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OK so today at about 11:30 I will be getting on the road to drive four hours to Orlando (where my parents live) to meet with my old pastor to discuss possible financial assistance. This meeting has been in the making for about 3 months now and I cannot wait. I am anxious and nervous and scared and excited and everything you can possibly think of.

My dear sweet mother spoke to Fr briefly about him helping me and he was open to the idea and asked to meet with me and talk to me. I am hoping that at the very least father is able to help me get in touch with some donors who are able and open to assist young vocations in the church.

I have realized that it takes complete and utter trust in the Lord in order to truly lay it all out and rely on others' kindness and open heart. Please pray that the Lord continues to guide me and that I continue to grow in humility and trust in Him. I am thinking that I might also speak to father about organizing a dinner down there or even some kind of pledge drive to work with donors who might want to pledge some monthly contributions to my loans. I found out that I would be able to enter even if my loans were not completely paid off, as long as they were pledged for (so let us pray for that)

I meet with father at 5pm so I hope it all goes well and that I have a safe drive (I have to drive back to Tally after the meeting because I teach tomorrow)

I have never had such an important meeting in my life. This is my plan[list]
[*]Arrive by about 4:00 (go home, change real quickly and eat something)
[*]Go visit Christ in chapel (the church is litterally down the street from me so.... - and they have adoration on Fridays :dance: :dance3:)
[*]meet with father and discuss the following
[*]Getting financial assistance from parish if possible
[*]Working with Serra Club and K of C to put together a dinner of some sorts or get some kind of sponsorship
[*]Work with them to do a pledge drive or a fundraising drive.
Do you guys have any other ideas of what I should talk about or how to say these things? I am sooo afraid that I will get too nervous to remember anything. I am getting really nervous now just thinking about it. (maybe I should bring my notebook)

In other news.........

(drum roll please)

I have managed to get my loans to under $50,000.00 Actually with fundraising from rosaries, my dinner and other in kind donations, it is almost at $46,000 :w00t: (which is a [size=5]HUGE [/size]deal - I mean I didn't think it would ever get below $50,000 so soon and now it might be possible to get it below $40,000 before the year is out) Thank you my dear PM phamily for your prayers, your contributions and your words of encouragement.

Please continue to keep me in your prayers as I continue to keep you in mine. I will be sure to give as detailed of an update as I can when I return.


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HB, you are probably already on the road, but I wanted to say how happy we all are for you. The amount of your debt sounds simply staggering to me (like half a mortage!) but you have done well to reduce it so much. I am praying that all goes well and that you are able to get many pledges and that Father supports you completely. God does do amazing things, and nothing is impossible for Him.

Prayers :pray:

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HB- I'll will be storming heaven all day. My only other thought is maybe you could see if there are any other Knights or Serra Clubs in Orlando that also might help you out- see if Father can find you contacts. Don't limit yourself to just your old parish.

Also, you might bring up the RSVP program that the Knights have (so he can mention it to the councils). http://www.kofc.org/un/en/vocations/rsvp/index.html
It sounds like it supports postulants already in formation, so maybe at some point you could talk to Mother and see if part of your debt can be pledged to be paid after you enter/or you could apply this to health care or other costs that you might pay for during your first year or so.

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HB this is wonderful news! It is so good to hear that you are getting closer to paying all of your debt down. I will be praying for you today. :nun1:

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Thanks for the prayers everyone. I am still here (I leave in less than 20 minutes ) and I'm nervously trying to get all things ready to leave.

I shall keep you guys in my prayers.


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I just got back from my meeting with father. He was running late so I actually didn't see him until well after five.

I got to Orlando at about 4:15 and barely had time to inhale my food and relax. Mom and I left the house at about 4:45 and we were there before 4:50 (I'm telling you right down the street) When we got there the receptionist told us that Father was running behind and would see us as soon as he could. We waited until about 5:50 to be seen. While I was waiting, I pulled out my little book of prayers and said a prayer of abandonment as well as a quick little prayer to my guardian Angel. I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me and help me to be open and humble enough to lay it all out and not be afraid to wholeheartedly ask Father for some help.

As I walked in he asked me how he could help me; I gave him a quick background as far as how long I had been discerning and that I was accepted to enter this year but had to wait until next year. He asked me how much I owe and I told him, he then did this number :o... Then he asked how much was it before and I told him; so he did THIS number :twitch: I told him that I was looking to see if the parish could work with me on a dinner or if the Serra club or K of C could help financially with my loans. He asked about the community and of course I told him (I happened to have had a copy of one of their newsletters with me so I gave that to him)

I told him that any way they can help me would be great (either a financial contribution from the parish, the Serra club or K of C, a parishioner/business owner or something like that) He said that they would definitely be able to help and are willing to help. He said that he would take it to the finance committee at the next meeting and they would decide how much they can contribute.

He has asked me to write him a letter that he can take to the committee with him. I told him I would share my vocation story with them and information on my debt. He's also asked me to provide him with contact information for the community.

I am exhausted right now so I am going to lay down for a quick nap and then I am going to start writing my letter to give to mom so that she can deliver to the office first thing tomorrow.

I don't know what the Lord has in store but I have never felt so hopeful regarding my student loans before.

Please pray for me that the Holy Spirit continues to inspire and guide me.


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Yay! I'm so excited that it went well- I was sending up little prayers for you all day! Just curious- what was your debt at the beginning???? (if you want to share). I know you've been working so hard to pay it off. Hopefully I'm going to send some people your way for rosary purchases soon! By the way..... EVERYONE, listen up!

http://www.rosarieschaplets.com . Want to buy a rosary for a birthday gift? They are amesome, and you'll be helping HB!

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Thanks for all of the prayers Lisa. I would have to go back and look at how much my loan was from the beginning as I was paying some of it while I was finishing school. However I have been keeping meticulous records since March of this year and at that time it was over $55,000 so I am ecstatic that it has taken just over six months to get it under $50,000 (without the donations factored in) I was afraid I wasn't making much progress but it looks like I might be making a dent after all. I think that plus the contributions and rosary proceed might get it under $40,000 by the end of the year (if not by next march) I am writing a letter to my local Serra club (one of the members said I should) asking for some financial assistance as well and hopefully they are able to help in a small way.

Keep praying please and thanks for the quick advertisement :)


Edited by HopefulBride
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HB I am so excited for you! Houses in my prayers. I am so glad that the meeting went well...I will be buying one of your rosaries in the near future. They are so beautiful!!!


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OK so after agonizing and worrying for weeks I am very close to completing the requirement/paperwork for the new program of the Laboure Society. I was very worried about being able to do what was required of me both in terms of the time I needed to dedicate and the small personal investment. However, I have taken it to the Lord in prayer and I have also been able to discuss this with Mother and Fr T and both of them helped me to see that my worries were not helpful.

It also helped that many times in prayer, I felt an extreme and overwhelming peace about my decision. I had so much going on for October and November (and January and February) that I thought it would be impossible to do what I needed to do for fundraising of my loans. I am now seeing that all I need to do is to trust him wholly. I have a ways to go yet but I am starting to learn this (and the trusting of my superior!)

I was so afraid to call Mother and to speak to hear about it because I feared the answer would be one that I wouldn't want to hear (or obey) but in the end I decided to call her and trust that whatever she advises me to do I should do. I did so and was very glad she advised me as she did (even though at one point I was hoping she would say differently!) I think the peace the Lord had been giving me all week long was his voice in my heart to decide as I did. The convo with Mother and Fr. T definitely confirmed that.

Please keep me in your prayers as I move toward the unknown (I still have fears but I am totally learning to turn it all over to him)

Will keep you updated on what Fr. G says about the parish's donation (keep the prayers coming)

Pax and Happy Feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary


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Just keep turning to Him! It sounds like it's all working out, and you know it will:

Romans 8:28
All things work for good for those who love the Lord.

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