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Stupid nightmares


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I had this horrible dream that my son was killed along with some other children in a fire (or something-- that part wasn't too clear).... But the aftermath of his "death" was really sad. I hate nightmares like that. :sadder: I'd rather be chased by monsters or the KGB or whatever. This was way too real...

He's sleeping next door so I can't even go check on him... :weep:

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Brother Adam

I hate nightmares. It is often an indication of too much stress in my life.

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They also tend to leave that unsettled feeling, even when you know that it wasn't real.

...or maybe that's just with me...

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I think it was partly triggered by my not really saying, "Goodnight" to my son last night. He's slept away before-- no biggie. He was playing outside and my daughter came in and went to bed, but my son didn't go in until his friend did. And I didn't "double check" to make sure he got in okay. I mean, I know he did, but I didn't see it.... So, I must have been a little unsettled...

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Brother Adam

I picked up the sleeper my mom(grandma) bought us and thought "omg there is going to be a baby in this in 6 months. That's just not right. I'm the baby!


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Yeah, but in my dream the fire wasn't next door... and there were more children involved. It was just sad. I was living in "next year" without him-- no more funny stories, no first communion, no more homeschooling him, no more deep (to a seven year old) conversations... :sadwalk: I was really glad to see him wander in this morning.

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usually when its nightmares like that they just seem so real.....some more than others, something definitely to dislike. I usually blame it on any movies I've seen beforehand.

the remedy is some holy water and prayers for the rest of the night comfort!!

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dreams can be freaky.. I don't think I've ever had that bad of a dream though.. The worst dream I"ve had lately was that I was morbidly obese but everyone was lying to me and pretending that I wasn't.. that was a crazy dream. :hehehe:

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No chance of that! Serious-- no way! I wouldn't lie to you. It's the truth.

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Last night I fell asleep on the couch in front of the TV. About a half hour later I felt the presence of someone to my right but I could not move to see who it was. I was then being pushed down in the couch and I started to ask Jesus to help me out and I was shortly awakened out of it. I was not sure if it was a dream or what but it has happened to me a few times as of lately.

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