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I Leave Tomorrow!


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It's now quarter past midnight so technically, I leave for my live-in tomorrow! I'm so excited, but so unprepared - I've got a ton of washing and packing to do. Plus I need to go into the city and see if I can speak to Father at the cathedral, I haven't had the chance to speak him in ages and he's been really helpful with all my discernment stuff so I wanted to tell him about the live-in. And my scrupulosity had been in overdrive recently so I want to go to Confession as well. So much to do and so little time!

Anyway my point here was that I'll be praying for y'all anyway but if there are any specific prayer intentions y'all would like me to pray for while I'm at the abbey then reply here or send me a PM or whatever.


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I'll definitely say some prayers for you while you are away, Emily. If you could please, pray for my mama.

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1341877350' post='2454128']
I'll definitely say some prayers for you while you are away, Emily. If you could please, pray for my mama.

Of course Lisa.

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Praying for your live-in! You must be sooo excited. How long is it for again?

While you're there, please pray for a family friend who has young children and is contemplating divorce.

Thank you, and God bless your live-in!

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[quote name='EmilyAnn' timestamp='1341876124' post='2454115']
It's now quarter past midnight so technically, I leave for my live-in tomorrow! I'm so excited, but so unprepared - I've got a ton of washing and packing to do. Plus I need to go into the city and see if I can speak to Father at the cathedral, I haven't had the chance to speak him in ages and he's been really helpful with all my discernment stuff so I wanted to tell him about the live-in. And my scrupulosity had been in overdrive recently so I want to go to Confession as well. So much to do and so little time!

Anyway my point here was that I'll be praying for y'all anyway but if there are any specific prayer intentions y'all would like me to pray for while I'm at the abbey then reply here or send me a PM or whatever.


How exciting! If you could please pray for my intention of having a positive outcome on my psychological assessment this Saturday, I'd be so very grateful! I have a tendency to talk more than is necessary. :hehe2:

Also, if you could pray that I am faithful in following God's will. So far, I've had nothing but peace and joy about the direction I'm headed. :)

I hope you have a very fruitful live-in and I will keep you in my prayers that God makes His will known to you.

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[quote name='EmilyAnn' timestamp='1341876124' post='2454115']
It's now quarter past midnight so technically, I leave for my live-in tomorrow! I'm so excited, but so unprepared - I've got a ton of washing and packing to do. Plus I need to go into the city and see if I can speak to Father at the cathedral, I haven't had the chance to speak him in ages and he's been really helpful with all my discernment stuff so I wanted to tell him about the live-in. And my scrupulosity had been in overdrive recently so I want to go to Confession as well. So much to do and so little time!

Anyway my point here was that I'll be praying for y'all anyway but if there are any specific prayer intentions y'all would like me to pray for while I'm at the abbey then reply here or send me a PM or whatever.


I'm very excited for you. God's providence as you discern on this live-in.

I have a plethora of prayer intentions, but I don't want to bombard you with them, so if I had to narrow it down to two it would be that I get my GED and for continued help with discernment. Know that I will be praying for you as well.

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Y'all are in my journal now.

FP: don't worry, bombard away. I've got two weeks and probably a lot more prayer time than I'm used to. I'm more than happy to take all the intentions you can throw at me.

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Spem in alium

That's so fantastic! Most definitely praying for you :)

Please pray for my family, for success in my travel plans and for a friend of mine who joined the Nashville Dominicans in 2010. I believe she's making her First Profession in a couple of weeks.

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I hope you have a wonderful, prayerful, peaceful time. Please pray for me and I'll pray for you on my retreat

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Prayer and many blessings on your discernment.
(If you could mention the intentions of BT in your prayer, I would be very grateful)

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[i]Many prayers for you EA........................I hope you have a wonderful and fruitful live-in. :pray: [/i]

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Oh! Could you please pray for my friend, Sr. Mary Elizabeth? She entered the novitiate in the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus and I'm praying she has a very fruitful year. This is the year that the novices remain mostly cloistered -- studying and working. It is very intense.

Also, my other religious friend, Sr. Annunciata Maria of the Sisters of Life is preparing to make her first profession of vows next month! Please pray for her as she prepares. It's so exciting! :)

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All of your prayer intentions are in my journal ready to go to St. Cecilia's with me. :)

I'm having one of those days where it's like the world is conspiring against you. I walked into the city today, it's about a 40 minute walk but I thought it'd be good to get some fresh air. Lo and behold, half way there the heavens open. And I'm just in a t-shirt and a cardigan, no coat or umbrella. I finally get to the cathedral, hoping to speak to Father after Mass so I can tell him about my live-in and ask him to hear my Confession. I get scrupulous when I'm stressed so recently it's been quite bad. There's probably all venial but just for my peace of mind, but Father left super quickly after Mass so I didn't get the chance. Then I realised I own like no pyjamas. So I had to search the store for something to wear, and of course half of it was a) too expensive b) super immodest or c) only came in sizes designed for stick people. I eventually found something, plus some more vests to wear under some of my tops that aren't as modest as they could be. I got the bus home because I am like freezing cold.

And, the icing on the cake, I haven't told my mother yet. I leave tomorrow morning. Minor panic attack. Oh and of all the days it could be, today was the funeral for my grandfather's neighbour. So yeah, now I have to add this to her already probably rubbish day. Darn.

Edited by EmilyAnn
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