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Spiritual Direction


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Hello everyone,

I am looking for a spiritual director and don't know where to begin.

Once, at a retreat, I did have a chat to one of the priests (who was wonderful) but I'd like to have someone to talk to over a period of time.

Can you tell me what happens in a spiritual direction session?

Did you try a few SDs before you found the "one" and how did you know it was a good fit?

How has SD helped with your spiritual growth?

What happens if you (Lord forbid) disagree with them??(!!)

Would love to hear your experiences...

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They are as different as therapists are. What your sessions will be like depends on them, and what you need. My SD challenges me, and gets on me when I am too hard on myself.

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I would probably say to call up your parish or diocesan office and ask if there are available SDs. It just depends on how you want the direction to go, but in generally, you can tell him (or her) just what is going on in your life, what your struggles are, how your spiritual and prayer life is going, where you see or are struggling to see God, etc. It is really just whatever you feel comfortable with. I have heard that you should try meeting with a spiritual direction 4 or 5 times before you decide you would like to try someone else, but I suppose it is up to your discretion. Honestly, I think you will know if the SD isn't right for you-- you will simply feel uncomfortable or maybe will not like the approach of the person (too structured, different viewpoints, etc.). I guess this is something that really depends on how you are and what you are looking for. Good luck!!

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

Spiritual directors are typically used by religious, but more and more laity want them. Your spiritual director serves as a third person present as you and God work on your spiritual life. They are there to tell you when you are being an idiot (such as trying to excuse sin) and are there to offer words of advice and counsel when they feel they have something to offer.

This is purely my opinion, but I would stay far away from lay spiritual directors. They can too often be much more spiritually dangerous than helpful. I know there are some good ones out there though.

Who ever you choose make sure it is someone with whom you can be totally upfront with about your life. A spiritual director is not someone to try to put on a face with and try to make yourself look good with - if you do that you are wasting their time and yours. Thus - someone you are familiar with and know, but not someone who is a good friend or family will probably make the best spiritual director. You have to be willing to tell them your worst vices, addictions, and sins, so they can help you find forgiveness, and move on to holiness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm wondering if it is easier, or more common, to have a spiritual director in the US? I'm based in the UK, have been discerning for the past nine months or so and to date nobody has suggested or said I should have spiritual direction. Even the orders and congregations I have been in contact with. I do get a little worried when I read others saying it is essential but - and this is just my experience - it seems to be less frequent here. I wonder if others have noticed the same?


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Were I you, desuluxmea, I would read this: [url="http://rcspiritualdirection.blogspot.com/search/label/Spiritual%20Direction"]http://rcspiritualdirection.blogspot.com/s...ual%20Direction[/url]

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On the same topic:
I am the youth minister for my parish and will very rarely have the opportunity to see a priest aside from my pastor and employer. We're on an island in Alaska so it isn't like I can just drive on over to the next city!

Would it be ill advised to ask my pastor for spiritual direction? He is actually an old spiritual director (for 1-1 1/2 years) so he is familiar already with my past spiritual history.

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