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[quote name='T-Bone' post='1240589' date='Apr 12 2007, 09:39 PM']Those who put their faith in a Pre-Trib rapture are going to be sorely disappointed.[/quote]
We sure will with Jesus when He Returns..Nothing about a pre trib rapture anywhere that i can find.

Edited by ttomm46
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I think those who are left here for the trib are going to be feeling something a bit beyond


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As a Protestant that has never much liked the theories presented by Darby and his successors, why did I read that again? Well aside from realizing Catholicism and I agree. Something interesting that the author of the reprinted article didn't point out, is that the word "Rapture" itself never appears in sacred Scripture.

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Two "must read" books to combat Protestant "born again," "dispensationalism" errors:

Rapture: The End-Times Error That Leaves the Bible Behind by David B. Currie

Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic by David B. Currie


Book Description
An exhaustive Catholic critique of premillennial dispensationalism, the "pretrib rapture," the Left Behind phenomenon, and Fundamentalist eschatology, written by a former Fundamentalist/dispensationalist. Examines the historical, biblical, and theological roots of the "left behind" theology and the belief in a rapture event separate from the Second Coming. Also contains chapters on the Book of Revelation, the millennial kingdom, and Catholic eschatology.

A strong, but fair, critique of a dangerous and popular belief, Will Catholics Be "Left Behind"? provides Catholics and Protestants, lay people and clergy, and students and scholars with important answers and information about the roots and meaning of the "Rapture".

Both books are available at Amazon.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1240618' date='Apr 12 2007, 10:50 PM']I think those who are left here for the trib are going to be feeling something a bit beyond

but the trib carp you are talking about is a tradition of man, specifically some preacher made it up.

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[quote]but the trib carp you are talking about is a tradition of man, specifically some preacher made it up.[/quote]

You dont believe the tribulation is going to happen?


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She said the trib carp your preaching budge. the one where everyone gets rapruted but the Catholics and bad people and Jews. She knows the Church speaks of the tribulation to come.

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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1240587' date='Apr 12 2007, 09:37 PM']ttomm, are you saying mortality is not going to put on immortality, and corruption is not going to put on inncorruption?

The word Trinity isn't in the Bible, but you believe in it?

The word Rapture isn't in the Bible either, but I believe there will come a time when this mortal will become immortal, and this corrupted flesh will become incorruptible! Praise God.[/quote]

Rapture and pre-trib rapture are two different things. I suspect that Tom has the two terms confused. The Church does not refer to the bodily resurrection at the end of time as the rapture but it is not inconsistent with church teaching. Pre-trbi rapture is heresy however. Tom is correct, it is a product of the teachings of Darby.

Edited by thessalonian
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[quote name='thessalonian' post='1243186' date='Apr 14 2007, 07:05 PM']She said the trib carp your preaching budge. the one where everyone gets rapruted but the Catholics and bad people and Jews. She knows the Church speaks of the tribulation to come.[/quote]
You forgot to add us Orthodox :lol_roll:No I mean't the pretrib rapture..I know when Jesus comes he'll catch us up with him but when i say rapture I was meaning the dispensationalist version... :detective:

Edited by ttomm46
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[quote name='Katholikos' post='1240954' date='Apr 12 2007, 11:50 PM']Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic by David B. Currie


Probably one of the best laity-level explainations of authority as well as the eucharist with evangelical language. I even typed up the eucharist chapter to give to someone..yes, I typed it up. Took forever

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