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God Died On The Cross?


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The Messiah is not just a regular human being, He is God incarnate. That means He is ONE PERSON who simultaneously exists as TWO DISTINCT (but not separate) REALITIES - the Eternal Divine Creator and a temporal human creature - ONE PERSON who is also TWO NATURES.

The ONE PERSON both brought the Creation into existence ex nihilo [from nothing] (but not as human), whilst that same ONE PERSON died upon the cross (but not as Divine). Nevertheless, because the PERSON is ONE, what He achieves through either distinct nature (Divine or human) can be attributed to the ONE PERSON as a whole (i.e. both natures).

The name of the Messiah as Divine is YHWH (the I AM). The name of the Messiah as human is Jesus of Nazareth.

The Messiah is not God's ambassador. He is not God's representative. He is not God's 'Jewish Pope' and neither is he 'God's son (in the sense that human parents give birth to children as separate individuals to themselves)'. The Messiah is One of the Three Persons of the One Eternal, Immutable, Tri-Personal, Creator God Himself, simultaneously existing as a human being - Emmanuel - "God with us" (No Trinity = No Incarnation = No Salvation).

So, back to the original question...did God die upon the cross? You bet He did!

The following is from the site [url="http://www.deoomnisgloria.com/archives/2007/02/who_died_on_the_cross_a_lenten.html"]http://www.deoomnisgloria.com/archives/200...s_a_lenten.html[/url]

Who died on the Cross? A Lenten Meditation

Lent is upon us. As Catholics, we focus on our mortality and our relationship with Jesus Christ during the forty days of Lent in preparation for Easter (just as Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness before His public ministry). And this is a good Lenten meditation for that time.

Who died on the Cross?
At first, this question seems silly: it was Jesus Christ, of course! But it was actually more than just the person of Jesus Christ. As believers in the Trinity, we believe that God died on the cross at Calvary. Not just the person of Jesus, but the single God we follow actually died on the Cross.

This is a profound statement. God not only gave His Son so that we might have Life, He also gave His own life. Yes, He rose again, but He did die for you. Just meditating on this reality can change your life forever.

In Pope John Paul II’s biography, Witness to Hope, it is pointed out that Pope John Paul II was calm and confident even in bad times. The reason was that Pope John Paul II knew that the worst thing that could ever happen had already happened: our God came to earth and we killed Him. Nothing this bad (or even close) could ever happen again. So he proceeded with courage, faith, and confidence that no matter what happened, it would not be the worst possible thing.

How would you live your life differently if you didn’t worry about the bad? If you were completely confident that the God who died for you would lead you forward to heaven (even if that meant through suffering)? How would you live your life differently if you realized that you had already done the worst thing you could do: you killed your Savior through your own sins. Jesus Christ, who is God, would have died if you were the only person on earth. He still would have needed to repair the damage done by your personal sins.

Each of us must live with the consequences of our sin, but we must realize that our sins did have real consequences: they killed God. And He died willingly to pay for them, despite the fact that we have never lived up to the love He gives us.

How would you live differently if you fully realized the ramifications of this?

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