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MASS-ive problem


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Time to see where my soul is going. Is missing chuch by reason of just not being able to get their a sin? I had the late shift at work today, (so no sat mass) and I will be leaving with my dad at 8am tomarow which is before the first mass lets out and way before I can jog from church to home. I would like to make it to chuch and I could if I just blew my dad off but that seems like a non-perfect answer (hes been looking forward to this for about a year now). I am being torn apart by cognitive dissonance.

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What is so important that your dad can't wait a few minutes for you?

How about your dad going to Mass with you?

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Is there any way you could ask your father to bring you to Mass? If not, I think God will understand. Just set apart some time during the day for prayer to make up for missing Mass.

Oh, and you can always ask your Priest the next time you go to confession, just to ease your conscience.

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Ask and tell them it's important to you; it couldnt hurt. If they say no, like I said, I think God will understand this one time so you can spend time with your father. But, in the future, try to think ahead so that you can plan to attend Mass before you go; maybe ask him to pick you up a little later.

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Thanks, I just have to keep praying the prayer for serenity:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

otherwise Im going to die an early death with how much this stresses me.

Edited by 2xbob
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Yes you really need to work through this stress. If you do not you might mentally crack by coming up with ideas like justification is by faith alone to the rejection of Mass attendence and other wacky stuff. :)

(Someone who has more time, post the CCC to show our brother he should not stress this much for not making it to mass due to circumstances outside of his control)

Finally, check out one of our recent threads on working on the Sabath.

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CCC 2180 through 2183 refer to "The Sunday obligation". CCC 2181 and 2183 refer to instances when one cannot make it to Mass:

[quote][b]2181.[/b] The Sunday Eucharist is the foundation and confirmation of all Christian practice. For this reason the faithful are obliged to participate in teh Eucharist on days of obliugation, unless excused for a serious reason (for example, illness, the care of infants) or dispensed by their own pastor. Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin.[/quote]

CCC 2183 mentions "lack of sacred minister or for other grave cause".

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If you cannot make it to mass THROUGH NO FAULT OF YOUR OWN then you need to take a spiritual communion. which means if you desire with all your heart to take communion then no its not a mortal sin. your father should find it purdent to care for your spiritual well being. even if he is Atheist he should respect your your Faith and the guildlines of your faith.

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Well all Is said and done, I found out why we couldnt delay though. We were going with two other people. Changeing all their plans may have proven tough.

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[quote name='2xbob' post='1038689' date='Aug 6 2006, 01:40 PM']
Well all Is said and done, I found out why we couldnt delay though. We were going with two other people. Changeing all their plans may have proven tough.
as i said if you intended to go but could not for no fault of your own then there is no mortal sin. are you a convert? if so how long ago?

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[quote name='pyranima' post='1038708' date='Aug 6 2006, 05:27 PM']
as i said if you intended to go but could not for no fault of your own then there is no mortal sin. are you a convert? if so how long ago?

Convert? Hmmmm, kinda. A cradle Catholic whos parents didnt go to church so nither did I. When I could finaly walk the distance to my church it burned down and moved further :sadder: . I went to church when I could but with no consistancy. When the first mass of the rebuilt church came three years ago, there I was for the 10:30 mass. Since them through sickness and health I have only missed mass twice, I believe (once this time and once because I was late getting back to the college campus). I guess all those years of not being there really makes me hate missing another one.

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[quote name='2xbob' post='1039255' date='Aug 7 2006, 03:24 PM']
Convert? Hmmmm, kinda. A cradle Catholic whos parents didnt go to church so nither did I. When I could finaly walk the distance to my church it burned down and moved further :sadder: . I went to church when I could but with no consistancy. When the first mass of the rebuilt church came three years ago, there I was for the 10:30 mass. Since them through sickness and health I have only missed mass twice, I believe (once this time and once because I was late getting back to the college campus). I guess all those years of not being there really makes me hate missing another one.
Here Here, Give a round for Bob.

While your not a convert you are a convert as you were not raised Cathoilc. Welcome Home the Jesus's Church

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