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And He Saw That It Was In The Wrong Order...


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According to Genesis, god made light before he made the sun. He also made vegetation before he made the sun. It's been proven that it's impossible to sustain life on earth without the sun.

Explain, please.

Edited by Varg
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The Bible is not a science book, but a library which explains the truth about God and creation. What I mean is that the creation stories in the first two chapters are less of how, scientifically speaking, and more of why, theologically speaking. So the word of God is with out error when it comes to matters of Faith and Morals. The Church does not require Catholics to believe that the Universe came about in exactly 7 days.

What the book of Genesis teaches Christians and our Jewish brothers and sisters is that God is all powerful. He created the sun and the moon and the earth. They are not gods but creation. God created all the animals, so they are not gods to be worshiped. God created us to be like Him. The creation story shows that we are made to Worship Him alone, and that creation is good.

That and there are other light sources other then our giant ball of luminous gas.

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Thy Geekdom Come

I would also like to point out that even if someone did choose to use the Bible as a science text (which is silly, since that was never the author's intent), a careful reading of the first chapter of Genesis could simply mean that the seeds for the plants of the natures described (fruit-bearing, etc.) came into being. Since one could easily plant seeds in a dark room and only later introduce light and still end up with a good, healthy plant, there's no reason that we should dismiss the claim simply because we take the text to be more thorough than the author intended. Or, since we know God didn't create Adam and Eve as babies, we could also understand that perhaps God created full-grown plants that day. Since we all know that most if not all plants can survive a day without light, and anyone taking Genesis as science has to consider a day to be a literal day, then it's not at all unthinkable that God made plants one day and gave them light the next. Or, if you take into account the writings in Revelation, that there will be no need for the sun because God Himself will be the light of heaven, one could also understand that God Himself provided the light.

Ultimately, God is not bound by His creation. He doesn't have to follow the rules of biology.

God bless,


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