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Oh Adoration ...


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Dear friends,
I just came back from a meeting today with a dedicated woman who has been trying to keep Eucharistic Adoration at our church going. It's been only once a week for 8 hrs yet it seems like people arn't even dedicated to those hours.
We have a huge parish, about 300 families and yet they can barely get 8 people to commit.
What's even more sad is that our priest who has been with us for 2 yrs is trying to get rid of Adoration because, "people arn't going."

How does Adoration, if you have it in your parish, work for you all?
And should I talk with Fr. like one-on-one?
-- even on the Feast of Corpus Christi did he not mention Eucharistic Adoration.

Thank you!
In Jesus & Mary,

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We have Adoration at our parish and while we have that many families too, we also only have a few people coming. We have it on First Fridays and First Saturdays of the month, and I think there's usually more families on the fridays and more individuals on Saturdays. It's been staying in our parish though because our new priest who we just got this March is very supportive of it. He's been trying to encourage more families to come.

Edited by tvu_srfan
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I have been thinking about this. At our parish here in Florida, we have perpetual adoration, but they have had some trouble keeping it up in the summer when all the snowbirds go back home. I think, however, that a problem is really a blessing because it has shown us that there is always a desperate need for people to spend time in adoration. The desperate need is not about the amount of people in there, and it is not about the number of hours the chapel is open or closed. The need is that every single person in the parish should spend time with their Lord in His Most Holy Sacrament. Many Catholics spend only one hour in prayer a week, at Sunday Mass. But for parishes with adoration available once a month, once a week, or every day, why isn't the church overflowing? If we truly understood the Eucharist, the presence of God in the Sacrament that defies our senses, we would never want to leave!

Truthfully, people are never going to go if your priest already has the opinion that they won't. I think you should definitely talk to him about it. Empasize that it isn't just something to do or a cause to be supported; it is the Flesh of God, truly present for all to worship and adore. If people could start to understand that, why wouldn't they go?


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We don't have it at mine, we are a very small parish. However, I've noticed over the past couple of years that the more people understand the Eucharist the more time they wish to spend with it. Maybe having a discussion with members of the parish about the significance of the Eucharist may help.

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We have 24 hour perpetual adoration and it works really well. We try to have two families (or people) in case one cant show, and an alternate ready to be called. It has been a HUGE blessing for my Parish, and I love having that time with Jesus to pray and just be in communion.

Definetly talk to your priest about it, Maybe even the Bishop? I know the diocesean administrator for our diocese (We dont currently have a bishop) is behind the efforts to make perpetual adoration a common practice for all the parishes in the diocese.

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Totus Tuus

Unfortunately, Adoration at my parish doesn't work well despite good organization. There are quite a few hours no one has signed up for, and many more hours that ARE taken but no one shows up for.

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We have Adoration every Tuesday after the 7am Mass until 5pm and every Friday after 7am Mass concluding with Midday Mass. We also have it on the first Sunday of the Month after 9am Mass until midday.

We have many older parishioners and despite encouragement still I can't fill up the hours and we are looking at cutting back because the Blessed Sacrament cannot be left unattended.

We originally had it all day Friday and all day on the first Sunday :(

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[quote name='geetarplayer' post='1307713' date='Jul 1 2007, 07:29 AM']I have been thinking about this. At our parish here in Florida, we have perpetual adoration, but they have had some trouble keeping it up in the summer when all the snowbirds go back home. I think, however, that a problem is really a blessing because it has shown us that there is always a desperate need for people to spend time in adoration. The desperate need is not about the amount of people in there, and it is not about the number of hours the chapel is open or closed. The need is that every single person in the parish should spend time with their Lord in His Most Holy Sacrament. Many Catholics spend only one hour in prayer a week, at Sunday Mass. But for parishes with adoration available once a month, once a week, or every day, why isn't the church overflowing? If we truly understood the Eucharist, the presence of God in the Sacrament that defies our senses, we would never want to leave!

Truthfully, people are never going to go if your priest already has the opinion that they won't. I think you should definitely talk to him about it. Empasize that it isn't just something to do or a cause to be supported; it is the Flesh of God, truly present for all to worship and adore. If people could start to understand that, why wouldn't they go?


I totally agree with you on this.
It has been set on my heart to speak to Father Joe, our parish priest, since he got here 2 yrs ago about this.
Please pray because many have warned me that he is a "non-confrontational" kind of person who doesn't want to hear people out on topics such as these.

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This may not completely pertain to the original topic, but the youth ministry I am in (which is very new, therefore there are only a few of us) does "Morning Watches" or all night adorations at different parishes in the diocese. It's like a big party with Jesus all night! Great time for solemn prayer. Aside from that, we have sleeping, food, a few little things to do on the side, but mostly people stay to pray. It's great. We young people love the Eucharist. Maybe you could start with them?

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We have an Adoration chapel open everyday from like 8am-10pm.
And the first wednesday of everymonth there is confession and adoration going on.
Oh the youth group at my church also goes to adoration together ^-^
I love those youth nights because my youth director plays his guitar.
MMMKAY Im in love with ADORATION! But its very sad that your Priest does not see the importance of Adoration!
Its such a wonderful feeling when praying!

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7/2 - Thirteenth Monday

I'm pretty sure that a Phatmass smiley wearing a biretta would solve the problem. [b]o{][/b]:-)

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we have a chapel for Jesus that's open 24/7 but Jesus isn't exposed, he's in a tabernacle. our priest is kinda working up to that. we're starting to start having periods of exposed adoration though :D

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Totus Tuus

[quote name='missionarybelle' post='1309215' date='Jul 2 2007, 09:32 AM']we have a chapel for Jesus that's open 24/7 but Jesus isn't exposed, he's in a tabernacle. our priest is kinda working up to that. we're starting to start having periods of exposed adoration though :D[/quote]

You have a really smart priest. Praise God!

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At my parish, we have adoration every thursday at 9am until friday at 8am... it goes all night. At first they had trouble getting hours covered but now there are so many people adoring that we are in the process of building a perpetual adoration chapel :love:

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At my parish, Eucharistic Adoration is scheduled once weekly on Wednesdays from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

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