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Hypo: You Are Gay

God the Father

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

My reaction is Go to church, read holy scripture, meditate and pray for an answer.


Gay people are always on drugs, some endorphines, some marijuana,opium etc, others narcotics and most some amount of alcohol. Think about it! Happyness is a mommentary lapse of reality, and reality is ok or should be but not according to our ego/pride. Back to school. Str8. Pride is the cause of all wan't. I wan't this i wan't that, i wan't to do what i want to do and don't care about you. Adam and eve out of pride when the devil said you can become as gods started to want more than what was alotted them by the LORD.




Onward christians souls.


Jesus is LORD.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

there is a level between happy and sad, and it is called reality, and reality is ok. Comedy and such acts would have you believe otherwise, damn the theatre.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Please stop being snarky and condescending. My BS-meter has reached its full capacity, and I fear the ugly drama llama that will be unleashed if my meter gets any more full.

This is rich coming from you. :hehe:

You do see the hilarity of this right? The double standard is fantastically amusing.
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This is rich coming from you. :hehe:

You do see the hilarity of this right? The double standard is fantastically amusing.


You know, Franny, it has been 3 weeks. I apologized. I would think you would be over it by now, instead of snarkily joking about me and anything I say at every turn. It's hurtful and uncharitable.

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You know, Franny, it has been 3 weeks. I apologized. I would think you would be over it by now, instead of snarkily joking about me and anything I say at every turn. It's hurtful and uncharitable.

You take yourself a little too seriously. :|
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to semper's point, I think one must  be careful about how polarizing one's words are, it can have the tendency to harden positions rather than bring people to better understanding, to strengthen hate rather than combat it.  "homophobe" I suppose has already shown itself to be polarizing, which is why I'd reserve it for much worse than what was going on in this discussion... but that word, as you note, is softer, but I think when dealing with well-intentioned people who are simply blinded by an implicit prejudice but don't mean any harm and do their best to be loving and kind to people even when some of their ideas about them are ignorant and have some levels of under-riding fear that can sometimes border on dislike, disgust, or hatred, we do better to use a bit of a softer term as it more accurately reflects their intentions and does not push them deeper into fear and hatred.
I'll let one more person weigh in on explaining the nature of fear in the term homophobia:


anyway, from the antics of the peanut gallery, it looks like this thread has run its course, until the OP returns from his imposed vacation and resurrects it to complain about how "his posters" on "his thread" were being attacked and his poor thread got ruined lol.  anyway, for the parts I contributed to I found it an interesting topic, hope some people out there found something useful in some of my posts... despite the fact that they were motivated mostly by a desire to procrastinate, they were some very personal reflections for me and if nothing else I was happy to share them for the sake of working out and articulating some of these thoughts in my own mind.    


Now I must retire and enjoy this fine tobacco...




(on the internet, nobody knows you're a pipe-smoking dog)

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It is the near future. Drug company scientists have developed a once-yearly, pain-free injection that will make you straight. The treatment is expensive, but trollish conservative advocates receiving cartoonish sums of PAC money have successfully invoked the timeless comical liberal tenet that every kind of pharmaceutical concoction must be covered by health insurance (which is, naturally, also mandatory) so the cost-to-end-user is nominal.


There are no acute side effects. The drug does not appear to affect non-sexual behavior, so if you are a man, you will still be the sharpest dresser in your office, and if you are a woman, you will still be partial to cutting your own hair in the style of Brian Bosworth. The only change you will experience as a direct result of the shot is that the gender to which you feel a sexual attraction will be reversed.


The treatment is too modern for the medical community to be aware of long term side effects, or to fully understand the consequences of stopping treatment after taking it routinely for many years.


Describe your reaction.



And also in a way this scenario has already played out in the ole Movie, X-Men 3, if anyone hasn't seen it the premise was a " cure " for the " mutant gene " to make these mutants " human again " .


Some of the mutants lined up for the cure treatment, others screamed and cried foul, and the movie continues, war rages on, good vs bad and the ethical / moral implications of this cure are subdued for the rest of the flash of the movie.


Life imitates art ? or Vise Verse ?

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