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Lift The City - A Catholic Eucharistic Flash Mob

Chiara Francesco

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Chiara Francesco

Wonderful video! We need more of this!


Their website: http://www.courageouspriest.com/capuchin-eucharistic-flash-mob?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+courageouspriest%2FqTKF+%28Courageous+Priest%29

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I love this vid! I saw it via Twitter... Twitter has such a Catholic atmosphere... at least my feed does. :hehe:

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There was a big discussion going on about this in Open Mic or the Debate Board. But we can keep it hush-hush in the VS corner of Phatmass :)

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I can't watch this often enough. My (non-Catholic) mother got all emotional watching it too, as she did the day she came to Adoration with me as part of a parish retreat. We cannot begin to comprehend the power of the Eucharist and nothing, absolutely nothing, that we do will ever show it the respect and honour deserved. But Christ didn't come in the form of a King, or even a priest - he came in the simplest way imaginable, as a helpless baby, and now comes to us in the most basic and everyday form of bread and wine. Those who need Christ most are not the ones who would go to church or participate in a formal procession, they are those walking down the street who have never known Him as anything other than a swear word. This priest took Christ to the very situations that Jesus took Himself to while on earth.

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1309356017' post='2260222']
There was a big discussion going on about this in Open Mic or the Debate Board. But we can keep it hush-hush in the VS corner of Phatmass :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you ....

I got so frustrated with the discussion on OM or DB -- it really misses the overall point. The good of what came out of it. Regardless of the technicalities (right or wrong of what was done, how it was done, etc.).

I also thank those on VS for (most of the times) avoiding creating heated discussions (especially those that lack respect for one another) that have come up on late on OM/DB. It is an oasis on PM.

Edited by cmariadiaz
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  • 5 months later...

It's just personal, but I would have preferred it if there had been sacred music instead of the speaking. I found the voice going on and on annoying. The Eucharist with some beautiful, reverent music would have felt better to me.

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1309369357' post='2260306']
I can't watch this often enough. My (non-Catholic) mother got all emotional watching it too, as she did the day she came to Adoration with me as part of a parish retreat. We cannot begin to comprehend the power of the Eucharist and nothing, absolutely nothing, that we do will ever show it the respect and honour deserved. But Christ didn't come in the form of a King, or even a priest - he came in the simplest way imaginable, as a helpless baby, and now comes to us in the most basic and everyday form of bread and wine. Those who need Christ most are not the ones who would go to church or participate in a formal procession, they are those walking down the street who have never known Him as anything other than a swear word. This priest took Christ to the very situations that Jesus took Himself to while on earth.
Beautifully put Faith! Watching the video their appeared to be at least a couple of people who weren't part of the actual flash mob that joined in. Simply avvsome.

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I'm glad that there were those who knelt :) that was great to see.

Edited by MarysLittleFlower
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I love this one :) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bxQ9MVTkuQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bxQ9MVTkuQ[/url]

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[quote name='MarysLittleFlower' timestamp='1323034977' post='2344525']
I love this one :) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bxQ9MVTkuQ[/media]

This one makes me cry every. single. time.

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