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One Thing About Budge


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[quote] How much do you understand Budge, what she/he has been taught and for how long this has been taught to her/him? I've been on both sides of the walk. Budge is asking questions, challenging, and wanting proof. Let's do our best to show our faith without this kind of stuff OK? [/quote]

She's already professed that she was formerly a Professer of the Only True Faith, but then comitted heresy by denying many of Holy Mother Church's Dogmata.

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[quote]This is a commonly misunderstood verse used to support religious emotionalism, fanaticism and fundamentalism. However, nothing could be further from the truth.[/quote]

The world sees those who are on fire for Christ {living the life God calls Christians too, witnessing, being seperated from the world,} as geniuses and fanatics. But this is to be expected. This is what Jesus taught would happen.

1Jo 3:13
Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. [Or thinks youre a nut, fanatic, etc]

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[quote name='Budge' post='1059341' date='Sep 8 2006, 07:20 PM']
The world sees those who are on fire for Christ {living the life God calls Christians too, witnessing, being seperated from the world,} as geniuses and fanatics. But this is to be expected. This is what Jesus taught would happen.

1Jo 3:13
Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. [Or thinks youre a nut, fanatic, etc]

Of Course. Thus, we are despised by Planned Parenthood, Hollywood, NARAL, NOW, the UN, Democrats, PFLAG, Communists, Fascists, Nazis, Secularists, Relativists, and the list goes on.


I say this as kindly and gently as possible -the exclamation point is rather spamlike and led me to think you were just a spammer. As you have legitimate questions and concerns, you might consider a more subtle signature. If you're interested, go over to the "Open Mike" page under the "New Signature" thread and tell them what you like (a painting, photo, quote, whatever --perhaps somthing attractive, interesting, or inspiring).


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Yes, Budge, JPII making man of the year means they are full force behind the Church's stance on abortion, homosexuality, social justice, women priests, chastity.

Nice attempt, though. Shallowly impressive, but still a witty rejoinder.

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Justified Saint

[quote name='Budge' post='1059341' date='Sep 8 2006, 07:20 PM']
The world sees those who are on fire for Christ {living the life God calls Christians too, witnessing, being seperated from the world,} as geniuses and fanatics. But this is to be expected. This is what Jesus taught would happen.

1Jo 3:13
Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. [Or thinks youre a nut, fanatic, etc]

And as long as we keep seeing these kinds of defenses for dishonesty, then you are already well on the way toward tyranny.

Remove any standard of accountability and you can justify anything -- this is the mind of the fundamentalist.

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