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King Kong


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this movie is so racist it's not even funny. Peter Jackson needs to stay away from epics and get back to pure blood and guts horror.

Edited by PadreSantiago
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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Dec 20 2005, 05:33 PM']this movie is so racist it's not even funny.  Peter Jackson needs to stay away from epics and get back to pure blood and guts horror.
Does it perpetuate negative stereotypes about giant apes and other repressed minorites?

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i haven't seen it yet...looks great though!

there have been major box office problems with this film: it has only been out for a week, but (not surprisingly) "Narnia" tops it. Meanwhile "Kong" loses money one day, gets some more the next...and becomes #1movie in America now! the private screening critics loved it, yet some other critics diss it. i don't get it. it has been declared a box office flop

i'm still going to see it soon, but i feel sorry for Peter Jackson...remaking King Kong was his lifelong dream!

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Dec 20 2005, 04:40 PM']Does it perpetuate negative stereotypes about giant apes and other repressed minorites?


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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Dec 20 2005, 06:33 PM']this movie is so racist it's not even funny.  Peter Jackson needs to stay away from epics and get back to pure blood and guts horror.

yeah, right.

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i saw this movie last night. it was spectacular, and i really enjoyed it. it was never slow (and it wasn't racist at all). it is a very good use of 3 hours!

:D: :D: :D: ^_^

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[quote name='jmjtina' date='Dec 18 2005, 07:35 PM']:)

I really, really, enjoyed this movie.

I screamed, laughed and just about teared up. (Come on, when Kong died!!!!)

"There's only one thing that could have made tracks that big."

" The Abdomitable Snowman" :rolling:

it was funny too!

"The check says '2 grand'".

"i'm sorry...here! 2000 dollars. what's the date? the 26th?"

"it's the 25th"

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It was alright. I'm not into movies that last that long though. I was anticipating King Kongs death (and the little snob he loved) from the begining of the movie. It really dissapointed me that it took soo long for that to happen. It was kinda cool that she got to be with that writer though... i guess. I still don't understand one thing:

HOW DID THEY GET KONG INTO THE U.S. TO BEGIN WITH? They never showed that. I imagine they dragged him there in their little boat....

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[quote name='musturde' date='Dec 23 2005, 05:51 PM']It was alright. I'm not into movies that last that long though. I was anticipating King Kongs death (and the little snob he loved) from the begining of the movie. It really dissapointed me that it took soo long for that to happen. It was kinda cool that she got to be with that writer though... i guess. I still don't understand one thing:

HOW DID THEY GET KONG INTO THE U.S. TO BEGIN WITH? They never showed that. I imagine they dragged him there in their little boat....

i agree...but i bet they didn't really want to show the trip back because then the audience would be saying, "that's impossible...he'd break out, wreck the ship and kill the crew!" Instead, they just implied that he was brought back to new york.

on a side note, those natives were REALLY CREEPY! i started cringing right before they gave Ann to Kong

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Dec 19 2005, 07:26 AM']It's a Peter Jackson film, long is a given. I personally loved it, just like LOTR's when he does digusting, it is disgusting, and when he does beautiful it is beautiful.


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[quote name='jmjtina' date='Dec 18 2005, 08:35 PM']when Kong died!!!!

NO!! :( You ruined the ending!!

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I thought they could have cut an hour and a half solid out of the middle of the movie (including the all twenty seven times when the camera pans onto yet another T-Rex lurking right behind Anne just when she thought she was safe), and it would have been better. I thought the weepy scenes were overdone, and somebody really misinformed Peter Jackson when they told him that the more dinosaurs you put in a movie, the scarier it is.

I'm sorry to be a party pooper, I just am not a fan of Peter Jackson's movies. I think he's utterly incapable of any sort of subtlety, and the only way he knows to make a movie more exciting is to have more people screaming in it. Let's not even discuss the butchering he did of my favorite books in the entire world...

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I don't understand your butchering comment since I can't even imagine a better visual retelling of LotR, but I did enjoy King Kong. Besides the simply amazing "ooo" and "aaa" scenes (which in my opinion Narnia lacked :(), it had an interesting twist "beauty killed the beast." It also has a great lesson about the image of God in the movie that I plan on using some day.

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