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Need Help Refining An Idea

Lil Red

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Back to the topic... How about some kind of mom to mom hot line. Basically its a telephone number that new mums can ring to ask advice of more experienced mums. Now, I know for legal as well as logistic reasons you're probably not going to be able to set it up in a formal way but maybe some of the mums in the group could volunteer to answer questions of those expecting for the first time, either by offering their phone number or email at the group (if they felt comfortable with this) or by have a question night where you have a panel of 'experts' (not necessarily professionals but if you could get a midwife or someone similar to volunteer that would be great) who are prepared to answer any question. You could have the questions put in a box beforehand or just a 'hands up who has a question' format.

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Red, you have to work up an outline of a plan of what you want to do and how to do it to narrow down the practicalities. There's a billion ideas out thereand you can easily be overwelmed. I'd suggest you find one other person you'd like to do this with, let them know you want to be the leader, get an ministry ounline from outline, and start hammering it out over coffee and/or gin. (Keep off the similac. Look what it does to FP.) That's just my opinion based on being a project manager for lot's of different endeavers. An outline and a partner are critical and you can get anything started and operating.

Edited by Anomaly
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I'm due in 13 days and while I NEVER like being helped with things (I need to work on that), I'm pregnant "enough" to be in the position where I would gladly accept someone's offer to come do our laundry, cooking, and cleaning, even now. Plus we just moved 2 weeks ago, so we have no baby things set up or any of our stuff unpacked, because working full time I don't have the energy to do anything when I get off. I am sure help is only going to get more and more desirable once the baby is actually born. I like the idea of someone coming over to work while I'm in a separate part of the house with the baby... otherwise I would feel too awkward about it. Maybe that's just me.

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After I had John Paul, the "Welcoming Committee" at our Parish set it up for someone to bring over a meal for us, to welcome the newest member of our parish! Someone from the parish called and asked if we would like a meal, and if it was okay to give our name and number to someone else on the committee to call and set up the meal with us, and they called and asked if there were any diet restrictions or anything, and set up a time to bring over the meal.

Just having some sort of Mom's group would've been nice, especially since we were new to the area. Something for "mothers in all stages" or something like that would be good, so pregnant ladies aren't excluded, but you could also hopefully include the expertise of the more experienced mothers. I don't know how something like that would play out in real life, though.

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Well at least for me, I'm part of a group of Catholic moms that got together outside of a parish setting, but it could easily be made into a parish-sponsored one. We meet every other Friday at one of the mom's homes (a different one volunteers each week) but that could easily be changed to a parish hall or something like that. A small snack and drink is provided by the host but usually the other moms bring a little something too. A mom could volunteer each week to bring a little something if you did it through the parish.

Our group set up a thing for each pregnant member from takethemameal.com ... So that each member of our group picked a time to bring them a meal after or close to delivery, but it was listed on that calendar online so the mom knew when and what they were bringing. So the postpartum "ministry" is actually a function of the mom's group as a whole and that works out great...we know the mom well enough to feel comfortable offering the things on that list!

We also have a babysitting co-op set up, which is another great thing!

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