still working out our problems, together. actually its been pretty boring. :P

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Dude, sometimes boring is good. Sometimes your life is too exciting. :huh:

I figured you'd put in the effort to work at things. There wasn't nothing wimpy about you otherwise you wouldn't have been a man about a lot of the stuff you've dealt with. B)

When you face up to the choice of the friendz or amber, your daughters mom's gotta rule if she's half as great as you've described. You ain't gotta drop the toast twice to figure out what side it's buttered on. :P

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I'M Glad You are Back too!

As for your wondering about the radio conversation, I really don't like the way that came about and the response. It is confusing!

Here is the way I understand the 'husband' thing:

We are taught that we (the Church as a whole) are considered the 'Bride of Christ.' That in itself can be confusing especially if you are of the 'male' gender. In this case, we have to keep in mind that in heaven, there is neither 'male nor female.' That means that the whole scene being discussed here is a 'word picture.' A Parable if you will.

Jesus is the Groom, the Church is His Bride. Why would someone write like this? Its like the parables in a way, in that here the Marriage is talked about as the most sacred form of Love between two parties. (We forget that when we think about man/woman marriage sometimes.)

Jesus paid 'the Bride Price' for us when He redeemed us by His sacrifice on the Cross. That, 'espoused' us to Him. (we now belong to him like a pledged fiance') The wedding and the wedding feast will take place after the last day, when judgements have been completed, and the sheep are separated from the goats, and the 'redeemed and justified' have been clothed in their 'wedding garments.'

It is a huge coming together in the most perfect form of love possible!

As we look at the word picture and really think about it, we still can only begin to imagine what it will be like. Think about the biggest, most lavish wedding you know anything about, and maybe you can begin to get a bit of a picture. Even then, what we know is only the very tip of the iceburg!

Hope this helps some.



Edited by Ekilharas
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i cant begin to describe amber. she was my only friend when i met her. she helped me through sortin out my life when no one else would. i was so confused and she set an example for me to trust peole again. i was alone and promised i would marry the next girl i met. she came along and i was sketchy about trust. i was only wanting one thing from a girl for me to commit all i could. faithfullness. its all i needed. it was non negotiable and everything else could b worked on. she proved far beyond that. she changed her life and committed to me everything she had. people close to her started dyin. and she waits to lose me too. she helped to change alot more about myself that i needed to change. but im scared for her. shes blind to life now. she doesnt see anything for what it is. life is a dream and her reality is far beyond the opposite of that. she admits to givin up and pushing people away. its not what she wants to do, but it hurts her to feel helpless if she dont. the last thing i told her was i had a feeling about what we needed. i told her time was a good idea. and the best thing i could do for myself is to learn more patience. were gonna start to go to counseling where they find anwsers for us from the bible. belee me shes more than worth the waith and the effort. thanx for carin. i appreciate it brother.

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Theologian in Training

i was listening to the radio. and a girl was talking about how her husband died. the radio host said God is her husband and they said a prayer asking God to be her husband. where in the bible does it say this? what did it mean? does it apply only to women and does it apply to heaven?

It is confusing, more so for men than women. However, if you were to read some of St. John of the Cross' poetry you would see this idea come to the surface.

I must admit that I too sometimes have difficulties with the image of Jesus as my spouse, however, someone brought up a good point one time when speaking about this. Sometimes, she said, it helps to approach the idea of a spousal relationship with Jesus by way of Mary. Now that is not to say that Mary is God or equivalent with Him, rather, if we truly believe that when we speak to Mary and she is bringing those prayers to God, that in essence we are learning to love God more and more. Sometimes it helps to view Mary as a window, you see God "face to face" but you realize there is a pane of glass between, and that upon that realization you realize you are loving God through Her rather than Her alone. I mean She has been named as "the first tabernacle," by a myriad of saints, and we don't love the metal box where Jesus resides, we love Jesus who dwells within.

In fact, that reminds me of a discussion I had with someone here who said that when we see a beautiful woman, who also happens to be holy thereby making her even more radiant, we are actually loving God who dwells within her, rather than her alone. It is, I think, what the saints meant when they said they would see Jesus in the poor, the sick, and the like. It isn't pantheism, because we are not saying that they are gods themselves, rather, it is the life of Christ that we see in others...we see on an external surface what Paul said of himself, "it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me." It is a great mystery, that I daily struggle with, and not an easy thing to understand or recognize, by any means.

Just some thoughts in my own coming to terms and understanding of that great mystery. Hope they help.

God Bless

Edited by Theologian in Training
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