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Kylie Spinelli

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I have a question... people often say that the Church discourages more 'extreme' mortifications. But I never read a statement from the Church condemning this. The only thing I read is - make sure it's done with spiritual direction. By the way, no I don't practice extreme mortifications. I'd be glad to be able to accept the little sufferings I have to endure lol :) But I read about the Saints and about how Our Lord told St Catherine of Siena that mortification must lead to virtue or it's worthless, and should not be done for pride (obviously He said it much better and I'm paraphrasing, here is the relevant section of the Dialogues: http://www.catholictreasury.info/books/dialogue/diag14.php ) that was very helpful to me to understand mortification :)


If you want to do anything more I'd say ask your SD, (I'd ask even for little things just to do them in obedience rather than with self will, that might be safer spiritually!). But some ideas are:


- bearing with the weather, turning off the AC (Our Lord didn't have air conditioning and had to deal with the weather too so we can offer that up :))

- letting others win the argument, letting someone go first, humbling yourself before others (SOOO HARD... but really good to do... I'm still working on it lol)

- not using seasoning in food, not adding sugar, etc.


The "Church" itself really hasn't said anything, but that's because God already has :) A penance that is extreme enough may break one of the 10 commandments because the body has been too badly mistreated.  As well, sins such as pride and vanity sneak in. I think what people generally mean is that there have been several mystics and confessors who have taught physical mortification but only under the command of a spiritual director and in a way that will not affect one's life span. I know there were definitely some saints who have transgressed this thinking but it is the most current thought, and that of many saints and spiritual directors thru at least the last three centuries.  

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Truthfinder, are you referring to something in Scripture or to a private revelation? since you said that God has already told us the truth on this :) btw I agree with only doing this under spiritual direction, and the SD would make sure it's not prideful or excessive, etc.


I was referring to what Our Lord told St Catherine of Siena, which really helped me because His response was so focused on virtues (not the mortification itself) and that really can help a person to have a good perspective on it, imo :)


I'm just a little confused cause today many Catholics seem to disagree with the concept altogether, but if we look at older spiritual authors and Saints, they said it's okay if it is humbly done, with spiritual direction, leads to virtue... but the Church (to my knowledge) hasn't said anything about it, like the Pope hasn't said anything ? so is it just the result of modern thinking, to disagree with mortification at all? I also disagree with doing it incorrectly - but it seems the Church has always been okay with it being done correctly... I'm wondering why today it's so opposed, does anyone have any thoughts? Not everyone opposes it of course, and there are more traditional priests perhaps who would allow it - I've never asked though because I don't do this myself.

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