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Hypo: You Are Gay

God the Father

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I don't really go towards the idea of it being like laying down one's cross per se, though that is an interesting direction to take it in.  my problem with it is more fundamental, and I think the idea of supporting such a drug is wrong along the same lines as imagining that such a drug would even plausibly exist is wrong--imagining that such a drug could plausibly exist represents a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of sexuality IMO, and in the same way IF the drug could exist, supporting its use I believe would also represent that same fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of sexuality.  because of this, a marriage based on the use of that drug would be problematic in my opinion.  it remains difficult for me to fully articulate why this is... because one must affirm the fact that homosexual attraction is wrongly ordered while doing so, but even if it is wrongly ordered, the nature of the overall deep-seated sexuality of a person is, while intertwined with that misdirected sexual desire, still something much more complex and understanding it fully would help us to better affirm the dignity of persons with that sexuality.  
while attempting to disconnect the attraction as if it's just some surface level part of a person that a switch could be flipped to change them, as is often done in the insistence on using terms like "SSA" instead of "homosexuality", I think people actually inadvertently do the exact opposite of what they intend.  they completely miss the complexity of the person that they're trying to affirm by disconnecting that attraction from them.
in the end, humanity will all be redeemed through Christ, and in a complex and mysterious way, that means the redemption of all things, the complete destruction of the hegemony of sin, and for those attractions to sinful things that are intimately connected to such things as someone's fundamental sexuality, the complete redemption of the whole person.  sexuality is an intricately deep aspect of a human person, and that too will be redeemed in ways we cannot even possibly begin to imagine.



I guess one reason I'm on a different page is that I don't view sexuality as so deeply tied to identity or the human person (alert more bad Catholic stuff ahead). I don't want to downplay the spiritual element of sex or how deep seated it is, but I feel like with all our Theology of the Body stuff etc we make it something it's not.
What I mean is, it's ultimately a biological process like digestion or respiration. Animals have sex but since they don't have souls we don't try to assign a sexuality category to them and make it part of their identity and "selves." We don't make it more than it is. My understanding is human sexuality is actually pretty fluid and attraction in general is largely socially controlled where most people are successfully trained to view certain body types as attractive. There are different times in peoples lives where the intensity of their attraction to one sex or another is higher or lower. Whether they are conscious of it or not. I don't mean bisexual either I just mean people are at different places in the scale at different times.
Perhaps it's easy for me to say that I don't think sexuality is an enmeshed part of identity since my attractions are pretty normative for my religion/family/community. And I don't mean to say it's not deep seated, I would say it's deep seated like breathing. Something fundamental to the human experience, to life itself but not something that attaches itself to a person as a Person.

I think I'm somewhere in a combination of these two.
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Basic and personal reproductive problems/issues aside, every single lesbian I know is just as capable of conceiving a child as the straight friends we each keep. Amazingly, the same is true for my gay guy friends. We might have a bit less fun conceiving, but it's still physically possible.




Your neighbor with a missing leg is capable of playing basketball, walking down the aisle at her wedding, holding a job and climbing Mt. Everest with a prosthetic.

A disability does not make dreams and parts of life impossible.

It makes parts of life harder. It means achievements and experiences that typical people take for granted are a challenge that have to be tackled deliberately.

Homosexual orientation, asexual orientation -- these are stumbling blocks for biological reproduction. Most people take reproduction as a matter of course. For someone who is not sexually attracted to the opposite sex, or simply does not experience sexual attraction, achieving the experience of biological reproduction will be more difficult. This is not loving ice cream and being lactose intolerant. This is the fundamental instinctual drive. 



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You're welcome to bring the snark down any time now.


Glad to hear you're feeling better. Life is so much more enjoyable when we can laugh about things.




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Glad to hear you're feeling better. Life is so much more enjoyable when we can laugh about things.





Edited by FuturePrius
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Glad to hear you're feeling better. Life is so much more enjoyable when we can laugh about things.




Did you get that bookcover off of creepypasta

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Glad to hear you're feeling better. Life is so much more enjoyable when we can laugh about things.





Please stop being snarky and condescending. My BS-meter has reached its full capacity, and I fear the ugly drama llama that will be unleashed if my meter gets any more full.

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Please stop being snarky and condescending. My BS-meter has reached its full capacity, and I fear the ugly drama llama that will be unleashed if my meter gets any more full.




I really don't get you. It is obvious that you don't understand me, so perhaps it would be best if you didn't read anything I post. I am not trying to be condescending, but it is quite possible that it comes across that way as I am trying to disagree with you using humor, which is a perfectly valid way to disagree with someone without calling them names or telling them their ideas sound stupid to you. Since when do you control what other people post on phatmass? I post memes and jokes and little humorous items because they amuse me and help me make light of things that seem ridiculous to get upset about. I have read lots of worse posts than mine with people really insulting each other and as I seem to recall, you recently got a ban for being personally attacking to someone!


Believe it or not, you are not the center of my world either, but I usually respond if someone posts something to me - it just seems natural. If you don't like what I post, then by all means please block me because your sensitivity meter is way out of whack. You post lots of things that I don't like but I just turn them into jokes instead of attacking you or trying to get you to agree with my own point of view. Why are you always trying to make this so personal?  You post something and then expect that I will not respond. Why? I have as much right to respond to your posts as you do to mine, but yours don't bother me - they make me smile or laugh, so if mine really do bother you, then yes, block me now -- please! And leave me alone to post what I want where I want.  I am very aware of the fact that some people don't like my posts, but then some people do as well, so why not just let them enjoy what they can, and you ignore me? Ok? It's the mature thing to do. You are something like 17 years old and I am over 60! So you seem like a baby to me sometimes, and some of the things you post just seem to call for a little levity. I know that as a teenager, everything is a trauma and a drama, but believe me, it gets better over time. And guess what? There are always going to be people who disagree with your opinions, and you will just have to learn how to handle it without unleashing your drama llama, whatever that is.


Or if you feel you have to explode and unleash your imaginary ugly drama llama, then by all means do so - that sort of thing usually ends up leading to a 7 day ban though, so maybe you could try to pray for a little while and relax before you post something you might regret later. 


This is just a little advice from someone who is old enough to be your grandmother. You probably won't take it, but then it's your choice, isn't it?



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