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Adoration is a very personal thing, and depends on what stage of prayer you are at and what affinity you feel for different kinds of prayer. In the beginning you might wnat to take something to read and meditate upon or to silently recite the Rosary, taking it slowly and really meditating on the mysteries, not feeling you have to finish anything, but allow yourself to think about Christ's life.


Over time, you might feel that you are able simply to sit in His presence silently, in loving attentiveness to the fact that He is present with you in the room.


You might want to speak with Jesus personally as friend-to-friend (silently, interiorly). you could say something to Him that comes from your heart or ask Him a question and wait to see if you 'feel' any kind of answer.


Adoration does not have a 'formula' because it is about your own personal relationship with God, but thee are some books that you might want to read before going to see if any particular type of prayer appeals to you more. Ignatian spirituality is more meditation based whereas Carmelites tend to aim more for contemplation (which isn't something you do, it is a gift from God given in stillness). Benedictines enjoy lectio divina which is to read a piece of scripture or other writing and then to meditate upon that.


So it's hard to really say what Adoration is. When I go into an Adoration chapel, I prefer to be alone because I like total silence, whereas some people like to bring in reading material and they often rustle the pages as they turn them. I accept that this is how they feel most comfortable. Even St Teresa, a Carmelite and mystic, found that reading was often her only way to approach the hour of mental prayer that Carmelites do morning and evening. God pulled her into contemplation and she has written lovely books about prayer and the different stages (for her). Other saints have written about prayer in different ways.


Maybe just go and sit in silence for awhile, and let your mind think about the Presence. Your thoughts will get distracted but don't get discouraged or try to fight it, just come back again again in your thoughts until God starts to do the work for you and you become aware that He truly is present, in the Blessed Sacarment and in your heart. You can't be in a hurry to 'experience' something but need to learn to simply allow Him to work in you.


The whole point of Adoration though is to adore Him in the Blessed Sacrament, understanding that we adore Him not because He asks or expects us to, but because He is adorable - such beauty that we can't not adore Him. 'O Beauty ancient and new...' (St Augustine) When you see something magnificent you are in awe of it - in His presence we can only be in awe of Him and adore Him.


Perhaps someone else will be able to put it into words better. I am kind of a 'feeling' person.

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If you are just starting out in Adoration, remind yourself who you are in the presence of. I come from a Bible-only Fundamentalist background, so I would remind myself that in the Monstrance was the same Person who created the universe in Genesis, spoke to Moses in Exodus, was prophesied about in Isaiah, born in a manger, turned the water into wine, died on the cross and rose again in the Gospels. By the end of this review I was thoroughly ready to adore. Just do whatever "clicks" with you to remind you of the grandeur and majesty of God, who is there in the chapel. Gosh, even talking about it here is overwhelming! :love:


The thing with Adoration is that you may need to change your routine every once in a while, and that's okay. If the above method (or whatever initial method you choose) "gets old" it is okay to have books or devotional materials with you. However, keep in mind that the heart of contemplation/adoring is summed up in the story of a man who simply said of his long hours before the tabernacle: "I look at Him and He looks at me."


For reading, I keep the Imitation of Christ handy. It will slap you in the face with humility and put you in awe of Jesus truly present, aka it will help you adore!


I don't know the extent of your knowledge concerning Adoration, so forgive me if this sounds terribly patronizing. Sit quietly, but you don't need to be on your knees the whole time. It is essentially your personal private 'date' with Jesus. Spend it however you like as long as it is reverent, and know that Jesus is very glad that you are there. Sometimes for inspiration, I pull up this list. #5 is a favorite-that Jesus never asked the Apostles for anything, save the night He was to be arrested. And what did He ask for? One hour of our companionship...how often we fail Him!


Edit: Whoops, I posted right on top of nunsense! Sorry.

Edited by emmaberry101
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If you are new to Adoration and feel like you need a little more structure for your time you might want to try using a book written for adoration.  I would recommend Visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament by St. Alphonsus Liguori and I really like the one with the commentary by Father Dennis Billy.  After you get used to that format you can make some decisions according to what you found helpful to your prayer and what wasn't as helpful.  You don't have to follow each visit exactly - its just a framework.  Remember that God is waiting there for you to give you every grace you need both for that time and after.

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Totally Franciscan

Nunsense and Emmaberry, what are we going to do without you!  Sorry for being so selfish, but I will miss you both.  However, my heart is overflowing with joy for both of you.

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Nunsense and Emmaberry, what are we going to do without you!  Sorry for being so selfish, but I will miss you both.  However, my heart is overflowing with joy for both of you.


I gave you props because it was a sweet thing to post.


Yes, God is indeed blessing us both but He blesses every one of us every day. And Adoration is a wonderful place to thank Him for this, isn't it? :)

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I just bought a little book called "A Prayer Book for Eucharistic Adoration" which is wonderful!  It has soooo many prayers in it by St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Alphonsus, etc.  It also has litanies, novenas, devotions, holy hour, and the rosary specifically for adoration.  Of course, sometimes I just go and kneel or sit before Him and let it sink in that I'm literally a few feet away from the body of our Lord.  I also try to keep that in mind when I receive holy communion.  I agree with everyone else here.  Just go to adoration and after awhile, you'll know what works for you and how you feel most connected to Jesus.   :pray: 

God Bless!

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Just a few thoughts, which could be right or wrong, so if they help, great, if not, just disregard:

Adoration is to "be still and know that [he] is God". Or at least try to be as still as possible. But as long as you know he's God, and that's why you're there, you're on the right track.

Offer yourself to God. Whatever comes to your mind, offer it to God. The cup of coffee you wish you were having, offer it to him. The dinner you're going to have later, offer it to him. The coworker who ticked you off, offer it. The temptations you're having, offer it. The love you feel for your friend, offer it. Etc. The good, the bad, whatever. He receives the good and makes it better and he takes the bad and transforms it.

I just read somewhere (wish I could remember where) that, in time, the presence of Christ in the Eucharist will transform the heart so that, in time, it will want what He wants; in other words, its will will be gradually united with His will. Just by being in His presence.

There are three sources of happiness: one is material (and we know that won't satisfy). One is social/political (and we know that won't satisfy either). The final and true one is adoration/contemplation. In the end, adoring and contemplating God will bring us true happiness.

Oh, yeah. What was said about St Teresa. I have a phenomenally distractable mind that needs no external input in order to wander around the world and back. I find good spiritual books helpful for simply focusing. Then the mind stays a bit less unruly, while the heart still knows it's in the presence of God. I never go to adoration without a book. Often, though, I find I've spent an hour without even opening it.

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I usually start to stare at the monstrance, and then words will pop into my head. Look at Him, realise who He is and start "talking" to Him. You can say everything you want, just lay it in His hands. To prevent your mind from wandering off, it's useful to have some sort of text to guide you. I used this one from Saint Antonius Maria Claret for the first time this week. It's great and very personal, it took me definitely more than 15 minutes (wich was not bad).


I had to translate it from German to English (both not my native language), so I'm sorry if it's not very fluent or if there are mistakes in it. I'm sure you'll understand the general picture.



15 minutes in front of the Blessed Sacrament


It's not necessary to know much to please Me, it's enough that you love Me deeply. Just speak with Me here, like you would speak with your best friend.


Do you have to pray for someone to Me?

Tell Me his name and what you want Me to do for him. Ask much - don't hesitate to ask. Speak also simply and honestly about the poor you want to consolate, about the sick you see suffering, about the troubled you wish to bring back to the straight path. Say for all of them at least a few words.


And you, don't you need some grace for yourself too?

Make Me, if you want to, some sort of list of everything you need and come to Me, read it in My presence.Tell Me openly that you were proud, selfish, fickle, careless... and ask Me to to help you with the few or many efforts you make to overcome this. Don't be ashamed! There are many just, many saints who had the same faults. But they prayed humbly and little by little they saw themselves freed from these faults. And don't hesitate to ask for health, and for a happy outcome of your work, your business or your study. I can give you all that and I give it to you. And I wish that you ask Me this, as long as it's not against your own holiness but encourages and supports you. What do you need today? What can I do for you? Oh, if you only knew how much I want to help you!


Do you already have a plan?

Tell it to Me. What's on your mind? What do you think? What do you want? What can I do for your brother, for your sister, your friends, your family, your superiors? What can you do for them?

And as for Me: Don't you want me to be glorified? Don't you want to do good for your friends, who you love deeply but who possibly live without thinking about Me? 

Tell Me: What draws your attention today? What do you really want? Wich instruments do you have to accomplish that? Tell Me when a plan went wrong, and I shall name you the reasons for the failure.

Don't you want to win Me for you? I am the Lord of the hearts, and with gentle violence I take you where I want, without reducing your freedom.


Are you maybe sad or in a bad mood?

Tell Me every detail about what makes you sad. Who has hurt you? Who insulted your self-love? Who despised you? Tell me everything, and soon you will reach the point where you say to Me that you follow My example and forgive everything,  forget everything. As reward you will receive My comforting blessing. Are you maybe afraid? Do you have some undetermined melancholy in your soul, wich is unjustified but still doesn't stop to tear your heart apart? Trust on My Providence! I am with you, on your side. I see everything, hear everything, and I don't leave you for a second. Do you see aversion with people who liked you before but now seem to forget you and go away from you, even if you didn't give them a reason to do so? Pray for them and I will bring them back to you, unless they become an obstruction for your sanctification.


And don't you maybe want to tell Me about some joy?

Why don't you let me join in? After all, I am your friend. Tell Me what comforted your heart and made you laugh since your last visit to Me. Maybe you had some plesant surprises; maybe you received good news, a letter, a sign of affection; maybe you overcame some difficulty, found a way out of a desperate situation. That is My work. You will simply say: Thank You, My Father.


Don't you want to promise me something?

I read in the depth of your heart. You can easily deceive people, but not God. So speak sincere to Me. Are you firmly resolved to avoid every occasion of sin, to give up every object that harms you, to stop reading every book that provokes strongly your imagination, to avoid people who confuse the peace of your soul? Will you again be gentle, kind and pleasant to every person you've considered a friend until now, even when they have failed you? Well then, return to your usual activities, your work, your family, your study. But don't forget these 15 minutes the two of us have spent here. As far as you're able, preserve the silence, the modesty, the inner meeting, the love for your neighbours. Love My Mother, because she is also your mother. And come back with a heart filled with more love, more encouraged by My Spirit.  In My Heart you will find every day new love, new blessings, new consolations.




You can easily deceive people, but not God.

When you read this, you will think about The Nun's Story and imagine a room full of nuns :hehe2:

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I love praying my rosary during adoration.  Otherwise, it kinda depends on the day . I usually have a book or two that is  conducive to prayer/ meditiation.  I've used The Life of Christ by Bishop Sheen and St Faustina's Diary (that one is a perpetual favorite.)  Sometimes I just need to be quiet. 

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Lately, I really like taking my journal with me and writing a letter to Jesus while I'm in His Presence.  I did it at the retreat over a week ago.  I'll start writing and then stop to look at the Monstrance and gather my thoughts, and start to write again.  I sometimes have trouble praying but this helps very much when I write.  I also love to pray the Rosary.


Yesterday, I went to the Chapel in the Catholic hospital where I had an appointment.  I've been there several times before and, although the Eucharist is not exposed, it is so peaceful to go into the Chapel and just sit in silence to pray in front of the Tabernacle.  Most of the time, I'm by myself so it's so quiet and peaceful there.  Yesterday, I really needed it and I felt so much better afterwards.  :)

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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I can tell when I really need to be at adoration.  My hour gets cancelled occasionally due to weddings.  I get crabby if I don't get there every week.  :) :) :)

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Silence.....being with Him for His sake, moving out of the way so that He is All.


Have you had a relationship with someone where at times you fall silent and have no need of anything other than to be in each other's company? That's the silence I mean.


If interior silence fails me - as it sometimes does, then praise, joining with the heavenly host in praise.

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