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A Very Late Vocation


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Clareni.... this is the post I and I think most of us have been hoping/praying to read. Hang in there and hang with us.... we are all in the same boat at different places on this road (to mix WAY too many metaphors, but you know what I mean....)

Praying for you....

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I just finished [i]Five for Sorrow, Ten for Joy[/i] and SO MANY FEELINGS!!

It was fantastic, and I recommend you read it, Clareni!

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To the wonderful movie clips about repentance I would like to add my own. "The Mission" set in South America in the 18th century has a powerful portrayal of a mercenary and slave trader played by Robert De Niro. Upon discovering that his wife is having an affair with his brother, he confronts his brother and after a sword fight, the brother is killed. De Niro is haunted by this and a priest gives him the penance of dragging his sword and armor up a mountain to a mission for the Indians of the region. The movie has some problems but these two scenes are very beautiful portrayals of the forgiveness of sins and the possibility of living a new life dedicated to God.



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So glad you liked Five for Sorrow, Ten for Joy, Le Petit Soeur! You can probably read more of the French words than I can!

It is such a wonderful testament to forgiveness and the practical side of how God works in our lives.....

Actually that and [i]In this House of Brede [/i](her book on an older vocation to an English Benedictine monastery) are both excellent!

Clareni, another book you might like is [i]God's Smuggler. [/i]It's written by a protestant lay-evangelist who had a similar reaction to war as you did... and then had his life transformed by God's healing touch. I actually have learned so much from him, that I must credit the author, Brother Andrew, with helping me to live more radically for God as a lay person..... I would recommend it to any of you....

Again, there is a 'look inside' option... read the first pages, and you will be hooked....


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