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Prepared For Sin


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Hey fellers!

I'm taking an anatomy and physiology course this year, marvellin' at the awesome design of our bodies. However, in studying the systems of the body, particularly the nervous, lymphatic and immune, and endocrine systems, or even the blood coagulation process in the circulatory system, I'm thinking, holy cowpies, these are some extremely complicated forms of defense against physical evils.

And to my limited theological knowledge, any kind of evil, be it moral, natural, or physical (and I refer to sickness, injury, etc.), is a result of original sin. Therefore, in the beginning, before sin, there would have been no need for all these extremely complex and beautifully effective forms of defense against physical evils. Let me know if this is true or not, cuz otherwise my question has no significance.

Now, evolutionists could say that these developed over time, but seriously, the more I study the human body, the more I find atheistic evolution to be rediculous. Especially given the complexity of these systems.

So my question is, if these systems and forms of defense existed in original man, [i]did God anticipate man's sin in the very creation of his body?[/i]

Anyways, like I said, my premise may not even be right. So, inform me please!

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This is a really good question. Although I cannot answer it, I look forward to hearing what others have to say! I have often wondered this myself. Do we really know exactly how man's body was before the fall? JPII's [u]Theology of the Body[/u] might answer this question.

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Pure speculation:
Perhaps these defenses were perfect before the fall and were impervious to any harm. After the fall, they are not perfect but still quite amazing. :idontknow: In other words, God made us physically perfect - our lessened resistence to infirmities is the result of our corrupting the original perfection of our created bodies.

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[quote name='heyyoimjohnny' post='1209699' date='Mar 7 2007, 08:45 AM']JMJ

Hey fellers!

I'm taking an anatomy and physiology course this year, marvellin' at the awesome design of our bodies. However, in studying the systems of the body, particularly the nervous, lymphatic and immune, and endocrine systems, or even the blood coagulation process in the circulatory system, I'm thinking, holy cowpies, these are some extremely complicated forms of defense against physical evils.

And to my limited theological knowledge, any kind of evil, be it moral, natural, or physical (and I refer to sickness, injury, etc.), is a result of original sin. Therefore, in the beginning, before sin, there would have been no need for all these extremely complex and beautifully effective forms of defense against physical evils. Let me know if this is true or not, cuz otherwise my question has no significance.

Now, evolutionists could say that these developed over time, but seriously, the more I study the human body, the more I find atheistic evolution to be rediculous. Especially given the complexity of these systems.

So my question is, if these systems and forms of defense existed in original man, [i]did God anticipate man's sin in the very creation of his body?[/i]

Anyways, like I said, my premise may not even be right. So, inform me please![/quote]

I think it would be error to say God anticipated man's sin... rather He [i]knew[/i] that man would fall. His knowledge is perfect!

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rkwright, thanks for the correction. So, in those terms...

Did God, in His perfect knowledge, know man was going to sin, and so created him to be bodily to deal with physical evils which were a result of sin?

thedude, that could very well be. My thought is, taking into consideration the peace between all creation before sin (Adam named the animals, animals being afraid of humans as an effect of Original Sin, persons only ate plants until after the episode with Noah and the Ark, creation existing as "gift"), there wouldn't have been anything that could potentially cause harm to man, whether he had a perfect immune system or not. But I wasn't around back then.

However, your thought does make sense. Because practically half of the body's functions is the preservation of its well-being, maintaining balance, excreting toxins, and such. It would make sense to say that these systems always existed, but now exist imperfectly as a result of original sin.

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