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Arfink Gets Random.


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Chrys, I think we are stuck in the same bubble... I have a bunch of housework to do, a friend coming tomorrow, and I don't wanna move.... I think we need your help.  Tell us what to doooooooooo????!!!!!!


Sorry, I missed this! I was at a fun thing with my mom and my um director (? I don't know if she actually has a title that I would refer to her by...) at her house until late last night.

I suggest loud music for cleaning, unless you prefer to sing to yourself. Also, gear up! Rolling up your sleeves literally can do the trick sometimes to help dive in to the pile of junk on the floor. Actually, my chore is cleaning the bathroom, and I am really sensitive to chemicals, so I usually go and change into a set of old grungy clothes before I work.

Otherwise, I think flylady might be your only guide!


Or maybe not, I see arfink applied to a higher power...

We shall pray for the intercession of our patroness.




rotfl  (seems slightly disrespectful though, maybe I will have to go confess to the bad catholic thread)


Humph.  I guess Chrys is not going to rescue us either, ARFink.  I guess it's the flyday's set the timer for 15 minutes routine.  


d  a m n.

I feel for you. But it would be difficult to give you good advice (as if I had any :hehe2: ) while I am laughing at you language choice! I didn't think cleaning was that big of a frustration! rotfl


Irony is that I hav a d'HAM in the fridge to cook tomorrow....

rotfl rotfl rotfl  :lol4: :lol4: :lol4:


Hee Hee Hee rotfl

You both make me laugh! I love this thread. Arfink, keep up the good work!

And this was a double post from last night, because my laptop died with the posting screen still open and when I plugged in and turned on my computer today, and then hooked up to the internet, it posted again. Talk about weird!

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My laser is now set up for secure remote access. This means I can use the computer that drives the laser from anywhere in the world where I have an internet connection. "Why would you do that? Isn't it dangerous?" you might ask. Why no, it's not. Here is why it is not dangerous:


The laser is never left turned on and unattended. In order to turn on the laser you have to

-plug it in

-turn on all the power supplies

-activate the safety

-and insert and turn the key


Then you have to use the computer to fire the laser. To get into the computer normally one must know the password for the computer. But that's if you're there in person. A hacker would have to:


-know my Google password

-have my cell phone in order to receive the counter-sign code

-know my pattern-lock in order to READ the counter-sign code

-know the PIN to access the remote desktop software


Not as secure as launching a nuke, but pretty secure. :cool:


As for why I did this, it allows me to test-render designs remotely and monitor them while they run. :)

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I want one too.   Closest things I've seen before now are these....




but the yellow one is more practical and MUCH more attractive.  I do lke the larger bed model... but more importantly, ideally not in yellow.


I even think you could use the top of the ladder on the yellow one for exercising!   But I'd be worried that klutzy me would walk INTO the ladder.... I can just see it with an attached eyeball (optional).


You know... you come up with some good designs, add a little of your laser goodness, and you could have something that would really sell to the college crowd.... and the over-stuffed apartment crowd.....

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Yeah, the yellow is a bit over the top. But I could see it working. That black thing is a bit of a monster, and not something I'd like in my room honestly. I think a little more height in the bed with some drawers beneath would be the best option overall.

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Yellow and Grey...  Just NO....


My husband's uniforms are grey and hello  yellow... as is their mascot...





I have to IRON the danged things all the time... and I HATE grey and yellow....



I have to agree with the wag who had this to say about o' Horatio:


XXXXXX Car Rental Introduces Lemon as Mascot


Quick! Someone tell the folks at XXXXXX Car Rental that lemons are the last thing you want associated with your brand when you’re in the business of selling and/or renting automobiles.




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LOL nice one AnneLine.


I do like bright colors though, but not yellow. As you can tell, I'm an orange and blue and hot pink kind of guy. But in moderation of course. Except orange. I like orange. A lot.

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Maybe Mary wears an old style Carmelite

Commuion Veil:  Like this:




If so, all you will see is chin and mouth....


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Like it, Winchester!   Even the colors are right... presuming she is wearing CARMELITE livery... but I guess the DOMINICANS will insist on things being black and white.......


ARFink, the one YOU have been playing with might do well with the Pink Sisters' Habit:



Maybe 'Our Lady of Derp' really is just Our Lady of Adoration or some such thing....



Edited by AnneLine
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Like it, Winchester!   Even the colors are right... presuming she is wearing CARMELITE livery... but I guess the DOMINICANS will insist on things being black and white.......


ARFink, the one YOU have been playing with might do well with the Pink Sisters' Habit:



Maybe 'Our Lady of Derp' really is just Our Lady of Adoration or some such thing....




I don't think that's to scale.

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