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Planned Parenthood Uses Body Parts from Partial Birth Abortions

Credo in Deum

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of course the liberals will sweep this under the rug.  as long as they stay in power, that's all that matters...

and yes, if you continue to vote for Democrats, you are voting for THIS!!!!!!!!!  Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Party are synonymous.  Hussein is in their deep pockets and he feeds those pockets with our tax money as well...

seriously, how can any "pro-choicer" defend this?

Long live democracy!!!

you do realize it is racist to think let alone prove abortion is targeted at population control among black Americans.

didn't Canada approve sex-selective abortions just a few months back?

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well fetuses aren't conscious or they lack "self-awareness" so they're not really people so who cares?!?

Didn't you know that's the new criterion for personhood? Self-awareness. Chimps are worth more than human fetuses. Please get with the times!

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people care more about their pets.  if this was happening to dogs or cats oh watch out!!!


I couldnt make it to the end of the article but where do the body parts go?  good grief I cant believe I just typed that, never in my life....

Edited by vee
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well fetuses aren't conscious or they lack "self-awareness" so they're not really people so who cares?!?

Didn't you know that's the new criterion for personhood? Self-awareness. Chimps are worth more than human fetuses. Please get with the times!

I know that's the commonly accepted line of thought these days. 

To which I respond, if microbes on Mars mean there's "life" on other planets, why aren't fetuses life on Earth? 

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Growing up in an abortion-ridden generation, the topic of abortion has never really made me flinch, even when it got very explicit.

Watching this video earlier today, however, made me literally sick to my stomach and made me absolutely livid. How this woman can talk about this so nonchalantly as if she's speaking about selling cabbages in the market is not just disgusting -- it is, in the most perfect sense of the word, Satanic. Never in my life have I seen the work and words of Satan so apparently than in this woman. This woman deserves many rosaries, and I can't decide if she needs a psychiatrist or an exorcist, because it's hard to tell if she's a sociopath or legitimately possessed. Either way, she needs to be in jail, and this morally depraved company which profits off the holocaust of 50+ million human beings needs to go down immediately. The doctors and owners behind this sham of an organization should be put on trial for crimes against humanity, and the names of Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood need to go down in disgrace forever.

Planned Parenthood is no better than the Nazis, who, coincidentally, also sold body parts of dead people for profit. They were both founded by racists who made master plans to exterminate ethnic groups, and they both have succeeded in killing millions of people. The only difference is that our culture has blinded itself into thinking murdering children in the womb is more acceptable than murdering Jews in concentration camps.

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Growing up in an abortion-ridden generation, the topic of abortion has never really made me flinch, even when it got very explicit.

Watching this video earlier today, however, made me literally sick to my stomach and made me absolutely livid. How this woman can talk about this so nonchalantly as if she's speaking about selling cabbages in the market is not just disgusting -- it is, in the most perfect sense of the word, Satanic. Never in my life have I seen the work and words of Satan so apparently than in this woman. This woman deserves many rosaries, and I can't decide if she needs a psychiatrist or an exorcist, because it's hard to tell if she's a sociopath or legitimately possessed. Either way, she needs to be in jail, and this morally depraved company which profits off the holocaust of 50+ million human beings needs to go down immediately. The doctors and owners behind this sham of an organization should be put on trial for crimes against humanity, and the names of Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood need to go down in disgrace forever.

Planned Parenthood is no better than the Nazis, who, coincidentally, also sold body parts of dead people for profit. They were both founded by racists who made master plans to exterminate ethnic groups, and they both have succeeded in killing millions of people. The only difference is that our culture has blinded itself into thinking murdering children in the womb is more acceptable than murdering Jews in concentration camps.

P.P it doesn't matter this is just a drop in the bucket of the problem, you can criminalize one person on the issue and rightly send them to jail or prison for breaking the law, but it doesn't educate anyone on the matter. As i see it, politically it is merely a game that the democrats love to play gotcha with. They take their self perceived moral high ground claiming the right to " Choose " and if you mention , Catholicism  / or Christianity , they bow an nod and go yes yes , i too am a christian ( BUT My opinion ) and then one can no longer argue rationally with said person any longer because they are standing on their own pedestal that they refuse to come down from.

Like saying well satan is bad i agree, But in my opinion, we can use some of what satan offers to better the world because...... and i don't really believe in satan i just think he is this being that has been misunderstood or chose to differ from God and was merely asked to leave Heaven.

So for those Democrats who are Catholic, they are in a tough spot, their faith and politics are now being challenged they have to chose...do they want to follow Christ and the teachings of the Church, or pick and choose which parts of Church teaching they like and follow the Democrat party and their flag ship of planned parenthood.

I do though take all video recordings with skepticism , because of the ease to manipulate a video, and the motives behind the recording, I am more curious as to who the person is who recorded the video, how, and why the idea came about, and what lead that person to the woman in the video... if that pans out to legit, then i would pay attention to the video .

But if PPH is founded and funded by the Democrat party, how come it is enough to just stop at abortion, when those that created it are allowed to maintain power in the political world and just assume that they will have learned their lesson and change their ways. How come not call an end to the Democrat Party and hold them accountable for what they have created from the KKK to PPH.

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I'm sure just about every advanced culture has used the symbolism of language to make a certain, less useful population worth less in the minds of the majority in order to make extermination more palatable. Jews, blacks, unborns, infants, Christians, Shiites, Hazaras, Tutsis, disabled people, stupid people . . . I'm sure there are countless other examples. Unborns are ujst the victims of our present age. FLavor of the century. Pretty ballsy of us to pick a class of human beings (not persons! let us not forget /sarcasm) who can't fight back in any way.

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well fetuses aren't conscious or they lack "self-awareness" so they're not really people so who cares?!?

Didn't you know that's the new criterion for personhood? Self-awareness. Chimps are worth more than human fetuses. Please get with the times!

I have a friend who is staunchly vegan and pro-choice. She'll complain and complain about someone who eats a hamburger but not care less when someone chooses to abort a child. How does one arrive at that conclusion? Apparently life is something that is precious to them - whether it be human life or animal life. But the right to control one's body is placed on an even higher pedestal than human or animal life itself.  Once a child or an animal is born - there is no longer a burden on the body of the mother, so it is inappropriate to kill. Before birth the child is a burden on the body of the mother, and since the right to control one's body is paramount, aborting the child is seen as viable.

I think that is how they rationalize it for the most part.

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How do you get living tissue  from a aborted fetus if the fetus is not alive or ever was? 

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The Way liberals are attacking this is saying this was heavily edited to make it sound like she was saying this and this, in reality it was edited so we wouldn't have to sit through  the unedited 2 hr 45 minute version, which  you can find here, if anyone cares to sit through it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4UjIM9B9KQ


I've seen about half of it and I don't get how this backs any claim that it was heavily edited to sway people.

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Just remember if you disagree with Democrats and their funding of planned parenthood, you are a bigot, homophobic, anti progressive, extreme right wing christian, and clearly uneducated and there fore can not be taken seriously for your disagreement .


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Credo in Deum

PP has officially stated they do not sell body parts.  Case closed. Let's move on.

They're claiming the costs were for shipping "donated" specimens. However, if all they were doing was discussing a legal donation then why is she saying the prices are set so no red flags are set off?  Why does she mention that their current actions and future plan do not look good right now in the eyes of the courts?  Why does she talk about laws being open to interpration if she isnt breaking them in the first place? Also arent late term abortions illegal? 

This video, IMO, warrants an investigation, but we all know how that will turn out.  Clearly someone with ties to PP will be assigned to oversee the investigation or make a ruling on its findings. That's because PP is a govt funded killing machine.

Edited by Credo in Deum
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