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I have a problem with a lot of the genuflecting I see today. Kids do it because they learned it from the parents. Many parents experienced the Mass where the tabernacle was behind the alter. In MOST cases, it is not there anymore, but to the side or in a special chapel. However, many people still genuflect kind of "wherever," most often towards the altar though. Is it inappropriate to genuflect toward the altar? No, because Jesus will be made present there (and HAS been made present there), but He is ACTUALLY present in the tabernacle. I hardly ever see people genuflecting, though, who are doing so TOWARDS the tabernacle or even looking in its general direction. It's a habit, not a devotion.

This is what I perceive, anyway. I always make a point to know where the tabernacle is, face it and genuflect. Furthermore, my priest (who is pretty good; we have almost no liturgical abuses in the parish) has always said that it is a private devotion to genuflect before sitting down. I'm getting the feeling that you are calling it manditory.

When I go to pray in front of the tabernacle, I get down on my knees, though. I refuse to let these actions lose their meaning in my life. It pains me to see it happen in others lives because they feel they are "supposed to do it" but don't even know why (re: genuflecting just to genuflect).


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You raise some good points, but I would question a few of them. First, genuflecting is not a private devotion. It is the required sign of respect acknowledging the prescence of the Lord. You are absolutely correct in pointing out that it should be done correctly, and it drives me nuts to see people who obviously don't know why they are genuflecting.

Also, Christopher's point (and others) is exactly to question why we recieve communion in the hand. The reason for engaging in a liturgical posture should never be because if feels ok to us, or that everyone else is doing it. Rather, we do it because that is how we are told to do it. (the teaching authority of the Church) In this case, Christopher is slightly off target because the US has a perpetual indult allowing us to recieve in the hand.

Lastly, if the missal includes instructions to beat ones chest, why do you not do it? I take it you also do not give a bow of reverence while reciting the creed? Do you give a bow of reverence before recieving the Eucharist (the other option to kneeling while recieving) Do you say amen before recieving? These things all have meaning, they are all pause points inserted into the liturgy so that our world comes crashing up against the Holy. We are forced to stop and acknowledge the awsome majesty of the Most High God. These are not trifles that we may ignore on our whim.


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Most of you would be shocked at the attire one can see in Florida. Casual outside of Church is barefoot, bathing suit, tank top. So wearing clean shorts, sandals, and a shirt is nicer than casual. I'm quite okay with anything if it's neat and clean for teens. Adults are another matter.

Lot's of people strike their chest, but it's done discretely, not for show for others. Do it yourself, nobody's got to notice.

That brings up a good point. One can do the normal things you're 'supposed' to do without going over the top and trying to impress others. Don't make a big deal about it, and pay attention to how you feel about it internally as far as honoring God. If you are trying to 'teach' others with your display of devotion, then you are missing the point. ;)

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Does anyone know WHY we (the United States) converted for the majority to receiving the Eucharist in our hands? Am I correct in saying that we are the only country that has changed this practice? If not who all has kept the receiving in the mouth as majority and only choice and who has changed to our majority?

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Does anyone know WHY we (the United States) converted for the majority to receiving the Eucharist in our hands? Am I correct in saying that we are the only country that has changed this practice? If not who all has kept the receiving in the mouth as majority and only choice and who has changed to our majority?

No, people in Europe are also allowed to receive in the hands. At least that's what I've seen in Spain, France, and Italy.

And as for the subject of genuflecting which was brought up earlier, re: kids who genuflect because their parents do, what upsets me is when a family comes in and the parents genuflect but the kids don't. I'm like, why don't the parents correct them and say, "Hey, what did you forget to do?"

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something that might be of interest to us all here. i was watchin the world over live and found out that the International Committee on the English Liturgy has gone over the translation of the mass and is revising it to be more in accordance with the actual latin. examples of change: the three time mea culpa will be reinstituted as well as the et cum spiritui tuum (i dont think i have that right, i like the latin but dont know it too well) is back to being and with your spirit instead of just and also with you.

i posted this in open mic also :cool: i'm very excited and cant wait for the changes to come out. this may have been off topic, but still ;) :D

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No, Al, I think this is great place to bring up that subject. I'm sure it'll take awhile for them to implement these changes, but it can't come too soon! Bring it on! :D

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For those who are interested, I posted an article in the Back Alley about the changes. Its a little bitter so I didn't post it out here.

I agree Al, its about time.


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thanx for bringin that up :sadder: I WAS KICKED OUT OF THE BACK ALLEY CUZ I'M TOO YOUNG :ph34r:

lol, but i've seen stuff in the back alley about that stuff (when i was there), and ever since then have been praying that they'd fix the "bad haircut the ICEL had given the bride of Christ" as i liked to call it. :cool::cool:

<PS. was my Latin right?>

Edited by Aloysius
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ok i didn't read all of these, but people aren't kneeling during communion? That's weird. We all do at our church. I've worn shorts b4 and i wear jeans almost alwayz/

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Just wanted to say that I have never seen anyone pat their chest during the confession prayer...and that when I was in 3rd grade religious education, I was taught to take the eucharist by hand always.

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