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I'm Freaking Out


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So i recently was accepted to my dream college. Everything I see about it makes me think even more that God really wants me there. Everything seems to be perfect. That is, other than the fact that It is an expensive private Catholic college.

Please pray for me that I will be able to afford it. I'm to the point now that I'd almost be willing to get loans in the full amount (25,000-ish a year) to pay for it (I RRRREEEEAAAALLLLYYYY don't want to) I need to get all of my financial aid information in so that they can figure out my financial aid package soon, but I'm worried because of the fact that my dad has had a pretty steady job recently, they're going to think that my parents can help pay for it or something (they can't. my dads job ends when school starts because he's remodeling a high school and my mom makes barely enough to cover the bills when he's laid off)

i'm sorry for the fact that this post doesn't make much sense. I haven't slept all night because I'm so worried about it. I know that God is going to make happen what is best, but if I can't go here, I'll be crushed.

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They base financial aid decisions almost exclusively on income from the previous year, because it's based on your most recent tax filings.

If there are special circumstances, you should note that in your application for financial aid. Write a letter or something if they don't have a space for that. Good luck!

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[quote name='Terra Firma' post='1926435' date='Jul 21 2009, 08:15 AM']They base financial aid decisions almost exclusively on income from the previous year, because it's based on your most recent tax filings.

If there are special circumstances, you should note that in your application for financial aid. Write a letter or something if they don't have a space for that. Good luck![/quote]

My aunt works as an account for Indiana University and she said to Visit in person. I think we're going to do that later this week. Thanks!

[quote name='Archaeology cat' post='1926436' date='Jul 21 2009, 08:15 AM']I'll say a prayer for you.[/quote]

THANK YOU!!!!! :)

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[quote name='mcts' post='1926422' date='Jul 21 2009, 06:10 AM']So i recently was accepted to my dream college. Everything I see about it makes me think even more that God really wants me there. Everything seems to be perfect. That is, other than the fact that It is an expensive private Catholic college.

Please pray for me that I will be able to afford it. I'm to the point now that I'd almost be willing to get loans in the full amount (25,000-ish a year) to pay for it (I RRRREEEEAAAALLLLYYYY don't want to) I need to get all of my financial aid information in so that they can figure out my financial aid package soon, but I'm worried because of the fact that my dad has had a pretty steady job recently, they're going to think that my parents can help pay for it or something (they can't. my dads job ends when school starts because he's remodeling a high school and my mom makes barely enough to cover the bills when he's laid off)

i'm sorry for the fact that this post doesn't make much sense. I haven't slept all night because I'm so worried about it. I know that God is going to make happen what is best, but if I can't go here, I'll be crushed.[/quote]
I've got the same problem. due to what my dad makes, supposedly they should be able to afford my college, so I wlll end up having to get close to $10k in loans [i]per year[/i]. The financial aid people look at the parent's finances and not at the student's. I have four younger brothers, one of which is also headed to school, which means my parents can't support me financially during college except for co-signing my loan.

It's really annoying.

I'll keep you in my prayers, if you'll do the same! :cool:

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Yeah, I went through all that ten years ago...

Stafford loans + public university = affordable higher education

If you want a private education, find a way to pay for it yourself. That's why it's private ;)

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[quote name='mcts' post='1926438' date='Jul 21 2009, 08:21 AM']My aunt works as an account for Indiana University and she said to Visit in person. I think we're going to do that later this week. Thanks![/quote]

Usually financial things are best handled in person. People tend to have more sympathy to a face than to a letter.

Anyway, good luck and prayers! I've been there. I was facing something similar heading into my senior year at FUS. I was already working a full time job, living off campus, couldn't get another private loan under my name only, and my dad is disabled so he can't help. I went into the Fin Aid office, talked to the head guy, and started crying when he told me the University would be willing to pay the $3,000 extra I needed.

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i've been at Belmont Abbey for the last 3 years, and am STILL paranoid about the individual Financial Aid situation. thanks to the economy, my summer work hasn't given me as much to work off of in comparison to years past--so i got to make a visit in person to beg for mercy :)

fortunately, private Catholic colleges are MORE than willing to help you out 99.99% of the time in circumstances like this. trust me--i know. my college search was thought to be a complete disaster after the fiasco with Steubenville, but God always finds a way of providing. the numbers may SEEM big right now, but let Him work on covering the difference.

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If you have faith the size of a mustard seed and with complete trust you can move mountains!

"Pray, Hope, Don't worry" Saint Padre Pio.

I'd listen to him. :)

Dude, I know what you are going through, but if this is God's will and you meet Him halfway He will carry you and help you carry out your mission. :)

Prayers for you.

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Nihil Obstat

Lately I'm really a fan of Mother Teresa's saying:
"Take what He gives and give what He takes, and do it all with a big smile."


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def go visit him. Apparently the financial aid dude is really good at digging up extra aid when students need it. I'm pretty sure that it was my moms constant emphasizing that HCC was my dream school, but that I was solely paying for it that got me enough aid to go there.

also: [url="http://www.ewtn.com/Devotionals/novena/jude.htm"]http://www.ewtn.com/Devotionals/novena/jude.htm[/url]

prayers, twinnie. :console:

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1926448' date='Jul 21 2009, 08:32 AM']Yeah, I went through all that ten years ago...

Stafford loans + public university = affordable higher education

If you want a private education, find a way to pay for it yourself. That's why it's private ;)[/quote]

I really think that was not the time or place for that comment, given that fact that she IS paying for it. :unsure:

I go to a private Catholic school. I'm a music major and they have to take 10 classes on average per semester (and no, they are not easy A classes; they are actually more time consuming and longer than reg. classes) but I also worked about 20 hours a week, did odd jobs, and often was in choir or practices 20 hours a week on top of that. I have loans from another school that I am paying off at the same time, and honestly thought comment was kind of offensive.

I don't think she's expecting the college to pay for it. I doubt that she has no plans to pay something. but no one, really can afford $100k for school. That's why she [b]asking for prayers[/b]

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[quote name='missionseeker' post='1927737' date='Jul 22 2009, 01:46 AM']I really think that was not the time or place for that comment, given that fact that she IS paying for it. :unsure:[/quote]

Getting a loan for something is not the same as paying for it...

The question is whether it's going to be worthwhile when it comes time to pay it back, and my concern is mcts doesn't seem concerned about that. We've had a few people post recently about how much they've fallen in love with some private Catholic college and suddenly they're willing to mortgage half their life away to have four years in a little dream world. Now, if there was some mention of how the college/university they so desperately want to attend will get them to where they ultimately want to go in life, that's very different. But what I hear is the destination is the college and that's a formula for buyer's remorse.

Edited by LouisvilleFan
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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1928106' date='Jul 22 2009, 11:05 AM']Getting a loan for something is not the same as paying for it...

The question is whether it's going to be worthwhile when it comes time to pay it back, and my concern is mcts doesn't seem concerned about that.[/quote]

I am absolutely concerned about that. I want to study theology. If I wasn't going to study theology, I would not be cosidering a private school unless I knew that they would be willing to give me a lot of aid. It being worthwhile in the long run is ALL my mom cares about so she is upset that I am wanting to go where I'm hoping to go. I have really thought about whether it's worth it A LOT. I have figured out along the way that this is most likely where God is calling me as well. THAT'S what I'm worried about more than the money.

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[quote name='mcts' post='1928126' date='Jul 22 2009, 11:32 AM']I am absolutely concerned about that. I want to study theology. If I wasn't going to study theology, I would not be cosidering a private school unless I knew that they would be willing to give me a lot of aid. It being worthwhile in the long run is ALL my mom cares about so she is upset that I am wanting to go where I'm hoping to go. I have really thought about whether it's worth it A LOT. I have figured out along the way that this is most likely where God is calling me as well. THAT'S what I'm worried about more than the money.[/quote]
It might help you to understand why your mom cares so much about that. My parents were the same way and I thought they were just being unreasonable. Turns out they knew better than I that being saddled with debt (even Stafford loans) and a degree in an area that doesn't pay well (such as, for example, theology for a Catholic woman) can be a significant burden.

Keep looking into aid, but also keep in mind that your mom loves you and wants what's best for you long term.

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