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Tattoos, Body Piercings


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I am thinking of getting a tattoo and my belly button pierced. Is this in violation to any commandments or Church laws?

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Not to my knowledge, it would be impossible to give black-and-white judgments on all bodily decorations. However the human body is meant to be treated with care, not maltreated or disfigured. Its dignity and beauty must be kept and cultivated, in order that it be an expression of the deeper beauty of the soul.

Inspired by God, St. Paul admonishes us: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God?” (1 Cor 6:19). Being a temple of the Holy Spirit, we owe our body due care and protection and decorum.

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I would like to add that you should think about a few things before getting a tattoo. If you get it on your lower back, you may never be able to receive a spinal block. Some anesthesiologists refuse to do them for fear that the metal particles in the ink might get picked up and inserted into the spinal fluid. When my son was thinking about getting one when in the Navy, they had rules about where you could have them. They couldn't show while wearing their dress uniform. Something to think about for future job opportunities. It also couldn't be objectionable, but I doubt that would be an issue with you. I'd also suggest that you get it on a part of your body that would be less likely to later sag or develop hair. I've heard stories about guys who've gotten them on their chest when younger only to have them look strange with hair that develops later. If it wouldn't look good on your grandmother, you have to remember that someday you will be saggy in the same places.

I'm too squeamish to even have pierced ears, so the whole topic makes me squirm.

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