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Today Is The Feast Of Bl. Elizabeth Of The Trinity

Laudem Gloriae

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Laudem Gloriae

[font=inherit][size=4][font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][font=inherit][size=4][b]Although she lived on for twenty-six years, Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity had an extraordinary sense of the three persons of the Trinity dwelling within her.[/b][/size][/font][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]
[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][size=4][b][b][b]John Murray PP tells her story:[/b][/b][/b][/size][/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][size=4]They were almost contemporaries, both of whom followed the way of Carmel. While Thérese Martin gave the world her ‘little way’, Elizabeth Catez was truly the ‘prophet of the presence of God’. When Pope John Paul beatified her on 25 November 1984, he presented her to the Church as one [/size][b]‘who led a life hidden with Christ in God’.[/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][b]A terror or a saint![/b]
[url="http://www.discerninghearts.com/?attachment_id=5982"][img]http://www.discerninghearts.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Blessed-Elizabeth-1.jpg[/img][/url][size=4]However, Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, who was born in France in 1880, did not have such auspicious beginnings. [/size][b]‘You will either be a terror or a saint,’[/b] [size=4]her mother had said. The stubborn little girl who often demanded her way, had inherited the military spirit of her ancestors. Her father Joseph had enlisted in the French army and had a successful military career, receiving even the Legion of Honour in 1881.[/size][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b]After the early death of her father, Elizabeth’s outbursts of anger increased. However once she experienced for the first time the sacrament of Penance, it brought about what she styled her ‘conversion’. She henceforth began to struggle noticeably against her violent temper.[/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]
[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b]In the spring of 1891, when she was almost eleven years old, Elizabeth made her First Communion. She was profoundly affected by her first reception of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist. Her mother later testified, ‘From that day and afterwards there were no more fits of anger’.[/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][b]Trinity[/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][size=4]Elizabeth asked for help in understanding her interior experience – her need for silence and recollection – and her sense of an inexplicable presence in the depth of her soul. The Dominican [url="http://www.discerninghearts.com/?attachment_id=5983"][img]http://www.discerninghearts.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Blessed-Elizabeth-2.jpg[/img][/url]proceeded to deepen her awareness of the truth of the indwelling of the Trinity in the soul of the baptized: that not just Christ, but that all three of the Trinity Father, Son, and Spirit – were present in love in her soul.[/size][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font][/indent]
[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][size=4][size=5][b][b][b]As she was waiting to enter her beloved Carmel, Elizabeth lived the life of a typical young, active Catholic laywoman of her time. She sang in two choirs in her parish; she helped prepare children for their First Communions, and she animated a type of ‘day care’ for the children of those who worked in the local factory.[/b][/b][/b][/size][/size][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b]The personality of this energetic young woman had blossomed from her earlier years. It should be noted that Elizabeth was also a very gifted musician who could have made a career with her talent. From the age of seven, she studied music at the Conservatory of Dijon, winning several prizes for her skill at the piano. ‘No one can interpret the great masters like Elizabeth,’ wrote one admirer.[/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][b]Home at last[/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][size=4]At last Elizabeth entered the Carmel. There she was home. As a Carmelite she received the name of Sister Elizabeth of the Trinity and made her profession on the Feast of Epiphany, 1902. From reading St. Paul, her great scriptural mentor, Sister Elizabeth discovered her vocation. She would be a ‘Praise of Glory’ or[/size] [i]Laudem Gloria[/i][size=4] praising God dwelling within her offering a ceaseless ‘Sanctus’.[/size][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][b]‘God dwells within you, do not leave Him so often[/b],’[size=4] she advised. To another she wrote, [/size][b]‘It is wonderful to recall that, except for the vision of seeing God, we possess God as all the Saints in Heaven do. We can surely be with Him always and no one can take us away from Him. He dwells in our souls!’ She often referred to the Blessed Trinity as ‘my Three’.[/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][b]Secret for peace[/b]
[url="http://www.discerninghearts.com/?attachment_id=1345"][img]http://www.discerninghearts.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/ph400_e-64-194x300.jpg[/img][/url][size=4]As a child, Elizabeth had found the strength to conquer her fiery temper only after having received the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist for the first time. As a Carmelite, she would read in Paul that it was Christ [/size][b]‘who made peace through the blood of his Cross’ (Col.1,20), making ‘peace in my little heaven so that it may truly be the repose of the Three’.[/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]
[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b]Once she wrote to a friend, [b]‘I am going to give you my “secret”: think about this God who dwells within you, whose temple you are; St. Paul speaks in this way, and we can believe it.’[/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][size=4][b][b][b]The call to praise the glory of God also included the call to share in the redemptive sufferings of Christ, to be able to say like St. Paul, ‘In my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the Church’ (Col 1,24) – and Sister Elizabeth had to accept suffering.[/b][/b][/b][/size][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][b]Addison’s disease[/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][size=4]Early in 1906 it was noticed that Sister Elizabeth had become very weak. She made a retreat to prepare for the ‘Eternal Retreat’. The young Carmelite suffered for months from Addison’s Disease, a malady of the kidneys which at that time was incurable. As a result of this illness, Elizabeth suffered great fatigue, an inability to digest food, intense abdominal pains and great thirst.[/size][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][size=4]During the last week of her life, Sister Elizabeth’s stomach was very ulcerated, and yet she made frequent and lengthy visits to the Blessed Sacrament. On 31 October, she received the last rites. On 1 November, she made her confession and received Holy Communion for the last time. Elizabeth’s last audible words before her death were[/size],[b] ‘I am going to Light, to Love, to Life’.[/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][b]Mission in heaven[/b][/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b][size=4]She died on 9 November 1906, at the age of twenty-six, after having lived in Carmel for only five years. From her sick bed, Elizabeth wrote to a fellow Carmelite, [b]‘I think that in Heaven, my mission will be to draw souls by helping them go out of themselves to cling to God by a wholly simple and loving movement, and to keep them in this great silence within that will allow God to communicate Himself to them and transform them into Himself.’[/b][/size][/b][/b][/b] [/size][/font][/indent]

[font=Philosopher, arial, serif][size=4][b][b][b]This article first appeared in [url="http://www.messenger.ie/"]The Messenger[/url] (February 2007), a publication of the Irish Jesuits.[/b][/b][/b][/size][/font]


Edited by Laudem Gloriae
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Can't read any of that unless I highlight it - I think the font colour is too light.

By the way - it's the 9th here in Oz, so we already had her feast day! :P

How you doing LG?

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Laudem Gloriae

[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1352425337' post='2506843']
Can't read any of that unless I highlight it - I think the font colour is too light.

By the way - it's the 9th here in Oz, so we already had her feast day! :P

How you doing LG?

Hi Nunsense, sorry, just fixed it. I cut and pasted it from a website and the text was black there so it's strange it was invisible here!

House is sold and other than last minute unexpected debt, I'm almost there free! Finally, and I'm not 95 yrs old either! Also trying to find homes for my 2 dogs and cat. Harassing St. Francis for some help with this!

Great news about you and WV. Looks like your visa app is going well? I'm hoping you got my "letter" I sent to your brother's house? I meant to send an email after it was sent but forgot.

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[quote name='Laudem Gloriae' timestamp='1352425673' post='2506850']

Hi Nunsense, sorry, just fixed it. I cut and pasted it from a website and the text was black there so it's strange it was invisible here!

House is sold and other than last minute unexpected debt, I'm almost there free! Finally, and I'm not 95 yrs old either! Also trying to find homes for my 2 dogs and cat. Harassing St. Francis for some help with this!

Great news about you and WV. Looks like your visa app is going well? I'm hoping you got my "letter" I sent to your brother's house? I meant to send an email after it was sent but forgot.

Yes, heard about the card I think it was? I was only there very briefly so forgot to pick up my mail, but my sister-in-law told me about it. I also left behind some of my important documents for the visa (Scottish grandparents' birth certificates), after especially having them sent there to pick up on my way through! :( Nevermind - my brother and SIL have sent them to me and I should get them soon).

So glad to hear about the house - it has been a long time of waiting for you so this must feel very good. Give my love to all the sisters when you do make it there. I still keep in touch via email occasionally but not as often as I used to these days. It's funny how God works things out for our good - He's pretty amazing. :love:

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Laudem Gloriae

Yes, our dear Lord always has surprises for me up His sleeves! I never know what He will do next! I have such a long story it would break your brain! so I won't tell it here - to personal and to long and confusing!

The WV website sample page on your blog looks great. They do need an updated website as they have old pictures and had that "Under Construction" sign there for years on the old site! You are a busy bee.

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[quote name='Laudem Gloriae' timestamp='1352428904' post='2506881']
Yes, our dear Lord always has surprises for me up His sleeves! I never know what He will do next! I have such a long story it would break your brain! so I won't tell it here - to personal and to long and confusing!

The WV website sample page on your blog looks great. They do need an updated website as they have old pictures and had that "Under Construction" sign there for years on the old site! You are a busy bee.

The 'Under Construction' sign was only there for a week - I put it up myself! lol It just feels like years :lol:

I was waiting for approval from Mother Prioress for the new site to go live before taking down the under construction sign - but it's gone now. If you are still getting that, you need to refresh your screen or delete some cookies because that file was actually deleted from the server. The 'sample page' on my profile is part of the new website, already up and running - that is the Photo Page.

They still have their old website up under their old address...
[url="http://www.wolvercarmvocations.org.uk/"]http://www.wolvercarmvocations.org.uk/[/url] but it seems to re-direct via the Carmelite webring, which I find very irritating. I have sent an email to Mother advising her that she can disconnect that website now.

I have used a completely different server for the new site, and hence the new url address of

I have noticed that not all browsers show it equally well. I composed it with Internet Explorer in mind, but I have checked it out on Chrome and Firefox, and my sister checked out iPad -- it seems some of the brown borders don't appear in all browsers but using IE everything looks fine. It might take some tweaking before it works well on all browsers, if ever. I might just put a note at the bottom of the pages saying 'Best viewed with IE).

And... Whatever happens with you and Kirk Edge, you will be in my prayers, and don't forget that even if things don't work out there for you (although we are all hoping and praying that it will), God is still loving you and taking care of you. I only say this because the story isn't over until it's over (if you know what I mean). Even I have stopped telling people that 'this time it's forever', although every bone in my body and every impulse of my soul prays that it is so. God is still laughing at our plans - but with a lot of love and compassion. :)

Edited by nunsense
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I cannot believe I forgot about Bl. Elizabeth's memorial day! Sr. Mary Elizabeth of the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus (my personal friend) celebrated her nameday yesterday for the first time since she re-entered the convent in June this year. Please pray for her. She is currently in her first novitiate year. :)

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[quote name='Laudem Gloriae' timestamp='1352425673' post='2506850']

Hi Nunsense, sorry, just fixed it. I cut and pasted it from a website and the text was black there so it's strange it was invisible here!

House is sold and other than last minute unexpected debt, I'm almost there free! Finally, and I'm not 95 yrs old either! Also trying to find homes for my 2 dogs and cat. Harassing St. Francis for some help with this!

Great news about you and WV. Looks like your visa app is going well? I'm hoping you got my "letter" I sent to your brother's house? I meant to send an email after it was sent but forgot.

Praise God!!!! I am so happy for you that you finally managed to sell your house!!!! :yahoo:

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Does anyone know any good books to read about her? She is the next carmelite I want to discover. Please pray for me this weekend. I'm going on a Come and See with the Carmelites of the Sacred Heart! Thanks!

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[quote name='littleflower3' timestamp='1352463590' post='2507096']
Does anyone know any good books to read about her? She is the next carmelite I want to discover. Please pray for me this weekend. I'm going on a Come and See with the Carmelites of the Sacred Heart! Thanks!

My friend loved "He Is My Heaven" the most. She also liked the "Complete Works" Volumes 1 & 2. :)




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Laudem Gloriae

[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1352449137' post='2507020']

Praise God!!!! I am so happy for you that you finally managed to sell your house!!!! :yahoo:

Yes, thank you! Only after so many years! The closing is to be on November 23rd but I am still moving stuff out, selling stuff on ebay (carmel-bound for those to want to look or buy anything! I have some religious items and possibly will have more and some other things of mine and from friends and family who donated things hopefully that will sell and garner some money for this debt!)

I also need homes for my pets! I think I will die if they have to go to a shelter! I would of course pick a no-kill but to think of them in cages the rest of their lives, no love, attention, a home! Ok, I'm going to make myself cry if I don't stop now! :cry:

Other than clear up this blasted debt that showed it's ugly head a few months back, I would have been free NOW to leave for Carmel!

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Laudem Gloriae

[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1352467647' post='2507119']

My friend loved "He Is My Heaven" the most. She also liked the "Complete Works" Volumes 1 & 2. :)




Those books on her are great! Here's a few mote:




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Laudem Gloriae

[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1352430450' post='2506897']
The 'Under Construction' sign was only there for a week - I put it up myself! lol It just feels like years :lol:

I was waiting for approval from Mother Prioress for the new site to go live before taking down the under construction sign - but it's gone now. If you are still getting that, you need to refresh your screen or delete some cookies because that file was actually deleted from the server. The 'sample page' on my profile is part of the new website, already up and running - that is the Photo Page.

They still have their old website up under their old address...
[url="http://www.wolvercarmvocations.org.uk/"]http://www.wolvercarmvocations.org.uk/[/url] but it seems to re-direct via the Carmelite webring, which I find very irritating. I have sent an email to Mother advising her that she can disconnect that website now.

I have used a completely different server for the new site, and hence the new url address of

I have noticed that not all browsers show it equally well. I composed it with Internet Explorer in mind, but I have checked it out on Chrome and Firefox, and my sister checked out iPad -- it seems some of the brown borders don't appear in all browsers but using IE everything looks fine. It might take some tweaking before it works well on all browsers, if ever. I might just put a note at the bottom of the pages saying 'Best viewed with IE).

And... Whatever happens with you and Kirk Edge, you will be in my prayers, and don't forget that even if things don't work out there for you (although we are all hoping and praying that it will), God is still loving you and taking care of you. I only say this because the story isn't over until it's over (if you know what I mean). Even I have stopped telling people that 'this time it's forever', although every bone in my body and every impulse of my soul prays that it is so. God is still laughing at our plans - but with a lot of love and compassion. :)

Sorry, I was thinking of their OLD site that was "under construction" for ever! I didn't know, until this post, you had a new URL for the new site. I went there last night to see the entire site and it is excellent! Love all the pictures and text you wrote. For me, the site WAS better in Google Chrome as in Firefox, the top white border bar (I guess it is?) cut off a bit of "Discalced Carmelites" and all "of Wolverhampton, England".

Perhaps your journey IS over! Didn't you give your UK 3 volume edition of the Divine Office when you went to Shaw Island? Perhaps you sub-consciously - or God consciously! - sent your books there because you would end up back there!

Well, I am aiming at KE and please God that is where I will be. Just have this debt nonsense.

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[quote name='Laudem Gloriae' timestamp='1352494231' post='2507335']

Perhaps your journey IS over! Didn't you give your UK 3 volume edition of the Divine Office when you went to Shaw Island? [b]Perhaps you sub-consciously - or God consciously! - sent your books there because you would end up back there![/b]

Well, I am aiming at KE and please God that is where I will be. Just have this debt nonsense.

That's right!! I totally forgot about that in nunsense's blog post. Wow, that's really neat! :)

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Laudem Gloriae

[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1352507127' post='2507465']

That's right!! I totally forgot about that in nunsense's blog post. Wow, that's really neat! :)

Yes, MAYBE her books have been there waiting for her all along! lol! :hehe2:

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