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Got a letter today...


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I first e-mailed her last week to ask about FSGM and we've shared a few e-mails since then. I received a letter from her this afternoon, and I was so stoked I was literally doing laps around my kitchen. My vocation journey seems to have been on hold for a while, and it finally feels real again.

Sister M. Beata seems to have such a welcoming spirit, and such a peaceful joy about her. The fact that she took the care and time to sit down and write me a letter really threw my own life into sharp relief. I spend so much time running around like a chicken with my head cut off that even when I make time to reflect and pray, I can't focus the way I should in order to know the Lord better. Just this afternoon, I fell asleep in Adoration because it was the first time all day that I'd sat down and not had my mind going a million miles a second.

I feel like I have so many questions for Sister, but everything is so jumbled. I'm trying to sort out what's really important to know from what's not. The next few weeks are going to be that stage where a lot of communities are sending me info, and I'm kind of lost as to how to really begin discerning exactly where I'm supposed to be. I don't have a clear picture of the kinds of things I need to be asking, the kinds of information I need to be finding out.

I seem drawn to a community which prays the liturgy of the hours, engages in an active apostolate, places a high value on communityy and wears the habit. That doesn't really narrow it down. I have some idea of the kind of apostolate I might be called to (something social service related....counselling, teaching, maybe retreat work or parish ministry....but that's not narrowed down either, is it?) So much to think about right now.

But....I nearly fell over when I saw that the FSGM prayer for vocations references Mary's words at Cana, "Do whatever he tells you." These were the very words that resonated with me the first time it dawned on me FOR REAL that my most likely calling was to the religious life. I'd been praying the luminous mysteries of the Rosary, and those words just echoed from the Blessed Mother's mouth. "Do whatever He tells you." And there, kneeling in the dark, it smacked me full in the face that indeed I was called to open myself [i]fully and completely[/i] to the possibility of being be a bride of Christ.

Please pray for me. The Lord knows I will need it!

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First off, prayers for sure!!!!

Second, there are many here on the boards who have met the Marytrs. Some of us have had prolonged interaction and discernment with them, and others just brief encounters. I myself just got back from retreat with them. And I can second everything you said about Sr. Beata. She is truly a HOLY and JOY-FILLED woman. I am blessed to know her and hear her wisdom on my discerment journey.

Prayers of course, and keep us posted!!!

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Hey! glad you had such a good experience with Sr. Beata, I've heard great things about her! I notices that you're from Canada and you might want to check out the [url="http://www.sistersofourladyimmaculate.com/main.html"]Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate[/url] I haven't visited them, but their based in Cambridge, ON and just opened in new formation house in Glen Morris.

They wear the habit ( navy blue!), pray the liturgy of the hours (morning, evening and night prayer), and make a daily holy hour of Adoration. Their two main apostolates are catechism and care of the elderly.

They seem like a very young community and they even have a former phatmasser among their ranks!

What other communities have you looked at? just curious....

good luck with everything!

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Hi! I LOVE the FSGM!! And Sr. M. Beata is such a joy and is so patient with me! You must have been one of the people she had to go write a letter to when I emailed her a little while ago! :) In fact, I just ran into Sr. Consulata this evening! They're all around me! j/k

Keep us posted on how things go (once you decide to stop running around :) )! Prayers!

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I think that you will LOVE the Marytr's (Alton Franciscans). Sr. Beata is a gem. She is very patient and kind, good luck in your discernment with them, they are an awesome bunch! :cool:

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I don't know how many communities you have looked at so far, but based on what you are attracted to in an apostolate, maybe you could take a look at these communities too:

Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma Michigan

Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist--Connecticut

God bless!

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Sister Beata is awesome I met two Sisters of theirs at the vocation camp, Sister Margaretta and Sister Theresia, then I met three AWESOMEST ones at the House of Formation - Sister Mary Redempta, Sister Stephania, and Sister Mary Philomena, Sister Philomena ROCKZ my SOX!!!!!! She is awesome, so unique, and touches me in an unique way.

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[quote name='stlmom' date='Mar 15 2006, 09:45 AM']Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist--Connecticut
stlmom, I just emailed their VD and she sent me some wonderful information about their community!!!

Has anyone else been in contact with[b] [url="http://www.fsecommunity.com"]the FSE community?[/url][/b]

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Praised Be Jesus Christ!

I have never discerned with the Marytrs as I'm discerning a call to cloistered contemplative life, but have read wonderful things here on PM about them and know that I am keeping you in my prayers, just pray alot and keep your heart open to our lords will and he will guide you to the community he is calling you too!!

God Bless You!

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[quote name='shortnun' date='Mar 16 2006, 08:50 PM']Has anyone else been in contact with[b] [url="http://www.fsecommunity.com"]the FSE community?[/url][/b]
I think I met one of their sisters once, but I can't tell you much about them.

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[quote name='magnificat' date='Mar 20 2006, 04:25 PM']I think I met one of their sisters once, but I can't tell you much about them.
We can talk about them when we meet for coffee!!! :topsy:

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