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[quote name='Gemma' timestamp='1341576019' post='2452807']
Now, I am needing "Health Care Systems".

For instance, I never knew that there was a Benedictine Health Care System in Minnesota.


Then I would suggest the Religious Sisters of Mercy in Alma, MI. They offer services in practically EVERY healthcare spectrum. :)

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Chiara Francesco

I started this thread, "Nursing Sisters: Messengers Of Mercy - Servants Of Mary, Ministers To The Sick" at this link:


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  • 3 weeks later...
Sponsa Christi

Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I came to this forum. Several years in fact. So let me introduce myself again. I am a 49 year-old female discerning a religious vocation for the past decade. Have tried many contemplative orders and have a conservative, traditional outlook. Over the past two years, I've been in nursing school and I'm supposed to graduate in May 2013. I have been feeling more and more that I should do something that involves both religious life and healthcare, but I have looked into religious nursing orders and most of them are way too liberal for me and do not even wear the habit anymore. I long for the full traditional habit and would love to serve as a nurse or be involved in some sort of health care for those who are in need. What do you think about the possibility of creating a new nursing order? Anyone? I visited the Hawthorne Dominicans once and wrote them last fall, but I never heard back from them... maybe that just wasn't meant to be. I've found a small group called the Franciscan Daughters of Mary, but I don't know if they are approved/recognized by the Vatican and they only have five sisters. I'm not sure what to do at this point.

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Sponsa Christi: The FDofM are a-okay, orthodoxy-wise. I would also try contacting the Domnicans again, as they seem like a beautiful community, and communications-even for vocations-can sometimes fall through the cracks.

I would look into your options thoroughly before thinking of starting a new community. Make sure that you don't have a vocation to both, and then you will be more free to think of founding your own community. As I am sure you know, this is very difficult. The much easier road would be to join a group of existing sisters. However, God calls each one as He wills.

God bless!

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[quote name='Sponsa Christi' timestamp='1342927701' post='2457747']
Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I came to this forum. Several years in fact. So let me introduce myself again. I am a 49 year-old female discerning a religious vocation for the past decade. Have tried many contemplative orders and have a conservative, traditional outlook. Over the past two years, I've been in nursing school and I'm supposed to graduate in May 2013. I have been feeling more and more that I should do something that involves both religious life and healthcare, but I have looked into religious nursing orders and most of them are way too liberal for me and do not even wear the habit anymore. I long for the full traditional habit and would love to serve as a nurse or be involved in some sort of health care for those who are in need. What do you think about the possibility of creating a new nursing order? Anyone? I visited the Hawthorne Dominicans once and wrote them last fall, but I never heard back from them... maybe that just wasn't meant to be. I've found a small group called the Franciscan Daughters of Mary, but I don't know if they are approved/recognized by the Vatican and they only have five sisters. I'm not sure what to do at this point.

From my personal experience, email for the Hawthorne Dominicans can fall through the cracks so it's best to call them instead of writing. If you are still interested in them, I would give them another go. They are a beautiful order and, at one time, I considered them myself.

As far as other religious communities that accept belated vocations and have ministry in healthcare, these are some I'm aware of that wear the habit and are obedient to Holy Mother Church:

[url="http://www.rsmofalma.org/"]Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, MI[/url]

[url="http://db.religiouslife.com/reg_life/irl.nsf/org/384"]Olivetan Benedictine Sisters[/url]

[url="http://sistersofcharity.com/"]Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church in Baltic, CT[/url]

[url="http://db.religiouslife.com/reg_life/irl.nsf/org/118"]Sisters of Life[/url]

[url="http://www.fsecommunity.org/index.htm"]Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist[/url]

[url="http://www.cmswr.org/member_communities/OSSHJ.htm"]Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus[/url]

[url="http://www.sistersofstrita.org/"]Sisters of St. Rita[/url]

[url="http://www.franciscansisterspeoria.org/index.htm"]Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis[/url]

[url="http://www.soltsisters.org/index.html"]Sisters of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT)[/url]

[url="http://www.cmswr.org/member_communities/SLVM.htm"]Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara (SSVM)[/url]

[url="http://www.resurrectionsisters.org/"]Sisters of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ[/url]

[url="http://www.briarbank.com/divine_charity.htm"]Daughters of Divine Charity[/url]

[url="http://www.cmswr.org/member_communities/SCC.html"]Sisters of Christian Charity[/url]

[url="http://www.corpuschristicarmelites.org/"]Corpus Christi Carmelites[/url]

[url="http://www.dillingenfranciscansusa.org/"]Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Heart of Mary[/url]

[url="http://sistersofstbenedictcenter.org/index.html"]Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary[/url]

[url="http://www.littleworkers.org/lwsh2/index.html"]Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts[/url] (heavy pro-life healthcare work as doctors and nurses)

I would recommend contacting the RSMs of Alma first as I visited them in November 2011 and I know for sure that they have a VERY strong healthcare apostolate and place a greater emphasis on higher education. They are a beautiful order and are fiercely loyal to the Church. They accept women into their 50s or 60s. Hope this helps!

Oh, and my friend who is 51 years old, was admitted to both the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of the Church and the SOLT Sisters. She also entered the [url="http://www.graceandcompassionbenedictines.org.uk/"]Benedictine Sisters of Grace and Compassion[/url] in the UK, but I'm not sure if you are interested in overseas orders.

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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[quote name='emmaberry' timestamp='1342932807' post='2457823']
Sponsa Christi: The FDofM are a-okay, orthodoxy-wise. I would also try contacting the Domnicans again, as they seem like a beautiful community, and communications-even for vocations-can sometimes fall through the cracks.

I would look into your options thoroughly before thinking of starting a new community. Make sure that you don't have a vocation to both, and then you will be more free to think of founding your own community. As I am sure you know, this is very difficult. The much easier road would be to join a group of existing sisters. However, God calls each one as He wills.

God bless!

Franciscan Daughters of Mary--I believe you're talking about the ones in Northern KY--are orthodox.

Your Personal Prayer Rule may eventually lead to a new charism, but I put emphasis on the words "personal" in this stage. Visualize the perfect nun, and strive to live that way. How would you want to be treated by a nun? Do the same.

It's always possible to be feeling this attraction to foundation as the Lord preparing you for a vocation as an emerging charism adherent. But, please do your research and see what is emerging already. There may be a community forming which has the exact name as what you wish to give yours. I've seen it happen before.

Determine which spirituality/rule attracts you, and seek out communities based on that rule. The Sisters of Life are Augustinian, just to give an example.


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[quote name='Sponsa Christi' timestamp='1342927701' post='2457747']
Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I came to this forum. Several years in fact. So let me introduce myself again. I am a 49 year-old female discerning a religious vocation for the past decade. Have tried many contemplative orders and have a conservative, traditional outlook. Over the past two years, I've been in nursing school and I'm supposed to graduate in May 2013. I have been feeling more and more that I should do something that involves both religious life and healthcare, but I have looked into religious nursing orders and most of them are way too liberal for me and do not even wear the habit anymore. I long for the full traditional habit and would love to serve as a nurse or be involved in some sort of health care for those who are in need. What do you think about the possibility of creating a new nursing order? Anyone? I visited the Hawthorne Dominicans once and wrote them last fall, but I never heard back from them... maybe that just wasn't meant to be. I've found a small group called the Franciscan Daughters of Mary, but I don't know if they are approved/recognized by the Vatican and they only have five sisters. I'm not sure what to do at this point.

Try contacting the Dominican sisters of the Immaculate Conception in Justice, IL (www.sistersop.com) they are a wonderful group of sisters faithful to the Magisterium and traditional. I am not sure of their age bracket for vocations but it doesn't hurt to inquire.

God Bless,

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