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The Joey-O

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Maybe this can move us in a better direction. From St. Augustine's [i]De magistro: De immortalitate animae:[/i] Chapter III:

Some power [virtus]is constant, and all constancy is unchangeable, and all power can act, nor does it ceas to be power when it acts. Fruther, all action is moved or moves. Therefore, not all which is moved, or surely not all which moves, is changeable. But all which is moved by another and does not move itself is a mortal thing. Nor is anything immutable which is mortal. Hence, certainly and without any disjuction, it is concluded that not all which moves is changed.[/quote]

This, essentially is a great point in favor of what rev and I have been arguing for. "Not all that is moves is changed." That, I believe is exceptional for supporting my view on this matter.

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Time of death...

I thought we were making progress this time guys?

Budge...without being hateful. What do you think? Just curious. It seems like you have some calvin in you.

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Have we got to a point where no fruitful dialogue can come? I think this has been very productive and has helped me a bit. I still hold to tenents that are not of your liking, I am sure, but I have brought myself to a position where I feel I am within the orthodoxy.

Give me a heresy quiz..:D

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