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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Very Very Upset. Shaking Visibly.


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I understand Catholicism brought you together, but why don't you try to be a bit more understanding?

I used to be a VERY devout Catholic, and strayed away. Tried many religions/churches. My Catholic friends stuck by me.

Was a member of the LDS church for awhile. Decided that wasn't my cup of tea either. My Mormon friends still hung out with me and never bugged me about my choices or tried to poke and prod and get me 'back'.

I would probably unfriend you too and distance myself if you kept posting different Catholic/Christian stuff to my facebook. It's annoying, maybe he feels guilty like myself that he didn't believe anymore, and would rather not have constant reminders. I felt incredible guilt and shame when I first realized I didn't believe in organized religion or God. I understand you believe his eternal soul is at stake, but respect your friend's wishes about not making Catholicism a priority, and just love him as a brother.

Your example by sticking to your beliefs and not pushing Catholicism on him and loving him no matter what and respecting his choices will go a LOT further in evangelization.

I always felt more compelled to go back to church or pick up my bible when my friends treated me this way instead.

This seems reasonable.
Also, take a deep breath and ask yourself who the savior of the world is. Hint: not you. ;)
Sometimes prayer is the best and only option.
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CCC, I am praying for you. Like Claire said, let Jesus be your best friend while you heal. He will provide you with more friends.

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