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Why did God allow the Fall?


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"God wouldn't have to fight to defeat Satan forever."

sorry, what was I thinking? Of course God already did defeat Satan forever, insofar as there was ever a challenge from that pathetic loser. I meant, God wouldn't have to fight to erase Satan's continued existence. In his ridiculous defeated state.

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In order for God to create us and show his love he had to create us with free will. Without freewill we would just be fleshy robots doing what we were programed to do. The greatest show of God's love is allowing us to reject him. That way when we choose to love him in retrun our love is also a greater love than the love that is forced. If we were created with free will, but no chance to use it then what is the point of free will? God had to allow for an oportunity to exercise the free will thus, putting the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden. Adam and Eve could have choosen to not eat of the tree, thus preserving paradise on earth, exercising there free will, and choosing to accept God in Love. However they choose to eat of the tree exercising there free will, and causing the fall. The fall in return creates more knowledge of everything, and allows for greater evil and sin to rampage over the world thus tainting creation.

I hope this makes sense,


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