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Your Favorite Protestant Preacher?

Bruce S

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If anyone wants to listen to the BEST of the entire lot, and I've heard about 100 different protestant preachers, and you have Real Audio installed, listen to this guy. He is young, pastors one of the top 10 largest church's in the USA, in Fort Lauderdale, he used to run a female strip club in Vegas, worked for record companies before being a preacher, FUNNY, literate, topical, and without a doubt the very best online, put him on in the background.

Bob Coy is NOT your normal preacher, he is from Calvary Chapel, but I've never heard him offer even a little hint of what they as a denomination believe. His teaching seems to be applicable to any denomination, NO bias whatsoever that I've ever heard, and I've listened to about 150 his past sermons online over the past few months.

yea I hear this guy all the time on the radio, he's amesome.

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does Scott Hahn count?  although i like his post conversion talks...  :lol:

A gifted man I think. Good one even though Bruce is asking about Protestant preachers.

Edited by socalscout
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Ditto to PedroX's sentiments here, I love Ravi and RC Sproul -- they both have compelling intellectual arguments. Good stuff.

When I was a kid, we listened to James Dobson and Focus on the Family a lot, but I haven't listened for years, and my feelings about J.D. are ambivalent at this point.

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R.C. Sproul is very good. So is H.A. Ironside, and Joseph Stowell (pres of moody), and John Piper (very passionate) and John MacArthur

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I grew up with Billy Graham, sang in choirs at several of his crusades in the early days. He is and always was and will be a grand man of God. He never asked anyone to do anything but believe in Jesus and that he came to be our sacrifice on the cross.

I don't really know of anyone that will ever match him effort for effort. His love for everyone says it all.



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A gifted man I think. Good one even though Bruce is asking about Protestant preachers.

ummmm that was a joke because Scott Hahn used to be a Protestant minister...that's why i said i like his "post-conversion" talks better....make sense?

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Uhhh, does C.S. Lewis count?

Also, C.H. Spurgeon was a Calvinist and spoke a lot on the sovereignty of God in Salvation. While I dont agree with the way he as a Calvinist expresses his soteriology, I agree with him that God is totally sovereign in salvation, and that salvation is totally free and by grace alone. (I'm a Thomist, which is as close as a Catholic can come to being a Calvinist)

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Also, Greg Bahnsen, although I haven't heard anything else he said (he's another Calvinist) said "We do not know what the Future holds, but we know Who holds the future"

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Peppermint Patty

he's part of all thhat word-faith insanity.

hmm, didn't know that.

I agree with those who admire Billy Graham, too, he's great!

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ICTHUS, remind me what a Thomist believes? If you could in reference to Calvinism. I myself believe in 4/5 points of Calvinism, I can't agree with limited atonement. If you have an article which describes the beliefs of Thomism I would be interested in reading it as well (if thomism is a word)

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