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Dominican Nuns Of Buffalo


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I did write to them and their Novice Mistress sent me some information; it looked solid, if rather generic, but since I live very far from them, it would be nice to have a bit more of an idea.

Also, I inferred from something I read elsewhere that they would like to have the Tridentine or Dominican Rite Mass; does anyone know if that is correct?

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I don't know much about them except that a young women from Phatmass entered there several months ago. You might pull up some of her old threads (her name was PassionHeart). She probably had some good information on the community in her threads.

There are a LOT of Dominicans/Dominican-lovers around here. They will all suggest a different community to you. I visited the Dominican Nuns in Marbury, Alabama, and they are VERY solid and traditional. They use a lot of Latin, and have perpetual adoration insofar as is possible, as well as perpetual Rosary. I can put you in touch with them if you like, and you can pull up threads on them as well. There are other cloistered Dominican monasteries in the US, but not all of them are Rosary branches.

I do believe Buffalo is quite solid but I don't know how traditionalist they are, per-se. The Dominican Rite is, I believe, different from the [i]Forma Extraordinaria[/i], or so-called "Tridentine" Mass. It might use the form of the Tridentine but it is not the same I don't think. It is not in widespread use anymore (the Dominican Rite) but I don't think there is any inhibition in bringing it back at this point. There are quite a few members here who are much more qualified than I to answer this though.

Best wishes :)

Edited by Totus Tuus
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We have a former member of this phorum who entered there some months ago; she went by the name of "Passionheart" here. You could look up her profile and read some of her previous posts, if that is any help to you. She was permitted to send me a note at Easter, and seemed to be pretty happy. She also mentioned they were expecting a couple more new postulants this year. Sorry I don't know much about the use of the Tridentine Rite in their monastery.
BTW, welcome to phatmass--there are many Dominican devotees here!

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One of our fellow PMers recently entered there! You may want to search through some of her posts for more information on them. Under her profile here, [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showuser=2942"]passionheart[/url] - you'll find her thread, Shuffling Off to Buffalo - and also she has a couple other threads with that name too. Under options on the right side, you can click, find members posts or find members topics.

I'm sure though that many others here will be able to help you with more information on the Buffalo Dominicans too! I just know of the [url="http://www.carmelitenunsstjoseph.org/Buffalo.htm"]Discalced Carmelite Nuns in Buffalo[/url] - who are [i]great![/i] God bless you!

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Need I mention the Summit Dominicans??? You can tell so much about them by their lovely blog and website. I don't know much about Buffalo, their website doesnt say a thing about them. What part of the country do you live in? Maybe that would help us make suggestions that are close to your home

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[quote name='alicemary' post='1358339' date='Aug 13 2007, 06:33 PM']Need I mention the Summit Dominicans??? You can tell so much about them by their lovely blog and website. I don't know much about Buffalo, their website doesnt say a thing about them. What part of the country do you live in? Maybe that would help us make suggestions that are close to your home[/quote]

I live in Texas. I did write to the ones at Lufkin but also to Lockport and Buffalo. I don't mind the idea of entering somewhere that's not close by, I'm not from Texas and actually my mom would be more likely to visit me if I were in New York since that's where she's from ;) I am very fond of the Latin liturgy and would love to be able to enter somewhere that used a lot of Latin (TLM or Dominican Rite would be especially cool, but I don't know if there are any that do that; except the Sisters of the Holy Ghost in France, but right now I'm looking into cloisters).

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I live about 15 minutes away from the Buffalo monastery. They do use a lot of Latin in their liturgies, and in the future it is very possible that a Dominican or Tridentine Mass will be offered there, but nothing's definite yet. I highly recommend them. They wear the full habit, and are Perpetual Rosary nuns. They still have grilles and turns. Their chaplain is excellent too.

May Our Lady, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, guide you in discernment.

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[quote name='Thomist-in-Training' post='1358359' date='Aug 13 2007, 06:56 PM']I live in Texas. I did write to the ones at Lufkin but also to Lockport and Buffalo. I don't mind the idea of entering somewhere that's not close by, I'm not from Texas and actually my mom would be more likely to visit me if I were in New York since that's where she's from ;) I am very fond of the Latin liturgy and would love to be able to enter somewhere that used a lot of Latin (TLM or Dominican Rite would be especially cool, but I don't know if there are any that do that; except the Sisters of the Holy Ghost in France, but right now I'm looking into cloisters).[/quote]

I live in Texas as well. I have been to the Lufkin monastery. Have you visited it? It may be a good taste of the Dominican tradition if you visited different Dominican communities, and Continental tends to have really good flight deals to southern destinations, including New Orleans (if you visited Lockport) and Montgomery, AL (if you visited Marbury).

Best wishes!

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the lords sheep

There was a young woman who entered the Lockport Dominicans who went by the name "chorusgirl" and is now Sr. Mary Agnes of the Annunciation. She was a good friend of mine when she still lived in St. Louis, and from what her sister tells me, she continues to be incredibly happy there.
I couldn't answer about their use of Latin, however. A good resource may be to pm Sr. Mary Catharine, who is a Dominican nun at Summit, I believe (pm her here: [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showuser=4072"]Sr. Mary Catharine[/url] ). I am sure she will graciously answer any question you can think of. She's always answered any questions here on the boards!

In Jesus and Mary,

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Saint Therese

[quote name='Thomist-in-Training' post='1358359' date='Aug 13 2007, 06:56 PM']I live in Texas. I did write to the ones at Lufkin but also to Lockport and Buffalo. I don't mind the idea of entering somewhere that's not close by, I'm not from Texas and actually my mom would be more likely to visit me if I were in New York since that's where she's from ;) I am very fond of the Latin liturgy and would love to be able to enter somewhere that used a lot of Latin (TLM or Dominican Rite would be especially cool, but I don't know if there are any that do that; except the Sisters of the Holy Ghost in France, but right now I'm looking into cloisters).[/quote]
I'm from Texas also, and I'm discerning with the Lockport Dominicans. They're great! They're very solid and orthodox.THey do have the Latin Mass, but just not all the time. They're trying to use the Latin more. I really suggest that you email their vocation directress. :lol_roll:

Edited by Saint Therese
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Just posting the great news Thomist-in-Training shared in the other thread here ^_^

[quote name='Thomist-in-Training' post='1374107' date='Aug 30 2007, 08:50 AM']Sr. Rose of St Mary of the Dominican Nuns of Buffalo told me in a letter I just received, "We hope to be having the Mass of '62--Latin--soon as our chaplain learns it. We have to practice it too and are excited about it."


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What a beautiful old monastery they have :j

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