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Pro-life, The Tide Is Turning


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

African Americans and Native Americans.  Two groups that experience poverty disproportionately.  Maybe rather than praying and harassing Planned Parenthood the pro-life crowed could support better social programs to supports mothers and children.  



Hasan has a good point. I think we need both, we can't just obsess over abortion as pope francis has said, we also need to continue to address poverty and supporting programs that support lets say single mothers and there children. I wonder if the u.s. should bring back a proper social security system. Back in the eraly 90s from the rap song by bones thugs and harmony( 1st of the month) poor people where receiving payments, unsure why you all scrapped it. It works real well in australia and lowers the crime rate and also gives the poor less excuse for crime because they have enough money for the basics, being food,water,electricity,rent,clothing,transport and telecommunications.(not that poor = criminal), and if they blow it all then there's less excuses for being a criminal. And i know abortion is the issue but if you don't have enough money to support in the poor areas like native america and afican america then obviously the abortion rate is going to be higher.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

perhaps i listened to the song wrong and there singing about workers getting paid, if that is so then perhaps you need a buffed up social security safety net anyway. Some do abuse it , but again they have less excuse for crime and i think deep down inside most on substantial benefits realize this too. Our unemployment payment is about $1000 a month and the minimum wage is about $1200 a month, to give you an idea of what i mean about substantial. That is minimum wage for a 15 year old, over 18 is way more. It probably should be = to the minimum wage of a 15 year old or perhaps of a 16 year old. I know people that are on unemployment benefits and even though theres enough you only just scrape it and usually other stuff like beds,lounges,kettles,clothes etc you have to get from a charity at $1000 a month. these are all just estimations from my brain and not exact figures. :)

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

you only just scrape it and usually other stuff like beds,lounges,kettles,clothes etc you have to get from a charity *on $1000 a month. these are all just estimations from my brain and not exact figures.  :)


ON, at was a typo it made it sound you had to pay the charities for that stuff, for some reason my edit option has failed.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

also people were getting abortions before wade and roe, and will continue even if it is made illegal again, and we can't just think victory
( all though it is one victory) in making it illegal again. I just agree with hasan if this is what hasan is getting at also is that the issue is a lot deeper then just abortion being made legal, although it was made readily accessible to many more women then ever. And i think this was what pope francis was getting at.


P.s. But i do believe it will and is a great victory that people are rising against the horror of abortion, whether clinically clean or a backyard chop shop. Life begins at conception.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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