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cathgirl welcome to phatmass.

there is a checkin thread inopen mic if you want to introduce yourself. :)

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First of all, I didn't read through all of the post b/c I don't need stuff "proved", I grew up believing in it and it makes perfect sense to me.

and "making perfect sense" makes a doctrine true? and because you grew up believing it makes it true? You will question someday, and will it become your own belief "because your parents said so" or because you actually see it Scripturally and (if you are Catholic Church) Traditionally.

Do you not realize that you have to be PURE to enter the kingdom of heaven?  Don't you want to be as PURE as possible when you are finally with GOD? 

I'm sorry, but I think we should rejoice in the thought of Purgatory!  GOD is so amesome to have a place for us to become purificated instead of going straight to Hell. 

I think you are misinformed as to what the Catholic Church teaches purgatory to be. Only those that are saved will enter purgatory. It is for the final purification, the ultimate end of sanctification, not for "temporal punishment for those just making it into the hell range but not heaven range". And yes, I realize that in heaven I will be pure. However, read back over my last few posts and you'll realize that protestants agree! And those that don't hold to purgatory agree we will be pure in heaven. Maybe you should ask how that is, instead of just thinking that we believe you are corrupt in heaven or something.

As you can tell, I think that our actions do have something to do with what happens to us after death.  It's not that we are "working" our way to Heaven, it's that we have to imitate Christ.  I don't understand the whole "being saved in moment" thing, and I don't want to start anything on this post, but how can you say a few words thinking that you are saved for sure.  You can sin your whole life and go to Heaven?  (I know Jesus died for us, but that doesn't change the fact that you shouldn't sin, or be pure when you enter Heaven)

Amen, our actions do have something with what happens after death. And that is rewards. Punishments for the ones without their name in the book of life, and rewards for those in the book of life. I think it is safe to say that is true according to revelation.

As I said before I don't understand the "saved" thing so don't critisize me on that paragraph.

wrong wrong wrong wrong ;)

I would suggest you read over the thread. And consider some of the following things.

a) Purgatory is not supported biblically

b) Purgatory is supported "possibly" from Jewish myths, ones that exist before Christ came and go right along with the myths of no angels, no resurrection, and no inerrant Scripture.

c) if we receive new bodies (which we do), and our sinful nature is contained in our old self (which it is), then what praychance, will need to be purged from us? When we see Christ we will be like Him, i.e. with our new bodies. We have nothing to purge.

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Nothing impure can enter heaven.

2 Macc 12:43

He then took up a collection among all his soldiers, amounting to two thousand silver drachmas, which he sent to Jerusalem to provide for an expiatory sacrifice. In doing this he acted in a very excellent and noble way, inasmuch as he had the resurrection of the dead in view;


for if he were not expecting the fallen to rise again, it would have been useless and foolish to pray for them in death.


But if he did this with a view to the splendid reward that awaits those who had gone to rest in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought.


Thus he made atonement for the dead that they might be freed from this sin.

We don't get our new bodies until the old ones are clean. God isn't about to trade something impure in for a resurrected version.

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We don't get our new bodies until the old ones are clean. God isn't about to trade something impure in for a resurrected version.

a) I don't believe Macc's is inspired. And there's five, possibly six macc's anyway.

b) what kindof logic is that? It isn't a trade, it is grace. It is a gift. That is what grace is. Just like salvation, a gift, completely.

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