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Catholic Cardinal:we Need Buddha's Teachings More And More!


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You honestly believe we don't know this sort of stuff goes on?

Is there something in the Bible that leads you to believe people stop sinning if they belong to the proper Church? That they become not human, desiring a worldly peace? This is something all people struggle with, including Cardinals. Showing us that Catholics sin is:


For the love of God, please find a worthy subject. This is not a debate, it's you once again pointing out that within the Church are human beings.

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Then do you warn EVERY SINGLE person you consider a non-christian? EVERY person you pass on the street? The guy you get a cab ride from? The clerk at the grocery store? If not warning an unbeliever of hell is lying to them as you say, then look to yourself and how many times you've lied to strangers by saying nothing as you pass them by.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1058427' date='Sep 7 2006, 02:12 PM']
Not warning an unbeliever of hell is LYING to them, and denying them an opportunity to hear the gospel.

So you probably agree with the tactics of those "religious"people who scream obsenities at funerals, in case there might be a sinner among them.

Tell me to you hand out birthday cards with "repent and be saved" written on them? Is all your correspondance laced with "sinner repent" or "read your bible and be saved"?
Do you greet your docter or neighbor with "sinner prayer" cards?
Do you accost people in the street, asking them if they are "saved"?

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1058381' date='Sep 7 2006, 11:21 AM']
So addressing buddhists and pointing out a teaching common to christians and buddhists is now a bad thing?
I suppose your email would say, convert or die right???
Great way to encourage cooperation among good against the common enemies of mankind...


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Justified Saint

[quote name='Budge' post='1058393' date='Sep 7 2006, 09:41 AM']
Those Buddhists certainly arent going to know the gospel now are they? and they will see Christianity as only an OPTION rather then necessary for their own salvation via your own Cardinal.

Is it not interesting how Budge confuses peaceful relations on earth with the Gospel? They of course often go hand and hand, but to conflate the two, a distinction which is so patently obvious to any Christian (or should be at least) and in the article itself, suggests to me that Budge doesn't know much at all about the Gospel. Sounds like she is the one who has flunked "Christianity 101".

Again, the basic inability to excercise simple reading comprehension is astounding.

Edited by Justified Saint
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Is there something in the Bible that leads you to believe people stop sinning if they belong to the proper Church? That they become not human, desiring a worldly peace? This is something all people struggle with, including Cardinals. Showing us that Catholics sin is:


This isnt a few Joe Catholics getting it wrong, this is your LEADERSHIP, the TOP DOGS, teaching error. There are around 350 Cardinals... There isnt one living Cardinal or bishop who has made a stand against the interfaith movement except perhaps a few what are considered fringe Rad- TRADS.
If the top people in your church cant even delinate between false religions and Christianity and hold to the belief that Jesus Christ is the only way...and not in the liberal cosmic christ--anonymous Christian way...then what hope does the laity have?

Then do you warn EVERY SINGLE person you consider a non-christian? EVERY person you pass on the street? The guy you get a cab ride from? The clerk at the grocery store? If not warning an unbeliever of hell is lying to them as you say, then look to yourself and how many times you've lied to strangers by saying nothing as you pass them by.

I warn who I can. I have spoken to people in the street, strangers, relatives and even Mormon elders acouple weeks ago.

This is what the apostles did.

[quote]So you probably agree with the tactics of those "religious"people who scream obsenities at funerals, in case there might be a sinner among them.[/quote]

Fred Phelps and his minions mostly braiwnashed family members are a cult and dont represent Christians whatsoever. I believe he is a shill.

Tell me to you hand out birthday cards with "repent and be saved" written on them? Is all your correspondance laced with "sinner repent" or "read your bible and be saved"?
Do you greet your docter or neighbor with "sinner prayer" cards?
Do you accost people in the street, asking them if they are "saved"?

Hey these are some good ideas.

I should put that in birthday cards. I wish I had enclosed some tracts in b-day cards I sent out. Thanks for that idea.

I should do the same for neighbors too.

I have accosted people in the street, I got led to Christ by a street preacher.



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