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Network of Homosexual Political Donors Influencing State Election Campaigns
Campaign aimed at toppling from political positions anyone opposed to homosexuality

By Gudrun Schultz

DENVER, Colorado, February 13, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A powerful initiative to influence American politics toward pro-homosexual policies was recently exposed in extensive coverage by The Atlantic Monthly’s Joshua Green, in an article published in the March 2007 issue.

Green’s article revealed a network of wealthy homosexual philanthropists, led by Colorado technology billionaire Tim Gill, who joined forces in the last election to target state level politicians opposed to homosexuality by donating to competing candidates.

The campaign was conducted “stealthily”, says Green, with little fanfare to alert those targeted by the nationally-based campaign working against them.

One such target was Iowan Republican Danny Carroll, who lost his reelection bid last November in what was expected to be a close race. Carroll’s opponent began receiving donations from across the country in the months leading up to the election, Green reported, with maximum $1,000 donations coming in from individuals in New York, Dallas, Los Angeles and San Francisco, to name just a few.

The founder of publishing-software giant Quark Inc., Gill was listed on the Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans. Now devoted full time to pro-homosexual philanthropy, Gill has used his influence to convince like-minded political donors to join in the equivalent of a grass-roots campaign aimed at toppling from political positions anyone opposed to homosexuality.

So far, the campaign has been successful. According to the Atlantic Monthly, Gill’s network of donors contributed more than $3 million to target specific state-level candidates in the 2006 elections. Fifty of the seventy targeted candidates were defeated.

At the same time, however, Green notes that twenty-seven of the twenty-eight state ballot initiatives banning gay marriage have been approved, so far, including three states where Gill funded efforts to oppose the measures--only the state of Arizona rejected a proposed ban, with funding from Gill assisting in the defeat.

Read complete coverage in The Atlantic Monthly:

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This really doesn't surprise me at all. While liberals typically deny it exists, the "gay" political lobby is in fact disproportionately influential (while posing as "oppressed minorities").

And it should be noted that [i]The Atlantic Monthly [/i]is hardly known as a Right-wing conspiracy rag.

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Long live democracy - you (and we Canadiens) asked for it!


Gotta love it, and now live with it!

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Yar. Gotta love the American (and Canadian) political situation, eh? Well, to put it short, it saddens me to read this kind of thing because I don't know what do do about it except pray. I feel angst being a 17 year old in a changing world. I want to make a difference by contributing to the renewal of justice and truth and in turn bring down the injustices and reveal the hidden agenda, but I have to wait... don't I?

Edited by Sacred Music Man
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