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Consecrated Virgin In The World - 50 Words Or Less


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Honestly, I really don't understand how this particular topic always blows up like this.  Anyway, we're not your babysitters, folks, so I recommend everyone just simmer down and realize: this is the internet.  you're unlikely to convince the people you're arguing against of what your point is... the best you can do with the person you're arguing against is plant the seeds for your argument and maybe eventually they'll grow in that person's mind.  but they're unlikely to suddenly concede your point in the middle of discussion because people have a tendency to dig their heels in and get stubborn and defensive... actually conceding a point to an opponent does happen, but it's rare.  your audience for your argument is not your debating opponent, but the people who are reading, so if you feel you made a good argument and that your opponent's argument was not convincing, then be happy and hope that you've edified people out there and move on.  this is Debate Table 101 here, I realize many of you don't frequent the Debate Table... though it's a lesson many people (including myself) who do frequent the Debate Table can't be reminded of enough.


And while I realize it came from a place of not liking the implications of someone researching the background of a fellow poster, generally insinuating that someone is not mentally stable is not acceptable in a debate and I'd recommend an apology for stepping over that line... I don't know the intricacies of your arguments over time, and I don't care to hear why you think you're justified in thinking it's true or not true, it's just bad debate form to focus ad hominem like that.  I'll go back and review whether I should edit/warn for that, though I largely try to avoid doing that because you're all adults and should be able to take such internet stuff with a grain of salt and work out your differences.


And hey, if someone doesn't like your tone and tells you that, well deal with it.  If you're going to be direct and blunt and assertive about a position, understand that it might turn many people off, the people you're trying to convince.  It might make them not want to discuss with you at all.  Rather than getting defensive about your tone, you might just consider that you might be losing your audience... just a suggestion, that's not a moderating thing because you're free to be as abrasive as you want in the debate table, but I think you're likely to lose the audience you're trying to convince.  but if you think it'll convince them, so be it, good luck.   :cyclops:

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lol, where did you get that fabulous avatar? Your profile pic is awesome....



Wow, how did it take me until page 14 find this thread?  It's floopin' amesome.


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lol, where did you get that fabulous avatar? Your profile pic is amesome....


yeah, it's a pic of me, but I photoshopped it a bit to be less pedantic, less pompous, and less really, really, good-looking than I am in real life.


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And while I realize it came from a place of not liking the implications of someone researching the background of a fellow poster, generally insinuating that someone is not mentally stable is not acceptable in a debate and I'd recommend an apology for stepping over that line... I don't know the intricacies of your arguments over time, and I don't care to hear why you think you're justified in thinking it's true or not true, it's just bad debate form to focus ad hominem like that. 




Mea culpa. Dirty fighting on my part to bring the past into new conflict. mea culpa abc.

sometimes your posts sound pretty "out there." Whether you are or not is not my place to say.



yeah, it's a pic of me, but I photoshopped it a bit to be less pedantic, less pompous, and less really, really, good-looking than I am in real life


bill buckley died of emphysema.


kind of.

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Id be kind of flattered if someone stalked me. Is that weird?


At least until they showed up in my bedroom and night and murdered me, Then I wouldnt be flattered.

Edited by CrossCuT
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Yes, exactly. Except for the missing icon of the head banging against a wall. Which side will give out first: the unstoppable object or the immovable wall it's hitting? ;)


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Yes, exactly. Except for the missing icon of the head banging against a wall. Which side will give out first: the unstoppable object or the immovable wall it's hitting? ;)


Maybe Grace will be responded to and prevail - with members' persons respected and charitable addressing of points raised be established.  I hope.  Whatever the rules of debate might be, they are transcended by the Call of Christ and His Gospel and the Law of Love.


Virginity without Charity is a failure.

  "[1] If I speak with the tongues of men, and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. [2] And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. [3] And if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I should deliver my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing" 1 Corinthians Chapter 13


Problem is, threads on Consecrated Virginity seem not to have Charity as prime rather often.

Edited by BarbaraTherese
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Mea culpa. Dirty fighting on my part to bring the past into new conflict. mea culpa abc.
sometimes your posts sound pretty "out there." Whether you are or not is not my place to say.
bill buckley died of emphysema.
kind of.


Thank you for your apology regarding your previous statements. Contrary to popular belief, I do not set out to deliberately alienate people by my "tone" but from my own perspective, the world holds roughly 7 billion people with many different cultures and customs so one comes to expect a certain leeway from their own Christian brethren. It is easier for me to disregard such issues of tone because what is acceptable in one community is punishable in another and I am interested in seeking the Truth, not winning the, "Miss popularity" contest.

St. Anthony chased heretics down the mountain beating them with his staff, St Francis spoke gentle words. To each his own. I will not beat someone with a staff nor do I have the gift of gentle speech. Perhaps that is because Our Lord didn't think I would need them.

Let's start afresh and stay on topic cheerfully!
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Let's start afresh and stay on topic cheerfully!


Good! I have a few questions.


A list was made a while ago signifying the things that supposedly make a person lose his/her virginity. Among these things was shaking your hips to music and lingering on a lustful thought. With all due respect, I don't know of any girls above the age of 10 who haven't done at least one of the things on that list. You would have to live an incredibly sheltered life to be applicable for consecrated virginity according to that list. One of my best friends is the most sheltered person I've ever met, and even she broke rules on that list. It seems quite silly to have a list like that when no one can contend with it.

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Good! I have a few questions.


A list was made a while ago signifying the things that supposedly make a person lose his/her virginity. Among these things was shaking your hips to music and lingering on a lustful thought. With all due respect, I don't know of any girls above the age of 10 who haven't done at least one of the things on that list. You would have to live an incredibly sheltered life to be applicable for consecrated virginity according to that list. One of my best friends is the most sheltered person I've ever met, and even she broke rules on that list. It seems quite silly to have a list like that when no one can contend with it.



I think a distinction needs to be made between physical and spiritual virginity.

the idea that French kissing, masturbation, close dancing leads to a loss of physical virginity comes from this post and also if you scroll down: http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/topic/132891-consecrated-virgin-in-the-world-50-words-or-less/page-12#entry2657302 

the dancing, which could lead to veneral pleasure with another person, thus a loss of virginity according to the above, is described here: http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/topic/133149-making-out/page-6#entry2658571

Edited by oremus1
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So what is being stated is that the Sacrament of Confession could not restore "loss of virginity due to veneral pleasure" (because it is a physical, mental &/or emotional experience)... but Confession can & will restore loss of spiritual virginity? I'm trying very hard to understand this...

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