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Sources of Divine Revelation

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Tab - we all know not everything someone in the Church says is infallible. The Magisterium is infallible (but not all statements from clergy or the Church are from the Magisterium). There are clear criteria for what is necessary for a statement to have the weight of infallibility, which has been discussed before. God bless.

again there is the magesterium, the ordinary magesterium and the universal magesterium. Your all mistaken. I said the Magesterium. Yah bless.

Ss Peter and Paul at you all!


There is a difference between all 3 you know? True story, ask a bishop.

I am a lowly beast, beat me as you will children of God, children don't know how to treat animals anyway unless they have been taught. Stop unfair treatment of animals, make animal cruelty illegal. IRE!

You can't judge any sinner because you too are a sinner therefore also judging yourself. Relax. Don't judge whether i'm of a penatant spirit because you don't see me in the confessional, only a priest has that grace and that you are not!

Those who hear my voice hear the mother(the chosen one, again which you are not!) and those who hear the mother hear the son and those that hear the son hear the father and those who hear the father receive the spirit.

And the spirit is wisdom and wisdom is love.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

A mans heart is tested by the LORD, so if your not the LORD please don't test me, and if your not testing me and have genuine love for me and The The LORD please continue. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Ok get this. The truth is the vine and divine revelation is the branches. Think of a tree that bears all kinds of fruit and each branch has a different kind of fruit, some branches pears some apples etc etc and actually so much more fruit that you have never even perceived is waiting to be born from the vine, actually an eternity worth of fruits. Don't put God in a box, he will always break out, be open minded, if you close your mind you may actually close it to the wedding feast which is teaming with a variety of foods and again food that you have never even conceived nor any man yet at the present time, but if you wish to live of bread and water that is your choice but God is offering more, scraps are fine and can get you into heaven if scraps is all that is being offered, i'm just worried if your being invited to the wedding table and you reject it and say i just want bread and water than that could indeed be rejecting God and false humilty. Anyhow again i could be totally wrong, but sincerely i doubt it. Look at St teresa of avilas interior castle, that is divine revelation, do you say it is not, and it had never been thought of before st teresa had, it is a new branch on the vine of truth well than it was, but yes all truth comes from the vine, Jesus Christ.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I truly believe we are entering into the Age of the Holy Spirit ( the age of divine revelation.the age of prophets). The O.T is the age of Yahweh( the age of sacred tradition) and the N.T is the Age of Jesus( the age of Holy scripture), and now we are entering into the fullness of the churches mission on earth and that is the Age of the Holy Spirit, of course though both Sacred tradition and Holy Scripture remain for the Holy trinity is one. Prepare for the fire here to burn away your desire. It reflects the Holy Trinity. Call me a Caresmatic nutcase, but aye, whatever you also rejected the prophets of the past, and the story goes on and on and on untill the second comes a moment in time and the sky cracks to reveal the divine son the true light you don't need to fight this aint hype totally ripe new fruit on the vine never seen before rhyme.

Onward christian souls.

Jesus iz LORD.

Boogaloo where are youuuuuuu, come holy spirit.

Ya'll mexicans should be right into the caresmatic movement, coz that's where it started as far as i'm aware. Unsure whether it was mexico or some other south american country, but of course it started at pentecost. 

But aye is ok if your mainly scripture or mainly holy tradition or mainly both, that's coo just stay open coz if i'm correct this is going to blow your sox off and your gonna shoot up the chimney and catch the burgeler satan clause stealing your childrens hearts. And resurect Saint nicholas while your at it. :)

shoot up the chimney at the speed of light, lol.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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