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I Hate Girls Gone Wild

Lil Red

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When i was at home this summer, the phone rang. My dad wandered over to it and picked it up.
"Hello" (pause) "you're from WHAT?!" (slight pause) "I think you have a wrong number, a VERY wrong number, does your mother know you're doing this?"

I was already laughing, but after he hung up (they evidentially hung up on him before he could tell them anything else) I asked him who it was. It was Girls Gone Wild "calling us back"!!! I certainly hope my 17 year old brother didn't call them in the first place, but either way, that conversation was hilarious! Dad wanted to tell her that she has the worst job in the world and should be ashamed of herself and all about how horrible porn is (Go Dad!) but she hung up on him before he got the chance!

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[quote name='CoffeeCatholic' post='1371600' date='Aug 27 2007, 11:36 AM']"... does your mother know you're doing this?"[/quote]

That's awesome!

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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1371521' date='Aug 27 2007, 08:17 AM']My comment is that children should not be watching tv at 5 or 6 in the morning. That's no way to start off a kid's day.[/quote]


You CLEARLY do not have children!!

There are nights when 5 or six in the morning is the time that the kids are just going BACK to bed after waking up at four.

May not be the greatest way to start the day, but it certainly helps with my sanity sometimes!!

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I hate that and the stupid hotline commercials, but I love on dateline nbc, "to catch a predator", but you do feel sorry the guys.

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I think it is wrong to humiliate someone like that. Not because of the men, but their family now has had their father/husband all over tv.

I don't think it is in good taste.

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I don't like girl gone wild either but there is a book out called Girl Gone Mild, it about modesty in a secular sense. There are a few websites out there about it.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1371539' date='Aug 27 2007, 09:49 AM']It's apparent that you have never had a little person get right in your face at 5:00 am and say (in a relatively loud voice) "I want breakfast!!!" The sleep deprived parent hopes for PBS to start their children's broadcast hours at 5... but alas, they don't. I've come downstairs to my kids watching BBC World News... (and they know that's the title...) But we don't have more than basic cable...[/quote]

Yup, I've experienced that before, being the oldest of six kids (most of whom, except for Ora et Labora, are a LOT younger than I). The kids know not to turn on the tv in our house without permission. If they get up first, they can be disciplined enough to stay in their rooms if that's mom and dad's rule ;)

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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1371521' date='Aug 27 2007, 09:17 AM']My comment is that children should not be watching tv at 5 or 6 in the morning. That's no way to start off a kid's day.[/quote]


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I never understood why unbbridled sex was always considered "wild." I always looked at people who drank a lot and acting like it was the greastest thing ever, and I'm like...that's it? Same thing with people having these "wild" sexual escapades. You made a toy out of an attractive person and as a result you got a really tingly feeling in your groin. You call that wild? I call that sad. I call it sheer boredom and empty loneliness. It's a joke.

I'm convinced that life with Christ is far more wild than anything in a "girls gone wild" video.

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its ironic

we live in an age where women in general have rebelled against and rejected their God-given roles in society in the name of woman's right and freedom


in this same age women have never been more dishonorable and exploited and in a sense slaves to the views of sinful secular society and corporations who cash in on them.

And yes, men have their sins also such as failing to fulfill their roles as leaders in families and society, shallowness etc.

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1371484' date='Aug 27 2007, 05:26 AM']not just for its pornographic nature, but also for the fact that when i'm up at all hours of the night and flipping through channels, i seem to pass by it on at least one channel. and never mind the fact that usually as i'm flipping over it, it's on a nasty part *grits teeth* and also for the fact that i've found it on at 5 or 6 a.m. when there could be children up and watching tv!! :maddest:

that is all

:( This is why I'm glad I don't have cable... but it also means we don't get to watch much of anything on tv. but it's worth it - I don't want my thirteen year old brother to be flipping channels and have that catch his eye. :ohno:

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[quote name='XIX' post='1371934' date='Aug 27 2007, 07:51 PM']I never understood why unbbridled sex was always considered "wild." I always looked at people who drank a lot and acting like it was the greastest thing ever, and I'm like...that's it? Same thing with people having these "wild" sexual escapades. You made a toy out of an attractive person and as a result you got a really tingly feeling in your groin. You call that wild? I call that sad. I call it sheer boredom and empty loneliness. It's a joke.

I'm convinced that life with Christ is far more wild than anything in a "girls gone wild" video.[/quote]
[quote name='kafka' post='1371942' date='Aug 27 2007, 08:07 PM']its ironic

we live in an age where women in general have rebelled against and rejected their God-given roles in society in the name of woman's right and freedom


in this same age women have never been more dishonorable and exploited and in a sense slaves to the views of sinful secular society and corporations who cash in on them.
And yes, men have their sins also such as failing to fulfill their roles as leaders in families and society, shallowness etc.[/quote]
You guys hit it right on the mark. How much we've all failed. That's why we're taking up the stead of holiness as a new generation. Keep fighting the good fight.

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