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Welcome, Mirusmundi!


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[quote name='mirusmundi' timestamp='1353913129' post='2516864']
GREETINGS, ONE AND ALL! This thread. Wow. I feel so loved I can't even comprehend it. (Not a David Crowder Band reference, not a DC*B reference...okay forgeddit it's a DC*B reference. Majorly.) DYLANA, KATIE, AND KELLY, HI. <3 You can stop pestering me into PM existence now, aren't you joyful?! ^_^ Thanks for the heads up, LoT, Lil' Red, and NtP! Some of my friends genocide Canadians, but I promise I'll be nice, he's my brother in Christ. Nihil, dearest, bring on the wits, and please remember never to argue with a Sicilian (or a Hungarian-Croatian-Irish-Spanish-Aztec-French-Mexican-Basque) when death is on the line. Luke, ye gilded Byzantine, I know you (cyber-ly), so none of this formality. MIKolbe, do you have any friends? It's okay, neither did St. Louis de Montfort. But I'm curious, what's the "I" for? I never did know Kolbe's middle name...is it Immaculata? To the rest of you wonderful people, HI!!!! ::waves:: I'm not sure if this post'll be approved soon because apparently MIKolbe's a regulator and I'm humbly new so my posts must be regulated, and admittedly I just made my chances of being positively regulated lots slimmer...so for now, HI!!! ::waves mutely:: Viva Cristo Rey, let's be saints together, and I do hope you're all fans of parentheses and the Oxford comma!
Dang, girl! You've already got a crazy dope post and it's only your first one!! You'll fit right in here :smile3:

So happy you've joined!


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[quote name='mirusmundi' timestamp='1353913129' post='2516864']
GREETINGS, ONE AND ALL! This thread. Wow. I feel so loved I can't even comprehend it. (Not a David Crowder Band reference, not a DC*B reference...okay forgeddit it's a DC*B reference. Majorly.) DYLANA, KATIE, AND KELLY, HI. <3 You can stop pestering me into PM existence now, aren't you joyful?! ^_^ Thanks for the heads up, LoT, Lil' Red, and NtP! Some of my friends genocide Canadians, but I promise I'll be nice, he's my brother in Christ. Nihil, dearest, bring on the wits, and please remember never to argue with a Sicilian (or a Hungarian-Croatian-Irish-Spanish-Aztec-French-Mexican-Basque) when death is on the line. Luke, ye gilded Byzantine, I know you (cyber-ly), so none of this formality. MIKolbe, do you have any friends? It's okay, neither did St. Louis de Montfort. But I'm curious, what's the "I" for? I never did know Kolbe's middle name...is it Immaculata? To the rest of you wonderful people, HI!!!! ::waves:: I'm not sure if this post'll be approved soon because apparently MIKolbe's a regulator and I'm humbly new so my posts must be regulated, and admittedly I just made my chances of being positively regulated lots slimmer...so for now, HI!!! ::waves mutely:: Viva Cristo Rey, let's be saints together, and I do hope you're all fans of parentheses and the Oxford comma!

Awww... You didn't say hello to me. :sad:

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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1353955738' post='2516996']

Awww... You didn't say hello to me. :sad:

He's taking applications for his harem right now...

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1353955738' post='2516996']

Awww... You didn't say hello to me. :sad:

Sh..be quiet adults are talking...

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Woah. Okay. One must be quick to keep up with the explosions of intellect and amesomeness on PM...

Don't anyone pay attention to TJMH's posts from last night, she was on major coffee and Advil, and threatening morphine. I know. It's okay. I haven't checked if she's alive for a few hours, should probably do that. YOU OKAY, 'LIZBETH LOVE? Dylana you freak me out but that's an established fact. But the little girl in the picture, she's beautiful. Does she have Downs or does she just look like it? Is it okay to be biased against people who DON'T have Downs? Downs kids are just so gorgeous. Pio! I like you too. Can we be friends? Who's the little guy in your picture? Is he a monk? I didn't know Franciscans accepted small rodentlike mammals as postulants. MIKolbe, I made two pear-frangipane tarts with pate sucree dough from scratch on Thursday. I<3LSOP, HI! ^_^ Do explain what LSOP means! Laughing Solitary Operant Penguins? Lounging Sleepy Opheila Plots? Laudatis Semper Octo Portae (that made about as much sense in Latin as the others do in English, don't judge, my second language is Elvish, not Latin)? i<3f, I love Franciscans too. Especially TOR sisters. Ohmygosh. :nun1: Small Vermillion, (that's you Lil' Red), never fear, the prejudice stems from a rouge philosophy professor who happens to be Canadian. As you can imagine, rogue philosophy professors generally invite genocidal desires. But it's okay, it's only the NEAR occasion of sin, nobody's died yet. But a certain Canadian "musician" with annoying catchy lyrics and anti-family-morals music videos just may be the first. HI KELLY I LOVE YOU AND YOUR PICTURE. So beautiful. <3 HI FUTURE PRIEST! Don't try to melt me with that sad face now. How's your day goin'? If I start belting Phantom of the Opera will you join me? "In sleep he sang to me...in dreams he came." Gosh, almost as creepy as Twilight, now that I think of it, but Phantom redeems itself because [b]AH[/b], THE [b]HUMANITY[/b]! ::swoon:: (Oh look I found the bold key. Is there a meek key to match?) Sorry, though, I don't apply to harems on principle. I will, however, apply for the position of harem teacher, then educate the residents on their feminine genius and watch victoriously as they liberate themselves from polygamy's clutches. Good with you? :-)

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[quote name='mirusmundi' timestamp='1353965369' post='2517115']
:nun1: Small Vermillion, (that's you Lil' Red), never fear, the prejudice stems from a rouge philosophy professor who happens to be Canadian. As you can imagine, rogue philosophy professors generally invite genocidal desires. But it's okay, it's only the NEAR occasion of sin, nobody's died yet.[/quote]

Is it Jack MacIntosh? He's pretty neat.


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I haz three posts. I'm a phatmass baby. Hi.
:donjohn: "Don John of Austria :knight: rides home from the Crusade."


Edited by mirusmundi
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[quote name='mirusmundi' timestamp='1353965369' post='2517115']
Woah. Okay. One must be quick to keep up with the explosions of intellect and amesomeness on PM...

Don't anyone pay attention to TJMH's posts from last night, she was on major coffee and Advil, and threatening morphine. I know. It's okay. I haven't checked if she's alive for a few hours, should probably do that. YOU OKAY, 'LIZBETH LOVE? Dylana you freak me out but that's an established fact. But the little girl in the picture, she's beautiful. Does she have Downs or does she just look like it? Is it okay to be biased against people who DON'T have Downs? Downs kids are just so gorgeous. Pio! I like you too. Can we be friends? Who's the little guy in your picture? Is he a monk? I didn't know Franciscans accepted small rodentlike mammals as postulants. MIKolbe, I made two pear-frangipane tarts with pate sucree dough from scratch on Thursday. I<3LSOP, HI! ^_^ Do explain what LSOP means! Laughing Solitary Operant Penguins? Lounging Sleepy Opheila Plots? Laudatis Semper Octo Portae (that made about as much sense in Latin as the others do in English, don't judge, my second language is Elvish, not Latin)? i<3f, I love Franciscans too. Especially TOR sisters. Ohmygosh. :nun1: Small Vermillion, (that's you Lil' Red), never fear, the prejudice stems from a rouge philosophy professor who happens to be Canadian. As you can imagine, rogue philosophy professors generally invite genocidal desires. But it's okay, it's only the NEAR occasion of sin, nobody's died yet. But a certain Canadian "musician" with annoying catchy lyrics and anti-family-morals music videos just may be the first. HI KELLY I LOVE YOU AND YOUR PICTURE. So beautiful. <3 HI FUTURE PRIEST! Don't try to melt me with that sad face now. How's your day goin'? If I start belting Phantom of the Opera will you join me? "In sleep he sang to me...in dreams he came." Gosh, almost as creepy as Twilight, now that I think of it, but Phantom redeems itself because [b]AH[/b], THE [b]HUMANITY[/b]! ::swoon:: (Oh look I found the bold key. Is there a meek key to match?) Sorry, though, I don't apply to harems on principle. I will, however, apply for the position of harem teacher, then educate the residents on their feminine genius and watch victoriously as they liberate themselves from polygamy's clutches. Good with you? :-)

Are you kidding? I am a singer and I take vocal lessons. I sing all the time. Of COURSE I will sing with you!

Sing once again with me, our strange duet! My power over you grows stronger yet! And though you turn from me to glance behind, the Phaaaaaaantom of the Opera is there inside your mind!!!!

I actually did just sing that. I think three times or so...

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1353965597' post='2517121']

Is it Jack MacIntosh? He's pretty neat.


Noooo, I'm at a much warmer-climated (and probably hot-blooded) college than Calgary! Ye Canadians ARE neat though.

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[quote name='mirusmundi' timestamp='1353965891' post='2517130']
Noooo, I'm at a much warmer-climated (and probably hot-blooded) college than Calgary! Ye Canadians ARE neat though.
His was one of the slackest classes I have ever taken. :smile3:
It was "Philosophy in Literature", so basically he picked half a dozen of his favourite books, and we discussed the philosophy in them. For the lectures, all he did was talk about the book for an hour.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1353966016' post='2517133']
His was one of the slackest classes I have ever taken. :smile3:
It was "Philosophy in Literature", so basically he picked half a dozen of his favourite books, and we discussed the philosophy in them. For the lectures, all he did was talk about the book for an hour.

Ew. The Canadian prof here is far from home, and teaches Logic, apparently very illogically. Sense, makes none it does.

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[quote name='mirusmundi' timestamp='1353966175' post='2517137']
Ew. The Canadian prof here is far from home, and teaches Logic, apparently very illogically. Sense, makes none it does.

I had to drop Logic this semester because the workload was too heavy. :sad2:

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[quote name='mirusmundi' timestamp='1353965369' post='2517115']
Pio! I like you too. Can we be friends? Who's the little guy in your picture? Is he a monk? I didn't know Franciscans accepted small rodentlike mammals as postulants.

Ok, yes we can be friends, but you did just loose a couple Avvesome points for not knowing Friar Tuck from Disney's animated Robin Hood...

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[quote name='mirusmundi' timestamp='1353965369' post='2517115']
Fixed that for you ;) Shhhh, I must keep my identity a secret! ;) :blues:

Also, were you talking about when my picture was Chiara Luce, or the current one? It's only my third Phatmass picture, but I've loved all of them so far :love:

I'M JUST SO HAPPY YOU'RE ON HERE WITH US :woot: :bounce: :paco: :w00t: :yahoo: :like3: :dance: :dance5: :muffin: :clap: :blowkiss:

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