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Pope's new deputy backs U.N. as world peacemaker


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[quote]Pope's new deputy backs U.N. as world peacemaker

Pope's new deputy backs U.N. as world peacemaker
Sunday September 3, 05:01 PM

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - [size=5][b]The man appointed by Pope Benedict to be his new secretary of state has given his strong support to the United Nations as a peacemaker and said the Church also had a role in mediating to stop conflicts[/b].[/size]

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who becomes what is often dubbed the "deputy pope" on Sept. 15, said in a newspaper interview on Sunday that the Vatican had "great faith in the role of the U.N. and the international organisations involved in resolving conflicts".

In an interview with La Repubblica daily, Bertone said the United Nations was "always in the front line for the values of living together and mediation" and he backed Italy's military support for the Lebanon peace keeping mission.

"In the past we have already seen what Italian soldiers are capable of. They were, for example, in Kosovo, in Serbia ... I have seen how much good well our countrymen have done for those populations," said the former archbishop of Genoa.

The appointment of the 71-year-old Bertone was one of the most important in a series of changes Benedict has made in the Vatican's hierarchy since becoming Pope in April 2005.

Bertone, who takes over from Cardinal Angelo Sodano, will oversee the Vatican's relations with countries around the world.

He said the Church had a calling to mediate between conflicting parties.

"The Church talks to everyone and tries to perform its mission with all, even dictators," he said, defending Pope John Paul's visits to Chile and Argentina in the 1980s.[/quote]

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Vatican wants peace :saint: ....Budge offended :maddest:

In a related story...Captian Obvious makes appearance on PM...wants drive thru chinese food for some reason..... :japanese:

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The peace of the UN is not the peace of Jesus Christ.

They are one world globalists who want a one world government.

I have already posted things about how the UN is a really a COMMIE organization.

Your Popes have been promoting the NWO, via the UN and globalist elites.

I notice all the posters who are against the UN, havent answered this one yet, I doubt any will come forward.

From other discussion of the UN on page 2.

i dont like the UN, i dont like the idea of the UN. I think its an Anti-Christ orginization.I'm still wondering why Pope Paul VI said it was the last great hope for human kind. hmmm[/quote]

Guess what Akalyte, youre right, it is antichrist.

Let that wake you up as to the true goals of Rome, it did me.

The UN is the public figurehead of the NWO, it is a tool of the antichrist.

Yep another Catholic with a clue....
Impotent and useless – the UN costs more lives in the end… and this is esp true more and more these days as the UN has become co-opted and bribed by our enemies during these beginning stages of the WW3 against the entire west…

Farwell to the UN?
I hope so…[/quote]

Another CATHOLIC who should ask themselves why the Vatican and the UN seemed to be joined at the hip.

All these posts from the PHATMASS THREAD "Farewell to the UN" on page 2 now.

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