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I Need Alot Of Prayers

Faith 1st

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I been having a lot of problems lately. I am going through a Divorce and it is really hard. Not only am I trying to figure out my own issues on what I could have done better or were I went wrong. But I miss communion....

My understanding was that once I filed for a Divorce I could no longer receive communion...
[b]Is that correct[/b]?

Not to mention that I cried through mass. I felt like I was a distraction at mass on Sunday, because I could not stop crying.
[b]Should I move from our regular place and sit in the back for an easy exit? [/b]

Pray for me and my family that we may find a little peace in this situation.

Faith 1st

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First of all: of course our (my) prayers are with you during this time. I'm a child of divorced parents, I know it's hard on everyone.

As far as I know, you [i]can[/i] receive communion as long as you're otherwise in a state of grace. Divorce itself doesn't remove you from grace - remarriage does, because the marriage will not be valid in the eyes of the Church and marital relations would amount to fornication.

If you feel you are making a spectacle of yourself, you could sit in the back, so there's a bit less pressure. But you don't really have to. If you draw strength from sitting in the same place as you always did, I would stay there.

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[quote name='Faith 1st' post='1906177' date='Jun 30 2009, 11:48 AM']My understanding was that once I filed for a Divorce I could no longer receive communion...
[b]Is that correct[/b]?[/quote]

No. There are many reasons a legal separation or divorce may be necessary. The health and safety of women and children involved, for example.

If you are divorced and pursue a romantic relationship with another person, that would preclude you from receiving Communion.

Merely living apart from your husband is not grounds for exclusion from Communion.

I know of people who were remarried outside the Church, and had children in that new marriage. An annulment was not possible, and they were unwilling to break up the new marriage because of the children involved. But they were permitted to receive Communion as long as they lived as brother and sister. It required heroism, but they did it.

Edited by Lilllabettt
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venite and lillabett already covered the receiving the Eucharist part, so i will just tell you that i will pray for you. :sign:

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I would like to add that receiving communion will help strengthen you for the trials ahead. I would also highly recommend divorce mediation. Even if you can't agree on every issue, the process can help you set a framework for cooperating with each other civilly in the years to come if there are children involved. You certainly have my prayers, and just remember that just because your marriage has failed, does not make you a failure. It just makes you human.

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I'm so sorry. By all means, keep close to the Sacraments! You'll need them now more than usual. Praying for you...

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The [i]Catechism of the Catholic Church[/i] says "If civil divorce remains the only possible way of ensuring certain legal rights, the care of the children, or the protection of inheritance, it can be tolerated and does not constitute a moral offense." ([i]Catechism of the Catholic Church[/i], no. 2383)


Prayers for you! :sign:

Edited by Resurrexi
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