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I'm Sorry, Robin Williams, Suicide Is Selfish


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Objecting to, calling out, or putting a stop to abuse of any kind does not make a man a cad. 

Publicly considering the possibility that a young woman's behavior or thought process may be down to her menstrual cycle does not make a man a cad but it is a caddish thing to do and a sign of poor breeding. 


FYI conceding the argument does not mean admitting that you are a cad, just that you made an error. Many men slip in this area for many reasons not least of which because so many women cheer them on instead of putting them on point about it. So consider yourself put on point.  


"Poor breeding"?  Do people need to present their AKC papers to you every time they point out a scientific fact or possible medical problem? 



Edited by Norseman82
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I do not know if you had a previous screen name so I cannot recall any previous run-ins we've had from years back. 


However, you need to step back and realize that if you encounter a distraught person on a high ledge, your tone is not the way to talk to him/her out of jumping off the ledge - in fact, there is a chance it might cause the opposite effect and cause them to jump. 



Thats your opinion and your way of handling things.  How many people have you seen try to commit suicide?  And I don't mean angsty teenager via chat, but in person, right there, a few feet (or inches) away?  Maybe you have.  I don't know.  But you can do your thing, and I'll do mine.  I will let God keep score.


I re-posted on this thread because someone else jumped back on.


And I fail to see where I "abuse" you in any way.  If I have, I please ask DuST or another mod to come explain it to me. 


You've simply chimed in with vim and vigor after several pages telling me what a horrible person I am.

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Her vileness has no merits.

If she wants to be treated like a lady, she should start acting like one.

You are mistaken if you think you are behaving in any sort of manner that may allow others to consider you a gentlemen, nor have demonstated any ability to even identify a "lady".

Please do a favor for us males that are successful in relationships with women and shut your mysoginist pie hole. Although, you are a fine example for me to point out what type of man my daughters should avoid. But I think you may have figured THAT out.
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You are mistaken if you think you are behaving in any sort of manner that may allow others to consider you a gentlemen, nor have demonstated any ability to even identify a "lady".

Please do a favor for us males that are successful in relationships with women and shut your >>Removed<<< Although, you are a fine example for me to point out what type of man my daughters should avoid. But I think you may have figured THAT out.


C'mon Anomoly, don't be that harsh.  You know he has a problem with the ladies.  Weither it is purely bad luck or a consequence of the tragidies he faced early in his life that's to be seen.


His attitude on other things has often troubled me, and no doubt he is defensive when it comes to someone who is not being fully understand during mental illnesses.  Perhaps, to him, being "threatened" by someone saying that they want you to live for them is too much.  I don't know, I'm not him.


Everyone comes here with their preferences.  Lets not continue the vicious cycle on Norse, Crosscut, FP or anyone who seems to lothe me.


The point of this thread balances between mental illness and how people handle the sin of suicide.  Some people choose an approach that only focuses on those who are sufferign from the desire and illness that causes them to want to end their lives.  That's fine, theres room in the trenches for them.  I, however, want little part of soothing someone as to their own mental health, but being a reminder that there is an aunt, uncle, cousin....even a future friend....to live for.  Did my friend know as a 20 or 30 or even 40 year old that he'd meet me and make a difference?  Nope.  He was nearly 43 by the time he'd met me eight years ago.  He has no wife, no children, his father is gone and his mother is a Sunday Catholic.   However, he's been a Godsend to many people, some of our mutual friends and others that I don't know.  It's not like I want him to suffer, but I am glad he suffered through to be the person he is today.  He did not sin...and God has blessed him, even though it's not what he wanted (a family, tons of kids, a job that can really provide) he has been given the give of being close to God in a way that benefits many.  And I am not sure why God chose that way for his life but I am glad for it.


My theory, Norseman, is that you are so hateful because you can't stand this story.  You can't deal with the fact that God may allow someone abject suffering and then not get married and still call that person to push beyond.  You don't want to hear someone saying "you must live because you matter to me" because you don't want to be in that situation.   You want to believe that God will excuse it because you feel that society has messed up your chance for a spouse, so why not let it follow that society also messed up and that makes those who feel despair truly beyond help.

Edited by blazeingstar
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