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Sheriff Joe


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[quote name='lost_in_this_world' post='1840523' date='Apr 19 2009, 02:50 PM']i think tough love can work too. im not saying everythign this sheriff is doing is right but i think that parts of the prison system needs to be more strict (not really the word i want but it will do) and he is atleast making prison prison. for the large majority, prisoners are there for a reason and by making the choices they have, they understood the consequences. prison does not strip inmates of all of their freedoms (except the really bad criminals) many obtain high school and college credits, they work, they have some freedoms. i think some people need to stop acting like prisoners deserve more. they are prisoners and have broken the law. there are pros and cons to the system and i dont deny that the prisons are overcrowded. but most of the ppl in there belong there.[/quote]

Yes, there are programs in prisons where inmates can get their GED, learn trade skills, and perform community service. This is not JUST for the benefit of the inmate but for the benefit of the community. There is something called "prisonization." The longer an individual is in prison, the more acculturated he or she becomes to the prison lifestyle. Many individuals feel forced to join gangs, for example, just for survival. This makes reintegration into the community difficult - and oftentimes the individual commits further crime after release.

Again, these programs are good for the offender and the community. The vast majority of offenders come from low socioeconomic status and are not very educated. By getting educational and work experience in prison they become more rounded individuals. The hope is that they become productive members of society. Less crime equals a safer community.

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