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There are many and diverse Poor Clare communities and Federations. The OSC (Order of St Clare) nuns live very hidden lives of prayer, fasting and simplicity.  Mother Angelica's Perpetual Adoration group, especially originally. was enhanced by her TV personality, preaching and fund raising efforts, for huge building complexes. Today her numbers are much smaller,less visible to the public, no doubt due to Mother's illness and the  lack of  the nun's presence on her TV network.They still are trying to build huge complexes and raise many millions of dollars. For example, the Sisters in Charlotte, are hoping to create a vast complex "to build up God's Church" in  a largely Protestant area. I have Catholic friends in North Carolina who, along with their friends, are totally amazed at how this handful of young nuns hope to collect such huge amounts of money, especially from the local Church Catholics, who of course, support their local church and schools These sisters collect money for memorials, building funds etc. to support their 300 acre multimillion dollar project in Charlotte.  Many religious communities live lives dedicated to Eucharistic Adoration, but seem to be able to do it in their simple, but beautiful monasteries. If the PCPA  sisters had a viable presence in the local community, helping the poor, working with the children, teaching or just offering their help where needed in the local community, this prospective project might succeed. I guess we'll see. I really do support contemplative  religious life, and I used to be a Poor Clare, but this is a truly baffling situation to me.  Buildings do not build up the Church of God, people do.

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But the PCPA will never have these more active apostolates because that is not the charism or vocation.  There's also nothing wrong with wanting something built well, strong, and right as well as a nice chapel.  If it's not God's will, it won't happen. 

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The nuns in Charlotte are working to build their new Monastery ( still named St. Joseph's) on a piece of land that borders one that a new seminary will be built on. From what Mother has said, I understand they share a common driveway, with a bifurcation in it - one leading to the monastery, the other leading to the seminary. They want to provide prayer support for the seminary.

At this time they are not doing a capital campaign, still waiting for what God provides. They have much of the interior furnishings in storage as they were purchased/ donated by churches that were closing when they were still in Ohio.

I know them quite well and I can assure you I've never meet a more humble group of women.

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I so do understand that the PCPS's are Cloistered, and going out and reaching out to their community is not part of their charism. It is rather a conundrum however, if they can not establish relationships with their local community, it is more difficult to have social, spiritual and financial support. I do know that the Catholic community is growing in that part of the country, and religious communities are scarce there. Hopefully their prayerful presence will produce a positive influence among their fellow neighbors. I am also sure that there have been many kinds of feasibility and viability studies done for them to have gone forward with their plans.

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