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How Is Your Discernment Going?


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This is basically for anyone to share their discernment and even share how they got to discerning. I would share both of mine, bit I'm on my iPod so I'd rather not spend half an hour fixing the incorrect auto-corrects, so I'll share later. :P

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Because I was gone a while, I suppose I'll update.

Discernment's been yucky lately, frankly, and I feel no joy or peace about anything.
I am still discerning, though.

That is all.

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I'm kind of in neutral and reassessing my desires towards religious life. For a few months, after I went on retreat with the RSMs, I thought discernment was over because I didn't think I was attracted to any other orders. I don't have a great attraction to any, still, but an order of Sisters is coming to my parish next year and I talked to them when they were here earlier this month. They are coming back in May for another visit so I'm hoping to talk to them again. I also need to go to the parish office tomorrow and pick up a brochure. Their website is horribly out of date so I don't have any updated information on their community. They told me to talk to my pastor.

Anyway, it seems as though the desire for consecrated/religious life is returning. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I am seriously beginning to think that this is the Holy Spirit after all who is continually prompting me to go this route. No matter how many times I try to put it out of my mind and move on, it comes back. I've read on many discernment websites recently that this is a sign of a vocation. Of course, all the other affirmations have to be there as well, especially finding a community who agrees. ;)

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In a way just like MaterMisericordiae my discernment is in neutral. But in a way it is not.

What the focus has been on is one-mindedness, i.e. to really start to serve the Lord with a single heart, without duality.

And well, to do whatever is necessary to be holy. Including recognizing my weaknesses and areas that need growth.

The vocation (whatever and where ever that may lead) is really secondary right now. Finally I do realize that my own willingness to re-enter any religious community is at 0%.

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I've finished discerning. Now I'm going to live it. :P

Actually, after all these years of discerning, I am so content and at peace now that I can only wish for everyone else to find where God is calling you too, wherever that may be. You will know when your heart is finally at peace.

I am praying for all of you on your journeys and I thank you for all your prayers for me over the years.

pax xti.

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Really well. The retreat I did just over a week ago really helped shine a light for me to show me what I really wanted. I've been so confused for so long.

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1329812151' post='2390511']
I've finished discerning. Now I'm going to live it. :P

Actually, after all these years of discerning, I am so content and at peace now that I can only wish for everyone else to find where God is calling you too, wherever that may be. You will know when your heart is finally at peace.

I am praying for all of you on your journeys and I thank you for all your prayers for me over the years.

pax xti.
[quote name='Strictlyinkblot' timestamp='1329817319' post='2390520']
Really well. The retreat I did just over a week ago really helped shine a light for me to show me what I really wanted. I've been so confused for so long.

Nunsense and strictly, you have no idea how happy it makes me to read that. All the best to you both!

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[quote name='marigold' timestamp='1329821494' post='2390521']

Nunsense and strictly, you have no idea how happy it makes me to read that. All the best to you both!

Thank you. It is funny how being happy makes one want everyone else to be happy too :)

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This is how it is for me:

[i]"You must, You must think I'm strong[/i]
[i]To give me what I'm going through[/i]
[i]Well, forgive me, forgive me if I'm wrong
But this looks like more than I can do on my own

I know I'm not strong enough to be
Everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up, I'm not strong enough

Hands of mercy, won't You cover me?
Lord, right now I'm asking You to be
Strong enough, strong enough[/i]
[i]For the both of us, yeah" - Mathew West from the song Strong Enough.[/i]

I am trying to do it all on my own, and I realized that isn't working out too well. :|

Edited by i<3LSOP
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Matthew West is a great songwriter and his songs are alway so fitting. My sister got me tickets to see him this weekend I'm so excited!

oh and my discernment is going well. I am actually with my future sisters right now and will be speaking to mother about how I will proceed should I be unable to enter this year. I got accepted to enter last year and I remember the joy I felt. I don't have that high but I still have a joy that makes the waiting bearable. I went over my shopping list with the Novice Mistress yesterday (and got fitted too :) ) and it makes everything so real, and my yearning to enter this year so strong that it aches.

Edited by HopefulBride
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[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1329833474' post='2390565']
Matthew West is a great songwriter and his songs are alway so fitting. My sister got me tickets to see him this weekend I'm so excited!

Ahh! If I could hide in your purse......... :dance5:

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This is very exciting news, everyone. My discernment is going great. I have greatly narrowed down my Communities and, currently, I am mainly discerning between the Dioesan Priesthood and the Franciscan Brothers Minor. Whew! It's been a year of discernment, and I'm so glad I don't have go to through another year of discerning with ten Communities!

But I am very convicted that I am called to the Religious life or Diocesan Priesthood. Others are, too, which makes me more confident. My family thinks it's just a givin' that I'm going to Seminary to become a Priest, and they don't have a doubt in their minds, and we have a friend that used to be a Dominican who doesn't have a shadow of a doubt that I'm going to be a Priest, so I'm feeling more and more confident about it. Plus, God is answering my prayers and is helping me immensely in school, so I think that in about a year I'll be ready to get my G.E.D. Please pray that I get my G.E.D. next year, as I can't even think of entering Seminary if I don't have one. I will definitely pray for everyone's discernment.

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[quote name='marigold' timestamp='1329821494' post='2390521']
Nunsense and strictly, you have no idea how happy it makes me to read that. All the best to you both!

Thank you. :blowkiss:

I've been flapping around about this for so long. Its so nice to finally feel at peace about the community I'm called to. I still have a few years at least bar a lottery win.

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[quote name='Strictlyinkblot' timestamp='1329817319' post='2390520']
Really well. The retreat I did just over a week ago really helped shine a light for me to show me what I really wanted. I've been so confused for so long.

[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1329812151' post='2390511']
I've finished discerning. Now I'm going to live it. :P

Actually, after all these years of discerning, I am so content and at peace now that I can only wish for everyone else to find where God is calling you too, wherever that may be. You will know when your heart is finally at peace.

I am praying for all of you on your journeys and I thank you for all your prayers for me over the years.

pax xti.

That is wonderful to hear! Congrats.

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1329846960' post='2390669']
Please pray that I get my G.E.D. next year, as I can't even think of entering Seminary if I don't have one. I will definitely pray for everyone's discernment.

I'll pray.

But I was just wondering, why get a GED?
All the Seminaries I know of are colleges, and most colleges would prefer a degree... Even Seminary ones.

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